Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1249 Raiders System 0049 (10)

If it wasn't for Nan Qiyang's fondness for hunting, they wouldn't have come to this hunting party.

If it wasn't for Yun Xiangjun who didn't learn riding and archery, Ling Wuwen would go hunting with Xi Ziqiu.

It's a pity... Now she can only sit and chat with some harem concubines, officials' wives and other female relatives.

Originally, Ling Wuyi thought it would be another boring day, but she didn't expect that the hunting meeting would start not long ago, and something unexpected happened——

"Your Majesty...it's not good, Your Majesty!" The man in guard clothes hurriedly ran to the emperor's tent and knelt down.

"How courageous! Yelling in front of the Holy One! How decent!" The voice of the big eunuch next to the emperor was really sharp and unpleasant.

Ling Wuwen and other female family members came out curiously to see what happened.

"What happened?" The emperor sitting on the dragon chair looked at the guards kneeling on the ground with a panicked expression.

"The fourth prince...the fourth prince was taken away by a tiger! King Qi Yang and others are chasing after him to save him!"

As soon as the guard finished speaking, there were exclamations of surprise all around.

Even the emperor stood up in shock: "What are you talking about? Come here! Hurry up and save the Fourth Prince!"

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the rest of the guards went to the depths of the woods.

Everyone was saying things like "it's terrible", "the fourth prince will be fine", "will the others be hurt".

Only Ling Wuyi felt that something was wrong.

Obviously Ruan Shujing went together, why was Nan Guangkun taken away by the tiger?

She didn't believe that if Ruan Shujing wanted to save her, she wouldn't be able to!

Could it be... Ruan Shujing wanted Nan Guangkun to die? The purpose is to not marry him!

Tsk... What a cruel heart.

She was the one who planned to marry, and now if she didn't want to marry, she would kill her.

Ling Wuwen is not worried about Nan Guangkun's life and death now, but is worried about Xi Ziqiu's safety and that he will be injured.

About an hour after the guard came back to report, everyone headed by Xi Ziqiu came back.

Some guards carried the huge tiger corpse, and some guards carried Nan Guangkun's corpse with only half of his body left.

There were arrow wounds on the tiger's body, as well as sword wounds. The fatal wound was a very large wound on the neck, and it was still bleeding out.

As for Nan Guangkun, when the tiger was holding him, it probably bit his left shoulder and neck. The big mouth just bit off the main artery in his neck.

The left half of the body was bitten off the stomach, and all the internal organs were exposed, which looked bloody and disgusting.

Looking at Nan Guangkun's face again, I don't know whether he was frightened or hurt, his expression was distorted before he died.

Some people wanted to vomit after seeing Nan Guangkun's body, but they held back.

When Nan Guangkun's mother concubine Jinfei saw her son's corpse, she didn't even cry, she just rolled her eyes and passed out.

Xi Ziqiu was covered in blood, his eyes were determined, and he looked very chill.

I don't know if the blood on his body is someone else's or his own, Ling Wuyue really wants to go and see him.

But when her eyes fell on Ruan Shujing, who had injured her arm and face, she quickly realized the emotions she should have played.

Ling Wuwen covered her mouth, with tears in her eyes, looking at Nan Guangkun's body in sadness and shock.

Ruan Shujing is also excellent in acting. When Nan Guangkun's body was put on the ground, she fell on Nan Guangkun's body and wept sadly: "My lord~ how could you leave Jing'er and go away! My lord~ Open your eyes and look at Jinger!"

That acting skill made the people present really think that Ruan Shujing loved Nan Guangkun so much.

The emperor was also hit, but the emperor was mostly cold-blooded, and he didn't love Nan Guangkun's son very much.

It was his own incompetence to be taken away by a tiger, and to die in the tiger's mouth.

The emperor's face was ugly, and he waved his hands to ask people to carry down Nan Guangkun's body and the tiger's body.

Xi Ziqiu answered some questions about the emperor's situation at that time, and then walked towards Ling Wutian with the smell of blood all over his body.

Ling Wuwen looked at Xi Ziqiu with concern, and asked him, "My lord, are you hurt anywhere?"

Xi Ziqiu shook his head: "I'm fine, these are tiger's blood."

Ling Wuwen asked his servants to fetch water to clean up the tiger blood on Xi Ziqiu's face and body.

Many people were still unable to recover from the stimulation of the Fourth Prince Nan Guangkun being killed by a tiger for a long time, and Ruan Shujing was even 'stimulated' to faint.

This hunting meeting was destined to be unpleasant, and the emperor quickly ordered to drive back to Beijing.

Sitting in the carriage, Ling Wuwen put medicine on the back of Xi Ziqiu's right hand.

Although there was no serious injury, the back of Xi Ziqiu's right hand was scratched by the tiger's teeth during the rescue.

"Fortunately, the injury was not deep, and medicine was prepared in the carriage." Ling Wuwen applied good medicine to Xi Ziqiu, and bandaged the wound.

Looking up at him, he asked, "Why was Nan Guangkun taken away by the tiger?"

Xi Ziqiu pursed his lips and said, "I don't know either."

At that time, Xi Ziqiu was not close to Nan Guangkun. He turned his head to look at Nan Guangkun's exclamation and tiger's roar.

Speaking of which, the closest person to Nan Guangkun at that time was actually Ruan Shujing!

After Nan Guangkun was taken away, Ruan Shujing was so shocked that she couldn't react. It wasn't until Xi Ziqiu ran over on horseback that she exclaimed, "Come here!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the speculation in the other's eyes.

Xi Ziqiu nodded, and said softly, "Well, it should be her doing it."

"It seems that when Xiao Lunlun made 0049, he forgot to add feelings to her."

Otherwise, how could Ruan Shujing be so cold-blooded?

I don't know if Nan Guangkun's favorability for Ruan Shujing has been filled up?

Ling Wuyi suddenly remembered that before she came to this world, Xia Lun had said to her——

"After observing several novel worlds in 0049, she needs to conquer a man every time she arrives in a novel world, and fill up her favorability to replenish her energy."

"When 0049 can't attack the opponent, her ability will appear weaker. But there are basically no people she can't attack."

"However, there are not many men who meet the 0049 strategy, at most two or three in a world."

That is to say, if Ruan Shujing hasn't made Nan Guangkun fully appreciate her, it means that the strategy has not been successful.

Then there may be another man who fits Ruan Shujing's strategy.

But... this man is not Xi Ziqiu!

But Ruan Shujing killed Nan Guangkun for the convenience of attacking Xi Ziqiu!

At least for a short period of time, she thinks that she can successfully attack Xi Ziqiu, so she will never find another man who matches her strategy.

After a certain period of time, Ruan Shujing's energy will weaken, and it will be too easy to dissipate her aura of the protagonist!

Very good, very good... Ruan Shujing actually helped Ling Wuyue by doing this!


I have been writing novels for more than a year, and today is the worst time for Meikai Kawen to get stuck. I was anxious to update the code quickly, but the more anxious I got, the more stuck I became.

/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~I'm sorry... I have to owe more today.

Please send plum tofu~

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