Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1298: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (9)

Sikong Yunmo frowned slightly, although he didn't make Lingwu Nie into wax figures, but he still liked those wax figures.

In such a split second, Sikong Yunmo actually lowered her favorability by ten points!

Ling Wuwen: "..." She just said a word, and the ten-point favorability is gone? ! This is too...

Pursing her lips, Ling Wuwen hurriedly said: "They are so beautiful! It's because they are so beautiful, I don't want you to always look at them, and I don't want them to always look at you."

Ling Wuwen spoke with the tone and attitude of "I'm jealous", which added back the ten points of favorability.

A little speechless again, but it would be nice to add it back.

Ling Wuwen gave Sikong Yunmo a new experience, and he felt very good.

"Okay, then I'll take you back to the main building and sleep well." This building is also because he likes to make these things, so he lives here.

I don't want to make wax figures for the time being, so I'll move back to my room in the main building.

Sikong Yunmo called his servants to come over to carry things, and then carried Ling Wuwen back to the main building.

The main building has five floors, the fifth floor is Sikong Yuan's study and bedroom, and the fourth floor is Sikong Yunmo's room.

As for the third and second floors, there are some rooms for VIPs.

Sikong Yunmo's room in the main building is also very big, and the bed is also big, three meters wide by visual estimation.

If it wasn't for Ling Wuyi who couldn't move anywhere except her head, she really wanted to roll around on it twice!

The decoration style here is much more sunny than that over there, less lifeless and gloomy.

"It's very good here!" Ling Wuyi made no secret of her satisfaction with this room.

After it was over, she still didn't forget to add: "Now that we've moved out, you can't visit them often! Just look at me!"

Sikong Yunmo scratched Lingwu's nose, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay, I won't go there in the future, okay?"

Ling Wuyi grinned and gave Sikong Yunmo a very bright smile.

"Lie down for a while, I'll go to the bathroom and put water for you to take a bath." After Sikong Yunmo finished speaking, he covered Ling Wuyi with a quilt, got up and walked to the bathroom.

Ling Wuxi was completely stunned, why didn't she think... During the half month that she couldn't move, Sikong Yunmo would not only help her wash, change her clothes, and help her make up.

He can also help her take a bath! ! !

Sikong Yunmo enjoys things like changing clothes and feeding her meals, and helping her take a bath, I guess he also enjoys it.

Therefore, asking the servant to bathe her is probably hopeless——

Sure enough, after Sikong Yunmo put water for Ling Wumo, he came out and carried her into the bathroom.

He skillfully removed the hair accessories on her head, and then wet a towel with warm water to remove her makeup.

After washing her face, Sikong Yunmo started to undress her again.

Following Sikong Yunmo's movements, Ling Wuyi felt that her face was about to burn.

She wanted to stop it, but she had no reason at all.

Fortunately, when Sikong Yunmo saw Ling Wu's body, he didn't have any physiological reaction like other men.

Not at all!

When Sikong Yunmo looked at her body, it was like looking at a work of art.

In the process of bathing her, it is also very much like cleaning a work of art.

So at the beginning, Li Lingwu was still a little uncomfortable and embarrassed, but because Sikong Yunmo's expression and movements did not show any charm, she felt better.

After taking a shower, I was changed into pajamas.

She sat on the bed, leaning against Sikong Yunmo, and let him dry her hair.

Sikong Yunmo's movements were so gentle, he rubbed his head with a towel as if he was massaging her head.

Before he knew it, Ling Wuwen fell asleep leaning against Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo only found out that she had fallen asleep when he didn't get a response when he talked to Ling Wuwen.

Smiling, he gently put Ling Wumi on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Seeing Ling Wuwen's sleeping face, Sikong Yunmo became more and more satisfied.

He tilted his head and thought, what should he dress up for Ling Wupi tomorrow?

Wearing a dress? However, it doesn't look good if you don't stand up in a foreign skirt!

Hmm... Otherwise, he should go to study how to make the medicine work, right?

In this case, Ling Wuyi will be able to stand up. Ready to wear, those beautiful dresses!

Just do what you think, this is Sikong Yunmo's consistent style.

It just so happens that he usually can't sleep at night, so let's go to the laboratory.

But... there is no laboratory for him here!

Sikong Yunmo glanced at Ling Wuwen again, and said softly, "I didn't go to see them~"

Regardless of whether Ling Wuyi heard it or not, Sikong Yunmo automatically assumed that she had heard it.

He stroked her cheek, then got up and left.

After Sikong Yunmo left, Ling Wuwen opened his eyes.

She knew that Sikong Yunmo was going to the mansion over there, but she didn't know what he was going there for.

She really wanted to shrug her shoulders indifferently, but she couldn't even do such a simple action now.

There was no other way, so Ling Wuyi had to close her eyes and go to sleep——

In the middle of the night, Ling Wu was woken up by the pain.

Opening her eyes, she saw Sikong Yunmo injecting some liquid into the inside of her right elbow with a syringe.

Frowning tightly, Ling Wuwen asked Sikong Yunmo: "What is this?"

Could it be that he thought about it and decided to make her into a living wax figure?

"Did it wake you up? Did it hurt? I'm already very light. Just bear with it. It will be fine after the injection."

Sikong Yunmo did not answer Ling Wuwen's question directly, but coaxed her in a tone like coaxing a pet.

Ling Wuxi paused, and changed the way of asking: "What is the use of this medicine?"

"The medicine that can restore your strength, I want you to wear a foreign dress tomorrow." Sikong Yunmo said.

Hearing that it was the medicine to restore her strength, Ling Wuxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not like making her into a living wax figure! Not good!

Regain your strength? That is to say, she doesn't have to wait half a month to recover her strength!

"It's such a good medicine, why didn't you give me an injection earlier?" Ling Wuqin complained softly, pouting.

"I made it while you were asleep. There was no such medicine before."

After the medicine in the syringe was injected, Sikong Yunmo pulled out the needle and pressed it down with medical cotton.

Ling Wuwen looked at Sikong Yunmo in surprise: "So you can make medicine! Then last night, the one that made me feel weak after smelling it was also made by you yourself?"

Sikong Yunmo nodded with pride on his face: "I was sent abroad to study medicine when I was fifteen years old. Although I didn't work as a doctor, my medical skills are still very good!"

"Oh, it's so powerful! Then can I recover my strength later?"

"No, it will take a few hours. Alright, I'll take a shower first, and you can go to sleep." Said, Sikong Yunmo tucked the quilt over Ling Wuwen, got up and went to the bathroom.


The update on the 11th of the fourth chapter has passed twelve o'clock, and finally there is nothing owed.

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