Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1287 Exchanged Life (31)

There were tears in Grandpa Zhou's cloudy eyes, and he loved his granddaughter for twenty years!

Even if his body is stronger, and he is ten years younger, he is still reluctant to get married so early!

He just wanted to see her get married and see her live happily!

Nodding his head, Grandpa Zhou, holding a cane, was helped to sit on the seat.

Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu swore an oath, and then exchanged rings.

Next, Zhou Zhi's face, which had no smile on it, became extremely stiff.

For a moment, he wanted to rush up, grab Ling Wu's hand and escape from this place.

Fortunately, his sanity is still there, and he knows he can't do this.

Because even if he did that, he wouldn't get Ling Wuxi's heart.

If I really did this, it would just be a joke——

During the dinner, Ling Wuxi was lazy and didn't socialize, so she ran outside to get some air and left Xi Ziqiu inside to deal with it.

Today's weather is really good, the sky is full of stars, very beautiful.


Zhou Zhi's voice came from behind, and Ling Wuyi turned around.

Today Zhou Zhi wore a black suit, still handsome.

He looked at Ling Wuwen, as if greedily looking at her as much as he could.

Ling Wuwen smiled slightly at Zhou Zhi: "Cousin Executive."

"Congratulations!" Zhou Zhi said.


Zhou Zhi pursed his lips, stopped talking, and just looked at Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuxi felt a little embarrassed and wanted to leave.

But Zhou Zhi suddenly gave Ling Wuyue a wall-dong!

"Cousin Zhi?!" Ling Wuqian stared at Zhou Zhi with wide eyes, but in her heart she really wanted to punch Zhou Zhi directly.

"Yun'er, do you love him?" Zhou Zhi finally had a sad expression on his face.

Before Ling Wuwen could speak, Zhou Zhi spoke again: "I remember you said when you were a child that you would be my bride when you grow up..."

Hearing this sentence, Ling Wuyue really wanted to sneer.

That's right, Su Yun'er said it, and I remember what she said.

But if it wasn't for Ling Wu's coming, Zhou Zhi probably wouldn't be able to remember this sentence, right?

"Cousin, how can you take the child's words seriously?" Ling Wuyi frowned, and stretched out her hand to push Zhou Zhi away.

Zhou Zhi grasped Ling Wu's two hands and put them on his heart: "Yes, I'm serious! I remember it all!"

"Yun'er, it would be great if we had no blood relationship. If we had no blood relationship..."

"If you were not related by blood, she would also be my wife!"

Xi Ziqiu, who came out to look for Ling Wu, happened to see his little Wu being walled off!

I can't stand it!

Xi Ziqiu's voice was very cold. If Zhou Zhi had experienced the battlefield or murder, he would have heard the murderous look in Xi Ziqiu's tone.

But even if he didn't hear the murderous intent, Zhou Zhi was overwhelmed by Xi Ziqiu's aura.

Unconsciously let go of Ling Wuwen, turned to look at Xi Ziqiu.

In the end, Xi Ziqiu didn't even look at him, and walked towards Ling Wuyi to hug her: "Why didn't you tell me when you came out?"

"Well, I see that you are talking to someone, so I want to come out first to get some air."

"You go in first to accompany grandpa."

Xi Ziqiu's tone of voice to Ling Wuwen was so gentle! It was two extremes with the murderous look just now.

Ling Wuxi nodded, did not look at Zhou Zhi, and walked inside with the hem of the dress slightly lifted.

Seeing Ling Wuwen go away, Xi Ziqiu turned his attention to Zhou Zhi.

Originally, Zhou Zhi's momentum was not weak, but after he stood with Xi Ziqiu, his momentum disappeared.

The heights of the two are obviously about the same, even Zhou Zhi is taller than Xi Ziqiu.

But in terms of temperament, Zhou Zhi felt that he was looking up to Xi Ziqiu.

Enduring the unhappiness in his heart, Zhou Zhi was about to speak.

But Xi Ziqiu said before he could speak: "Don't covet what you don't deserve, or the price you will pay is not what you can foresee, nor what you want."

After finishing his threatening words, Xi Ziqiu left without waiting for Zhou Zhi's response.

Zhou Zhi was taken aback by Xi Ziqiu's words, and the first thing he felt was anger after reflecting on it.

But in my heart, I was afraid of those words.

Because what Xi Ziqiu said was too firm, as if he would really make him pay something.

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Zhi drove away without saying hello to anyone.

After leaving, Zhou Zhi got drunk again and went to find Mu Niannian.

Mu Niannian has already rejected You Haofan for the sake of Zhou Zhi, in order to stay by Zhou Zhi's side, saying let them be brothers and sisters.

You Haofan is also an idiot! He even agreed!

Hearing the news, Ling Wuwen also felt quite speechless, a really infatuated male supporting role would be so infatuated that he would be drunk...

After Ling Wuyi got married, she was busy making babies with Xi Ziqiu. In order to spend more time with Grandpa Zhou, they still lived in Zhou's house.

Granddaughter and grandson-in-law are living in front of his eyes, Grandpa Zhou is very happy!

But maybe it was really the end of the day, Grandpa Zhou had not waited for the news that Ling Wuwen was pregnant, and lost consciousness on the bed one morning more than half a month after Ling Wuwen and Ling Wuwen got married.

Although both Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu gave first aid to Grandpa Zhou, they all knew that Grandpa Zhou was dying.

Grandpa Zhou also knew his physical condition, so he asked not to stay in the hospital.

A doctor came to check on Grandpa Zhou and said that he needed to prepare for the funeral of the old man.

Ling Wuyi saw joy on Zhou Zhi's face besides Zhou Yi's.

Zhou's family members are delighted that the old man is finally going to die and can finally divide the property.

Ling Wuyi glanced at Zhou Yi, who nodded slightly to her, as if telling her that he was ready.


After Grandpa Zhou became seriously ill, Ling Wuwen stayed by Grandpa Zhou's bed even when he was eating, except for sleeping time.

Xi Ziqiu and Zhou Yi basically stayed by Grandpa Zhou's side.

As for the other Zhou family members, they wished they could only visit Grandpa Zhou once a day.

And every time I come, I mention the inheritance.

On the fifth day after Grandpa Zhou fell ill, Grandpa Zhou asked Ling Wuyi to call the lawyer.

He wants to make a will.

As soon as Grandpa Zhou said that he wanted to call a lawyer, the rest of the Zhou family filled Grandpa Zhou's room.

When the lawyer arrived, everyone looked at Grandpa Zhou expectantly.

Grandpa Zhou sat weakly on the bed, and said to the lawyer, "Have all my properties been counted?"

The lawyer nodded: "It has been counted, including the company's assets and fixed assets, the total is 500 billion."

As soon as the lawyer finished speaking, the Zhou family's eyes lit up. Five hundred billion! No matter what, they can share 100 billion, right?

"Well, this is 500 billion. Divide it into ten shares, one for the boss, one for the second, one for the third, and one for Zhou Yi. The other six will be given to Yun'er."

Grandpa Zhou is really eccentric, Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou, and Zhou Yi combined are not that many.

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