Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1250 Raiders System 0049 (Eleven)

"I guess it won't be long before she can't wait to attack you." Ling Wuwen looked at Xi Ziqiu and said with a smile.

Xi Ziqiu nodded slightly: "Well, that's just right."

Yes, just right.

It is estimated that by the time Ruan Shujing reacted, it would be too late.

Ah~ The president of her family is simply a god assist!

If he hadn't come, Ling Wuyue hadn't planned how to deal with 0049 yet!

With Xi Ziqiu around, she could at least go a little smoother.



Nan Guangkun died, and the emperor didn't pay much attention to this son.

According to common sense, the wedding date is approaching, even if Nan Guangkun dies, Ruan Shujing will marry Nan Guangkun to be his widow.

I don't know what Ruan Shujing did to Concubine Jin, she told the emperor, "Shujing is a good girl, now that Si'er is gone, there is no need to let her in to be a widow."

In fact, there is no difference between marrying and not marrying. There are rumors outside that it was Ruan Shujing who killed Nan Guangkun.

"At the beginning, the wedding date between the fourth prince and Miss Yun's family was fixed, and I didn't see anything about the fourth prince. But something happened when I was about to marry Miss Ruan's family!"

"I see~ nine out of ten it's Miss Ruan's order to kill Kefu!"

"I also think so, who dares to marry Miss Ruan in the future! Whoever marries her is courting death!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I heard that Miss Ruan's family was also hurt, she still hurt her face! Her fiancé died, and she hurt her face, she must be very sad now."

"Ah? Hurt your face? Isn't that disfigured?"

"Yeah, disfigured."

"Tsk~ That's quite pitiful..."


Hearing the news from his subordinates, Ling Wuyue and Xi Ziqiu looked at each other in the study of Prince Qi's mansion.

"It seems that there are quite a few sailors." He casually cooked tea, with a slight smile on his lips.

The rumor about Ruan Shujing Kefu was spread by Ling Wuyue.

So Ruan Shujing is pitiful, Ruan Shujing is what people say.

The common people are just bored, they like to listen to these news, and they believe what others say, and echo what others say.

It has been two months since Nan Guangkun was buried, and these two rumors are the hottest in the capital during this time.

Outside the study, the housekeeper of the palace begged to see him, saying that Ruan Shujing had sent a post to invite Ling Wuyi to go to Ruan Shangshu's mansion to enjoy the flowers.

Flower viewing? Is she on good terms with Ruan Shujing? He even invited her to enjoy the flowers!

But... that's okay, she hasn't seen Ruan Shujing for two months, so she will go meet her.

Ling Wuwen took the post, which said she was invited to Ruan Mansion tomorrow.

"You go by yourself, be careful." Xi Ziqiu on the side told Ling Wuyi worriedly.

Ling Wuxi nodded, smiling relaxedly: "Although her system is more perfect than mine, I can return to the Plane Association at any time! Don't worry~ I'll be fine."

"Well, I believe in your ability." Believe it or not, worry or worry——

The next day Ling Wuwen went to Ruan Shangshu's mansion very punctually for the appointment.

When seeing Ruan Shujing, Ling Wu was a little surprised.

She stood there in plain white clothes, and her hair was only decorated with a white jade hairpin.

There are still scars on my face because I was injured two months ago, but it doesn't affect the appearance.

It's just that they haven't seen each other for two months, Ruan Shujing seems to be a different person.

Whether it's the dress, or the temperament that exudes from the whole body.

Ling Wuwen is very sure that it is definitely not an illusion, Ruan Shujing... is imitating Yun Xiangjun!

Because Mr. Yunxiang likes to wear plain white clothes. Anyway, he doesn't like to wear too many headgears in all kinds of light colors.

Ling Wuwen was also wearing a light white and water green brocade skirt today, with only two waffles on her head.

Ruan Shujing, this is, do you want to act?

Seeing Ling Wuwen standing there motionless, Ruan Shujing took the initiative to greet her and salute: "Thank you, Princess Qi, for condescending to come to Ruan Mansion to enjoy the flowers."

Ruan Shujing's voice was soft, and there was no sense of disobedience at all.

Sure enough, they are all powerful acting skills, very good and very interesting!

Ling Wuyi raised her hand slightly, and said to Ruan Shujing: "Miss Ruan doesn't need to be polite, as the aunt of the fourth prince, she should come to visit you." Even though you are no longer the future fourth princess.

Of course Ling Wuwen would not say the second half of the sentence in front of other people, and the meaning would be different when he said it.

It will make others think that she came here to show off or gloat.

Nan Guangkun was killed by Ruan Shujing, there was nothing to show off or gloat about.

Ruan Shujing smiled weakly, she looked inexplicably sad, coupled with her originally flamboyant and charming face, she didn't feel disobedient at all, and she felt pity for me.

Tsk~ I have to praise Ruan Shujing's acting skills again.

"Princess Qi, let's go with Shujing to enjoy the flowers in the garden. I heard that Princess Qi likes lotus flowers. This time should not be the season when lotus flowers are in full bloom, but the lotus flowers in the lotus pond are blooming very beautifully these few days."

"So, Shujing wanted to invite Princess Qi to come and enjoy the flowers together."

Ling Wuwen walked beside Ruan Shujing, nodding slightly with a smile on her face: "Miss Ruan has a heart."

The garden of Ruan Shangshu's mansion is very exquisite, full of flowers, many of the flowers that are in full bloom at this time have already bloomed.

There is a large lotus pond in the garden, a small bridge is built on the lotus pond, and there is a pavilion in the middle of the bridge.

Ling Wuwen went to the gazebo with Ruan Shujing, and sat in the gazebo to drink tea and enjoy the flowers.

Ruan Shujing took the initiative to talk to Ling Wuwen, almost quietly inquiring about Xi Ziqiu.

Ling Wuwen also pretended not to hear, revealing something Ruan Shujing wanted to hear from time to time, and then pretending to inquire about Ruan Shangshu without any trace.

Ruan Shujing could tell, and Ling Wuyi suspected that it was Ruan Shangshu who framed Yunyi.

In order to 'build a good relationship' with Ling Wuyi, Ruan Shujing did not hesitate to use Ruan Shangshu, saying: "When your father was my father's boss, although he was strict with his subordinates, he was a good Shangshu. Unlike my father..."

Speaking of this, Ruan Shujing seemed to realize that she had said something she shouldn't have said, so she quickly stopped the topic.

Ling Wuyi looked sideways, looked at Ruan Shujing, and smiled unnaturally: "Ruan Shangshu used to be my father's right-hand man, I believe Ruan Shangshu must be better than my father."

Ruan Shujing smiled, but did not speak.

Ling Wuwen asked tentatively at this time: "However, according to Miss Ruan, it seems that there is some prejudice against Ruan Shangshu?"

Ruan Shujing hesitated to speak, wanted to complain, but because of her status, she couldn't complain about her father, so she just smiled at Ling Wuwen and changed the subject.

Her performance, if Ling Wuwen is really Yun Xiangjun, then she will definitely focus on Ruan Shangshu and ask people to investigate.

As long as Ruan Shujing knows that there is no evidence to investigate——

After a while, both of them were acting.

It's just that Ling Wuyi knew that Ruan Shujing was acting, but Ruan Shujing didn't know that she was acting.

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