Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1300: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (11)

"I'll take you to the movies tonight." Sikong Yunmo said.

See a movie? Black and white movies in this world...

Well~ it's better than nothing!

Ling Wuxi nodded quickly, and excitedly raised her head to look at Sikong Yunmo: "Okay! When are you going?"

"I'll go after dinner in a while. I've already asked someone to buy a ticket." Sikong Yunmo said.

Sikong Yuan was already sitting at the dining table, and Ling Wuyi still greeted him with a smile.

Sikong Yuan nodded coldly, then looked at Sikong Yunmo: "Are you going to watch a movie later?"

Sikong Yunmo nodded: "Well, take Yiling to the movies."

His son, who hardly ever goes out at night, took the initiative to take the girls to the movies, and Si Kongyuan had to look at Ling Wuqian again.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Exactly. Today I heard from the president that his granddaughter is planning to go to the cinema. You can call the presidential palace and ask. If Ms. Sun is also going, you can take her with you."

This means that it means watching a movie, but Ling Wuyi heard another meaning.

Sikong Yunmo wasn't stupid either, he withdrew the smile on his face and frowned slightly: "Father, you know I don't like it."

"What do you like or not? You've seen the president's granddaughter before. It's not safe for her to go to the movies at night as a girl. Didn't you just drop by!"

Sikong Yunmo pursed his lips tightly, with obvious displeasure on his face. He didn't say yes, nor did he say bad.

At this moment, Sikong Yuan gave Ling Wuyue a wink.

Ling Wuxi was taken aback for a moment, and understood in seconds.

She wanted to play dumb, but it was obviously not going to work.

Sikong Yuan is also a smart person, she is definitely not stupid if she can make Sikong Yunmo not make her into a living wax figure.

After a pause, Ling Wuwen went to tug at the corner of Sikong Yunmo's clothes.

Sikong Yunmo turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen: "Huh?"

"It doesn't matter if we just take the president's granddaughter along, it's just to watch a movie anyway." Ling Wuwen said indifferently.

Sikong Yunmo glanced at Sikong Yuan, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "Okay, I'll call and ask."

After finishing speaking, Sikong Yunmo got up and went to the living room to make a phone call.

Ling Wuyi and Sikong Yuan sat at the dining table, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

But soon, Sikong Yuan broke the silence first.

He said to Ling Wuwen, "You are a smart woman."

"Thank you Commander-in-Chief for your compliment."

Sikong Yuan looked at Ling Wuwen with deep eyes: "I hope you have self-knowledge."

It was a very plain sentence, but Ling Wuyi heard the threat.

Sikong Yuan was warning her, don't covet things that don't belong to her, don't try to climb to any position, let alone try to manipulate his son!

After understanding what Sikong Yuan meant, Ling Wuyi thought hehe.

Who winked and asked her to persuade Sikong Yunmo just now, and now she is going to warn her again.

This Sikong Yuan is also a contradiction!

Ling Wuxi lowered her eyes, and chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I don't deserve it, and I definitely won't covet it, unless... I send it to my door myself."

That means, your own son is going to drive him up, why should I refuse?

As soon as Ling Wuyi finished speaking, Sikong Yuan's eyes instantly turned cold. The obvious killing intent was not her illusion.

At this moment, Ling Wujin knew that if there was a chance in the future, Sikong Yuan would get rid of her without hesitation.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Sikong Yunmo no longer cares whether Ling Wu is dead or alive...

Sikong Yunmo, who came back from the phone call, didn't know about the conversation between Ling Wuyi and Sikong Yuan just now, and both of them drank their soup in peace.

"How is it? Is Miss Sun going to the movies?" Sikong Yuan put down the spoon in his hand and asked Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo nodded: "Yes, she said to go."

"Well, you have to take good care of Miss Sun when you go later." Sikong Yuan instructed Ling Wuyi.

Sikong Yunmo nodded impatiently, expressing that he knew.


After dinner, Sikong Yunmo took Ling Wuyue into the car and left.

They went to the Presidential Palace to pick up that Miss Sun first, except that Sikong Yunmo's expression was a little uncomfortable before the meal, and then he immediately returned to his usual smiling look.

Ling Wuwen was sitting in the car, and Sikong Yunmo went to the presidential palace to pick up that Miss Sun.

Soon, Sikong Yunmo and that Miss Sun came out.

Ms. Sun is wearing a pink dress and has curly hair. She is very beautiful and has a very bright smile.

Ling Wuyi could see in the car that Ms. Sun was talking to Sikong Yunmo, very happily.

But when she saw Ling Wuwen sitting in the car, the smile on her face froze.

Ling Wuyi opened the car door and came down to greet her. After all, she was the granddaughter of the president, so she couldn't just sit in the car and put on airs.

She was wearing a white coat, standing beside the car smiling.

Sikong Yunmo was originally walking side by side with Miss Sun. When he saw Ling Wuyi get off the car, he unconsciously quickened his pace and walked to her side: "Didn't I tell you to wait in the car? Why did you get off? It's too cold, Get in the car quickly."

"I'm not cold." Ling Wuwen said to Sikong Yunmo, then smiled and nodded to Miss Sun who came over: "Hello, Miss Sun."

"Hello." Sun Jingshu still had a smile on her face, but it wasn't as bright as before, and it was more of a lady's tact.

"Yunmo, why don't you introduce me?" Sun Jingshu tilted her head and said to Sikong Yunmo.

Seeing Sun Jingshu's appearance, Ling Wuyi knew that she liked Sikong Yunmo for a long time.

Although she is a 'rival in love', Ling Wuwen doesn't dislike Sun Jingshu. Even just by looking at him, she already has a liking for Sun Jingshu.

Sun Jingshu's temperament is very good, and she made a good first impression.

And after seeing the appearance of Ling Wuwen, Sun Jingshu kept a decent distance from Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo smiled and introduced: "Her name is Su Yiling."

"Yi Ling, can I call you that?" Sun Jingshu asked Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile: "Of course!"

"Then you can call me Jingshu too, nice to meet you!" Sun Jingshu stretched out his hand.

Ling Wuwen also reached out her hand and shook hands with Sun Jingshu: "It is my honor to know you Jingshu."

"Okay, it's too cold outside, let's get in the car first." Sikong Yunmo stretched out his hand to open the car door.

Ling Wuyi turned sideways, intending to let Sun Jingshu get into the car first.

But Sun Jingshu waved her hand with a smile: "You take this car, I'll let the driver drive with you, it doesn't need to be so crowded."

Sikong Yunmo wished that Sun Jingshu would not drive with them.

After all, if Sun Jingshu wants to take this car, he has to sit in the front instead of holding Ling Wuwen.

So after Sun Jingshu finished speaking, Sikong Yunmo immediately answered: "Then we will get in the car."

Sun Jingshu nodded, and raised her hand to signal Ling Wuyi to get on the car first.

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