Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1297: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (8)

Sikong Yunmo was really considerate, he sliced ​​the grilled chicken into pieces with a knife, and then fed them into Ling Wu's mouth.

Ling Wuwen ate so fast that Sikong Yunmo could hardly keep up with her eating speed.

But Sikong Yunmo felt a strange sense of satisfaction seeing Ling Wuwen eating with gusto.

This kind of feeling, but his wax baby can't give it!

Sikong Yunmo didn't start to eat until Ling Wuwen had eaten and drank enough.

Ling Wuwen just sat there, watching him eat.

Sikong Yunmo didn't like to talk when he was eating, but Lingwu's ears and roots were cleared up.

But after he finished his meal, he started talking to Ling Wuwen again.

He hugged Ling Wumi and sat down on the sofa in the living room: "Yesterday I said I would take you out to play. Although I planned to say nothing yesterday, I will definitely fulfill my promise today."

"Then how do we go out?" We can't, we have to be hugged by Sikong Yunmo when we go out, right?

In this world, thoughts and behaviors are relatively conservative and closed.

Although it is not like in ancient times that men and women do not kiss each other, it is not good to hug in public.

Sikong Yunmo didn't mind holding Ling Wuwen all the time, but he was perverted but not ignorant.

As the commander-in-chief's son, he still needs to have a good image outside.

After thinking about it, Sikong Yunmo said, "I've already sent someone to prepare the wheelchair."

As soon as the words were finished, a servant came into the living room pushing a new wheelchair.

This wheelchair does not seem to be as advanced as the equipment that Ling Wuni has seen in other modern times.

But looking at the quality, it is already the best at this time.

Sikong Yunmo put a coat on Ling Wuwen, carried her to the wheelchair and sat her down, and brought a blanket to cover her legs.

The winter in the capital is a bit cold. It was still snowing when Ling Wu and Sikong Yunmo arrived last night, but now it is clear outside.

It's okay for Ling Wuwen, since she wears a bracelet anyway, she won't feel cold.

Sikong Yunmo didn't let the car take them out, but just pushed Ling Wuyi out the door.

The Commander-in-Chief's Mansion is in the center of the capital, next to the Presidential Palace.

Next to the presidential palace is the government building, whether it is the president or the commander-in-chief, it is there at this time.

Sikong Yunmo pushed Ling Wuwen and passed the presidential palace and government buildings, and introduced her to her.

The Presidential Palace indeed looks much more luxurious than the Commander-in-Chief's Palace!

Sikong Yunmo also said very confidently: "At most one year, we will be able to live in the presidential palace. At that time, we will choose a big room and let you choose."

Hearing what Sikong Yunmo said, Ling Wuyi really believed it.

Perhaps, at most one year, Commander-in-Chief Si Kongyuan can become the new president——

Sikong Yunmo pushed Ling Wuwen around the capital all afternoon, and took Ling Wuwen to eat a lot of delicious food.

Maybe it was that dream that made Ling Wuyi's foodie nature come back, and now she wants to eat everything she sees!

And Sikong Yunmo also seemed to like the state of feeding Ling Wuwen.

When it was almost time for dinner, Sikong Yunmo pushed Ling Wuwen back to the commander-in-chief's mansion.

Sikong Yuan was already preparing meals in the restaurant, and he was not surprised when he saw Ling Wuyi, because the housekeeper had told him about it in advance.

Although Sikong Yuan was very surprised when he heard this situation, after all he knew that his son had this special habit.

As long as it doesn't affect others, Sikong Yuan thinks this habit is fine.

I think it's okay to have a hobby of making living wax figures... Sikong Yuan's psychology is not normal either! Otherwise, he spoiled his son too much!

"Hello, Commander-in-Chief." Ling Wuyi smiled at Sikong Yuan, and nodded politely.

The expression on Sikong Yuan's face became stiff for a moment because of Ling Wu's attitude.

Judging by the way she is sitting in the wheelchair, it should be that her son gave her medicine yesterday, right?

But how could she still smile at him while sitting in the wheelchair?

No, what he should be curious about is why his son didn't make her into a wax figure, but what kind of offering did he make?

"En." Sikong Yuan still nodded, and responded to Ling Wuyi.

Sikong Yunmo lifted Ling Wumi from the wheelchair and put her on the armchair, and took off her coat himself.

The servant served rice and soup for Ling Wuwen and Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo still fed the catkins first, and then ate them by himself.

Sikong Yuan, who was watching from the side, was almost dumbfounded!

My son...has never served his father like this! Now, to serve a woman!

After dinner, Sikong Yuan started talking to Ling Wuyue.

He asked where Ling Wuwen was from and who was in the family.

Ling Wuwen didn't hide anything, and answered Sikong Yuan in every detail.

Hearing that Ling Wuwen is the daughter of a wealthy businessman's concubine, Si Kongyuan's eyes flashed a trace of dissatisfaction.

He also saw that his son was 'special' to Ling Wuwen.

Sikong Yuan thought, his son is also twenty-five years old, already past the marriageable age.

If Ling Wuyi's family background is good, it is also possible.

But forget about the daughter of a wealthy businessman, she was born to a concubine, that is, the daughter of a concubine.

How can a concubine's daughter be worthy of his commander-in-chief's son?

Sikong Yuan thought again, could it be that his son's 'illness' is cured, and besides wanting to make a wax figure of a woman, he will have other feelings?

In this case, he can consider finding a girl who is well-matched.

Sikong Yuan sighed in his heart, this feeling of being both a father and a mother, really...

Because Sikong Yuan kept talking to Ling Wuwen, this made Sikong Yunmo, who was extremely possessive, unhappy.

Even if the other party is his father, he is still unhappy!

Sikong Yunmo directly hugged Ling Wuwen, said to Sikong Yuan: "We're going back to sleep, good night, father." Then he left.

Sikong Yuan was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that the person who spoke just now was not his son!

Ling Wuwen looked at Sikong Yunmo's side face, and clearly felt that he didn't like others talking to her too much.

Cursing her lips, Ling Wuyue didn't make a sound.

Sikong Yunmo didn't say anything until he took Ling Wuyue back to the mansion he lived in and went up to the room on the third floor.

He put Ling Wuyi on the bed, and just as he was about to speak, Ling Wuwen spoke first: "Yunmo, let me discuss something with you."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Sikong Yunmo looked at Ling Wuwen, still smiling.

"Can you move those wax figures? Or can we not live in this room?"

She felt that it was not a good feeling to sleep and be watched by twenty-nine living wax figures with open eyes!

It's okay to live for a day or two, but to live like this for a long time... She thinks she really can't stand it!

"Why? Don't you think they're pretty?"

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