Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1299: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (10)

I don't know if it was the effect of the medicine, but before Sikong Yunmo got out of the shower, she had already fallen asleep.

Sikong Yunmo, who came out wearing white silk pajamas, was stunned when he saw Ling Wuyi kicking the quilt aside, could he move so quickly?

As if answering Sikong Yunmo's thoughts, Ling Wuwen even turned over.

He froze for a moment, then couldn't help but chuckle.

He looked at Ling Wuwen with the same eyes as he looked at his naughty pet, and then walked over to cover her with a quilt.

Lie down next to Ling Wuxi, and hug her into his arms.

It feels like a pillow, it seems to be pretty good!

Just now when he was making medicine, he went to hug his wax babies, they were hard and cold, not uncomfortable at all.

It's not like when I hugged the catkin, it's soft and warm, very comfortable!

Rubbing the top of Ling Wu's head with his chin, Sikong Yunmo closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his mouth


The first thing Ling Wuxi did when she woke up was to kick her feet to see if she could move.

After discovering that she could move freely, Ling Wuyue really wanted to get up from the bed, but she was hugged tightly by Sikong Yunmo, and she couldn't get up at all.

The eyeballs moved, and Ling Wuxi secretly stretched out the manual from the quilt, and then moved her fingers.

Hmm~ It's really not a good feeling to be in a vegetable state. Now that my hands and feet have regained their strength, it's really not too exciting!

"Hmm, are you awake?" Sikong Yunmo's voice came from behind, making Ling Wuxi stop.

Turned over and looked at Sikong Yunmo with a smile: "I can move now!"

Sikong Yunmo pinched Ling Wu's nose and said, "You were able to move last night, and you even kicked the quilt!"

"Huh? I don't know~" Ling Wuwen scratched her head.

Looking at the sunlight coming in through the curtains, Ling Wuyi got up from the bed: "I'm so hungry ~ go down and have breakfast?"

Sikong Yunmo nodded, got up from the bed and wanted to hug Ling Wuyi to the bathroom. Ling Wuxi got out of bed before he could move, and then stepped on the carpet with bare feet.

"Let's wash up together!" Ling Wuyi grinned at him.

Sikong Yunmo paused, nodded, walked to Ling Wuyue's side, took her hand and walked to the bathroom.

The two stood in front of the sink and washed together, looking at each other from time to time.

After washing up, Sikong Yunmo chose clothes for Ling Wuyi.

Originally, Sikong Yunmo wanted Ling Wuxi to wear a foreign dress yesterday, but when he was choosing where to dress, he chose a long white cheongsam for her.

I personally put on Ling Wumi, and put on makeup for her like yesterday.

Today's hairstyle and makeup have changed again. Compared with yesterday's bright and charming, today's is more elegant.

Sikong Yunmo really enjoyed the process of grooming Ling Wuwen and the sense of accomplishment.

Just finished dressing up, Sikong Yunmo is already thinking about how to dress up Ling Wuxi tomorrow...

Ling Wu is really hungry, what's breakfast at this time, it's already lunch!

Standing up from the chair, he took Sikong Yunmo's hand and walked outside.

Sikong Yunmo also let Ling Wuyi pull her and followed her.

Going down from the fourth floor, Ling Wuwen went directly to the dining room, and then, not politely, raised her voice to order food from the kitchen.

Seeing Sikong Yunmo's doting smile all over his face, the servant didn't say anything, and hurried to the kitchen to order.

Originally, Sikong Yunmo planned to take Ling Wuwen out to play after lunch, but he was not as free as Ling Wuwen imagined.

Although he didn't hold an official position in the government, he actually needed to help Sikong Yuan with a lot of things.

Under normal circumstances, Sikong Yunmo worked on his living wax figures at night, slept in the second half of the night and in the morning, and needed to help Sikong Yuan with some things in the afternoon.

It happened yesterday afternoon that Sikong Yuan didn't arrange any tasks for him, and Sikong Yunmo had a lot of things to deal with this afternoon.

Therefore, Ling Wuwen stayed by Sikong Yunmo's side as a very qualified vase.

She doesn't take the initiative to talk to him, so that he can handle things quietly. When Sikong Yunmo asked her to talk, she only responded to show that she was there.

When she was bored, Ling Wuwen would lie on the sofa and let Sikong Yunmo's thigh be used as a pillow to sleep.

There is no way, it's too boring, and there is no mobile phone or TV in this world, so she can't read those books.

After sleeping for a while and waking up for a while, the afternoon passed quite quickly.

Sikong Yunmo was very serious when handling the documents, and he also looked very charming.

It's just that when he looked down at Ling Wuwen, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

They stayed in the living room, and this thought-out state gave the servants in the commander-in-chief's mansion an illusion—their young master is sick? Don't make those scary living wax figures? Still have a favorite girl?

However, later facts proved that Sikong Yunmo was not good. He really likes Lingwu, but it's not the kind of liking that ordinary people think——

When Sikong Yuan came back in the evening, the father and son went to the study to talk first. Because it was a conversation that no one else could hear, Sikong Yunmo didn't let Ling Wuwen go to the study with him afterwards.

Ling Wuxi had nothing to do, so she went to the kitchen.

Seeing the finished chicken legs, Ling Wu could not help but ask the cook, "Can I have one?"

How dare the cook say no? Of course he nodded and said, "Miss, please go ahead."

Ling Wuxi washed her hands with a smile, then picked up a chicken leg and stood in the kitchen to eat it.

When Sikong Yunmo came down from Sikongyuan's study, he didn't see Ling Wuwen, and he was stunned. He asked the servants and found out that Ling Wuwen was in the kitchen.

Walking to the door of the kitchen to have a look, I saw Ling Wuyi gnawed on the chicken leg while happily watching the cooks prepare dinner.

Sikong Yunmo tilted his head, folded his arms around his chest, leaned against the kitchen door and looked at Ling Wumo with interest: "Can you cook?"

Hearing Sikong Yunmo's voice, Ling Wuyi turned her head.

Seeing him at the door, he trotted over: "Are you done? I'm hungry, so I came to the kitchen to look for something to eat."

Seeing that Ling Wu's mouth was full of greasy food, Sikong Yunmo took out a white handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped her mouth: "Can you cook?"

Because Ling Wuyi didn't answer his question just now, Sikong Yunmo asked her again.

Ling Wuyi actually wanted to nod, but Su Yiling didn't know how to cook.

So he could only shake his head, and smiled naively at Sikong Yunmo: "I can eat!"

Sikong Yunmo burst out laughing, his shoulders couldn't help shaking: "I'll make it for you another day." He said.

"So you know how to cook, Yunmo. You know a lot of things!" Ling Wuyi threw away the bone of the drumstick in her hand, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Sikong Yunmo shaved Lingwu's nose, wiped her hands clean with a handkerchief, then walked towards the restaurant with his arms around her shoulders.

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