Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1288: The Exchanged Life (End)

"Dad! Our surname is Zhou! How can you distribute so much property of the Zhou family to someone with a foreign surname?" Uncle Zhou was dissatisfied.

Just kidding, can they be satisfied!

The 500 billion is divided into ten shares, and they all get one share, and Ling Wuyi gets six shares alone!

Grandpa Zhou sneered: "Heh~ I have worked hard all my life to earn this money. I can give it to whoever I like. If you don't care about this share, I will give it all to Yun'er!"

"Dad! We know that you have always loved Yun'er, and we love Yun'er too. After you leave, we uncles and aunts will definitely take care of her!" Uncle Zhou's words were somewhat technical.

But Grandpa Zhou didn't buy it: "You don't want to see Yun'er when I'm here, and when I'm gone, maybe you will bully Yun'er!"

Waigong Zhou got angry when he was speaking, and he couldn't breathe out of his throat.

Ling Wuwen was taken aback, and almost at the same time as Xi Ziqiu went to cheer Grandpa Zhou.

After a long time, Grandpa Zhou calmed down, holding Ling Wu's hand reluctantly.

"Yun'er, if grandpa leaves, you have to take care of yourself. Do you understand?" Grandpa Zhou looked at Ling Wuwen with a very sad look in his eyes.

What can I do if I don't want to give up? He has run out of fuel.

Ling Wuqin nodded with red eyes, choked with sobs: "Grandpa, you haven't seen the birth of your great-grandson yet!"

Grandpa Zhou sighed for a long time: "Yes, but Grandpa can't wait until that day... Hey... When the great-grandson is born, Yuner remembers to tell him that Grandpa Zeng likes him!"

Ling Wuxi couldn't hold back her tears, they kept falling down.

Grandpa Zhou smiled and raised his hand to wipe Ling Wu's catkin. Those hands full of vicissitudes of life wiped her face and felt a little painful: "Grandpa..."

"Okay, silly boy, you're married, don't cry. Xiao Song, don't coax your wife yet." As he spoke, Grandpa Zhou raised his eyes to look at Xi Ziqiu beside him.

Xi Ziqiu brought a tissue and wiped Ling Wu's catkin.

Ling Wuwen stopped crying and took a deep breath to adjust her emotions.

Grandpa Zhou looked at the lawyer: "Is it all written? Let's make a will after writing it."

On Wednesday, Auntie said again: "Father, it's fine if you prefer Yun'er, but why can Zhou Yi get a share, but Xiao Zhi doesn't? It's not fair!"

"That's right, Dad! We have three children in our family, how can we share one share?"

Grandpa Zhou sneered: "I can divide it as I say. If you don't want me, I will donate to charity. If you want it, just shut up!"

Hearing what Grandpa Zhou said, how dare other people say anything? Do you really want to get no points?

Seeing that the others were silent, the lawyer began to draw up a will.

Halfway through the plan, the lawyer turned to look at Grandpa Zhou: "Chairman, who do you want to share?"

Grandpa Zhou thought for a while and asked Ling Wuwen, "Yun'er, what do you want for those six shares?"

Ling Wuyi glanced at Zhou Yi and said, "I want fixed assets, not a company."

"Okay, then distribute the fixed assets to Yun'er, and the others will share shares in the company."

The other people who were given shares in the branch company secretly rejoiced. The company is now making a lot of money, and the company's shares are getting bigger and bigger.

Getting shares is equivalent to getting a cash cow, unlike those fixed assets.

But they didn't know that this was all in the calculations of Ling Wuyi and Zhou Yi.

They thought they got the treasure, but in fact it was...

After the will is made, the lawyer will notarize it immediately, and the will will have legal effect.

After the lawyer left, Grandpa Zhou asked everyone else to leave, leaving only Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu.

Ling Wuxi sat on the edge of the bed, tightly holding Grandpa Zhou's hand.

Xi Ziqiu stood by the bed, looking at Grandpa Zhou.

"Grandpa knows that he is going to see your grandma and parents soon... From now on, grandpa will never see you again..."

Ling Wuwen held back her tears. As mentioned in the plot, Grandpa Zhou left earlier than this time.

It was her medicinal diet and daily massage of acupoints that kept Grandpa Zhou going until now, so this is already stolen time.

It's just that Ling Wuyi didn't expect that this time was a bit short.

"Grandpa, when you see grandma and parents, tell them that I miss them very much!" Ling Wuyi raised her lips and gave Grandpa Zhou a smile.

Grandpa Zhou also grinned, and nodded: "Okay! Grandpa must tell your grandma and the others this sentence."

"Yun'er, go out for a while, grandpa talks to Xiao Song."

Ling Wuxi nodded, let go of Grandpa Zhou's hand, stood up and left the room.

Outside the room, stood Zhou Yi.

Ling Wuyi closed the door, and then asked Zhou Yi: "Where are the others?"

"It may be to discuss how to use that inheritance." Zhou Yi replied.

Ling Wuqin chuckled disdainfully: "How is the preparation going?"

"I'll let my cousin see it, wait for grandpa to..."

Ling Wuqian hummed, but couldn't help but laugh.

She is not a kind person, but she is not a ruthless person either.

She knew that Grandpa Zhou loved her because of Su Yun'er, but this did not prevent Ling Wuyi from developing feelings for Grandpa Zhou.

Ling Wuxi felt that if she was asked to rank family, love and friendship, then family would come first.

And she and Xi Ziqiu may have become a family relationship that is more important than love!

Ling Wuyi and Zhou Yi stood at the door silently until Xi Ziqiu opened the door to let her and Zhou Yi go in to see Grandpa Zhou for the last time.

Ling Wuwen walked in quickly, walked to Grandpa Zhou's bed and grabbed his hand: "Grandpa."

Grandpa Zhou smiled at Ling Wuwen: "Baby Yuner, do you want to know well? Don't cry, but send grandpa away with a smile."

Ling Wuqin twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a smile uglier than crying.

Grandpa Zhou turned his head and looked at Zhou Yi: "Good boy...you are a smart boy...don't use your cleverness in crooked ways."

Zhou Yi was stunned, then nodded: "Grandpa, I understand."

Grandpa Zhou closed his eyes, then opened them again.

He looked at the ceiling with empty eyes: "Yun'er...they came to pick me up..."


"Yun'er...Grandpa...can't bear you..."

Before he finished speaking, Grandpa Zhou had already closed his eyes, and the hand that was held by Ling Wuyao fell softly on the bed.

Ling Wuwen didn't cry, even with tears hanging on her eyelashes.

I said silently in my heart: Grandpa Zhou is easy to leave.


Grandpa Zhou's funeral took place for a week, and it was raining lightly on the day of the burial. Ling Wuyue was wearing a black dress, holding a photo of Grandpa Zhou's remains in person.

After the funeral, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu stood in the cemetery for a long time.

"Xiao Wu, shall we go back?" Xi Ziqiu, who was holding an umbrella for Ling Wu, reminded softly.

Ling Wuwen lowered her head slightly, looking at the old man with a kind smile on the tombstone.

After a while, Ling Wuwen said, "Let's leave as soon as possible."

Xi Ziqiu was stunned, what about making a human? This is leaving?


The 350th monthly pass has been updated!

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