Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1248 Raiders System 0049 (9)

Seeing that Nan Guangkun looked away and even lowered his head unconsciously, Xi Ziqiu looked away in satisfaction.

Ling Wujin took in Xi Ziqiu's actions, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

She didn't think that Xi Ziqiu had overdone it, or that it might arouse Ruan Shujing's suspicion.

In addition to being more intimidating than Nan Qiyang, Xi Ziqiu's performance is still in line with Nan Qiyang's own style of acting.

After all, what Nan Guangkun was looking at was the concubine of King Qiyang!

His concubine was looked at by others, how could he still smile and say: "My nephew! Is it good-looking? Keep watching and keep watching!"?

This is unreasonable!

After a while, the eunuch shouted in a thin voice, "The emperor is here!" "The empress is here!"

All the people who were seated came out and knelt down to salute, and only got up and took their seats again after the emperor called "Pingshen".

The emperor was an old man who was over fifty years old and out of shape, and he could vaguely see his handsome appearance when he was young.

His demeanor still looks dignified, and his smiling face is kind.

"Hahaha...you don't have to be cautious, please enjoy the delicious food and wine, and watch the performance!"

The emperor was in a good mood, not only because of the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet, but also because the Fucheng City he had always wanted to get back was finally no longer in his brother's hands!

Thinking of Fucheng, the emperor's eyes naturally fell on Xi Ziqiu and Ling Wuwen.

Looking at the gentle temperament and beautiful appearance of Ling Wuwen, and Xi Ziqiu's attitude towards her, the emperor thought that his youngest brother was finally sad to be imprisoned by the beauty.

That's good too, it's time to be an idle prince long ago!

Every day, I knew to sing against him, always shouting that this corrupt official should be punished, and that corrupt official should be punished, making it seem like he is the emperor! Originally, he had a grudge against the imperial edict that he hadn't found.

Although there are rumors that Jun Yun Xiang married Qi Yang King because of Yun Yi, but the emperor would not put a weak woman in his eyes.

In addition, Fucheng is gone, which means that the real power in the hands of King Qiyang is gone.

So what can an idle prince with a name in vain do?

"Eleventh Emperor Brother, I really envy you now, Fucheng says you can just throw your hands away, it's really free now!"

Hearing the emperor talking to him, Xi Ziqiu looked up at him: "It's really leisurely, and I feel pretty good."

"Hahaha~ You are also newly married now, and you are not young at thirty years old, so I wish you an early baby!"

"Brother Huang's auspicious words!" Speaking of having a child, Xi Ziqiu finally had a smile on his stern face, and exchanged a glance with Ling Wuying, not hiding his affection.

In fact, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu did not intend to have children in this world.

How dangerous it is to have children in this world! It is not a good thing to have children and have weaknesses.

The emperor had a panoramic view of Xi Ziqiu's performance and was very satisfied.

It seems that this eleventh brother who was once suspected of being a broken sleeve really fell in love with a woman.

It's good to want beautiful women and not Jiang Shan——

Palace banquets are very boring, nothing more than eating and drinking, and then watching song and dance performances.

While maintaining her own image, Ling Wuxi quietly observed Ruan Shujing who was sitting diagonally across from her.

Ruan Shujing, on the other hand, has been observing Xi Ziqiu, perhaps thinking about how to attack him.

Mingming and Nan Guangkun's wedding is approaching and they still covet Xi Ziqiu, although women in this world are relatively free to come and go.

But after Ruan Shujing married Nan Guangkun, she had to avoid suspicion!

So how will Ruan Shujing, who is married to Nan Guangkun, use to attack Xi Ziqiu? Ling Wuwen was very curious.

Around nine o'clock modern time, the palace banquet finally ended.

When Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu went out of the palace together, Ruan Shujing just followed from a distance and didn't come forward to speak.

After getting into the carriage, Ling Wuxi let out a long sigh of relief.

"The palace banquet is really boring!" Ling Wuqian leaned on the cushion in the carriage and complained in a low voice.

Xi Ziqiu nodded: "It's really boring. We won't go to such occasions in the future."

"That's no good. If you don't attend such an occasion, how can you see 0049? If you don't see 0049, when will you get rid of the halo of the protagonist on 0049's head!" Ling Wujin rejected Xi Ziqiu in one bite.

Xi Ziqiu put Ling Wuwen's hand in his own and fiddled with it, casually said: "Wait for her to take the initiative, she might be very willing."

After being reminded by Xi Ziqiu, Ling Wuwen suddenly remembered that 0049 intended to attack him.

That's right, for Xi Ziqiu, she must be very willing to take the initiative to find him!

"But let you be the bait, isn't it good?" Ling Wuwen looked up at Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu chuckled lightly: "It's nothing good or bad, what you have to do is to make her protagonist's aura dissipate, isn't it?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, yes, all she has to do is to dissipate the halo of the protagonist above 0049's head.

Only in this way can the source of a world loophole be stopped.


"Then I can only wrong you as bait~" Ling Wuwen leaned her head on Xi Ziqiu's shoulder and said softly.

"Don't be wronged, how can I say that I am also the president of the Plane Association, and I have a responsibility."

Ling Wuxi nodded approvingly: "Well, that's true!"

Calculated by the Plane Association, it belongs to Xi Ziqiu.

Ling Wuwen put her chin on Xi Ziqiu's shoulder with a smile, and looked at him: "Then I'm helping you now~ How are you going to reward me?"

Xi Ziqiu tilted his head, and kissed the tip of Ling Wu's nose: "It's all promised, what's mine is yours, you can do whatever you want."

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth kept rising, her heart was bubbling with sweetness.

The sound of the wheels of the carriage turning, creaking, the ancient nights were relatively quiet——

Because they had already decided to wait for Ruan Shujing to take the initiative, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu were not attending any occasions, and they went to visit the mountains and rivers when they had nothing to do.

Of course, this is for outsiders to see.

If you say you want to help Jun Yunxiang clear up Yunyi's grievances, then it's not just talking.

Ling Wuwen knew that Ruan Shujing must have cleaned up all possible evidence.

But... I didn't say that there must be real evidence!

As long as people in the world know that Yunyi was wronged, that's fine.

It's just that they don't have many loyal and available people under their command, so it's really inconvenient to do something behind the scenes.

So recently, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu have been secretly training their staff.

Half a month after returning to the capital, there was another autumn hunting meeting.

Nan Qiyang is a person who likes to wield knives and guns very much, and he also likes hunting and so on.

Ling Wuwen, as a family member, of course had to go with her.

But she is a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken, so she can only drink tea and eat snacks in the tent.

But Ruan Shujing went hunting with Nan Guangkun. She can ride and shoot, and it is said that she is not bad at riding and shooting.

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