Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1301: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (12)

After Ling Wuyi and Sikong Yunmo got into the car, Sun Jingshu got into her own car.

The car drove out of the gate of the Presidential Palace and headed for the cinema——

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, but looked ahead.

Sikong Yunmo turned his head to look at her, and then said: "I wanted to make her into a wax figure, but my father disagreed, saying that she is the granddaughter of the president after all."

Ling Wuwen: "..." It's fortunate that Sun Jingshu's identity saved her life!

Tsk tsk~ Judging by Sun Jingshu's appearance, he seems to like Sikong Yunmo, right?

If Sun Jingshu knew that the person she liked was a pervert, what kind of expression would she have?

Just think about it, Ling Wuwen didn't intend to tell others that Sikong Yunmo was a pervert.

In addition, she didn't want Sikong Yunmo to make Sun Jingshu or other innocent people into wax figures.

oh! Speaking of wax figures, Ling Wuji suddenly thought of the twenty-nine wax figures that were still alive in the western building.

It must be hard for them to look like this, right? It is impossible to rescue them, because the current medical equipment does not allow it.

What Ling Wuyi wanted was to find a chance to go over there and kill them all, so as to give them a good time!

Although she had never been a wax figure, she was trapped in the wax figure when she was clearly conscious, unable to move, unable to speak. The feeling that you can't even do the most basic blink of an eye must be uncomfortable!

Seeing that Ling Wuyi didn't respond, Sikong Yunmo continued, "Later, I plan to make her into a wax figure after my father becomes president."

"No!" Ling Wuwen said without thinking.

Sikong Yunmo raised his eyebrows: "Why not?"

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, thought for a while and said, "Because... because you can't like her! You can only like me! So you can't make her into a wax figure!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Wuwen sensed that her favorability had increased to sixty-five points.

Sikong Yunmo pinched Ling Wuwen's face and said, "As long as you are obedient, I only like you, huh?"

Ling Wuqin smiled and replied, "Well, I will be obedient."

Sikong Yunmo was very satisfied with Ling Wuyi's answer, and at the same time temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​making Sun Jingshu into a wax figure——

When they arrived at the movie theater, Ling Wuwen took Sikong Yunmo's arm and went in with Sun Jingshu.

The movie they want to watch is called 'The Beacon of the Beacon', a very familiar name that seems to be used often.

The movie tells the story of how the hero and heroine overcome all difficulties and walk together in troubled times. Although the effect is black and white, the picture quality is really not good.

But the appearance and acting skills of the male and female protagonists are still very good, and they look quite impressive.

The whole process of watching a movie is like this: Ling Wuwen was watching the movie seriously, while Sikong Yunmo was watching her, and kept peeling melon seeds for her to feed into her mouth.

As for Sun Jingshu, her sweetheart sits with the person her sweetheart likes, and she really can't watch movies seriously.

I said in my heart that I am not sad, of course it is false.

However, it was not particularly sad. After all, it's just liking, not love.

She was very happy when she received a call from Sikong Yunmo. She was not in the capital before, and when he came to the capital, he went abroad again.

I still remember that the first time I met Sikong Yunmo was two years ago, when she fell in love with him at first sight.

Unfortunately, I hardly ever saw him afterwards.

Even if she went to look for him in the commander-in-chief's mansion, he would not see her.

Seriously, the number of times they meet is really very rare!

Sun Jingshu is a smart person, she can think of why Sikong Yunmo called her today.

I was very happy at first, wondering if it was possible for me?

But after seeing Ling Wuwen, and after seeing Sikong Yunmo's attitude towards Ling Wuwen, she felt that it was impossible.

Since it doesn't belong to her, then don't force it——

After watching the movie for more than an hour, how did they come and how did they go back.

Before returning to the presidential palace, Sun Jingshu also told Ling Wuyi to let her come and play with her often.

As a result, Sikong Yunmo directly grabbed Ling Wuwen's shoulders, and said to Sun Jingshu, "Yi Ling doesn't like going out very much."

Sun Jingshu and Ling Wuwen were taken aback at the same time.

She doesn't like to go out?

I don't like going out?

The two looked at each other, Ling Wuwen's eyes were helpless, while Sun Jingshu's eyes were clear.

Sun Jingshu raised her hand to cover her lips and smiled: "Then see you again when we have a chance!"

"Okay, Jingshu, go in quickly."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Sun Jingshu glanced at Sikong Yunmo, then turned and entered the presidential palace.

Seeing Sun Jingshu go in, Sikong Yunmo and Ling Wuyi got into the car and left——

When Sun Jingshu returned home, President Sun was still awake.

Seeing his granddaughter come back, he raised his smiling face and asked her: "How is it? Going to the movies with that kid from Sikong's family, aren't you very happy?"

After finishing speaking, President Sun looked behind Sun Jingshu again: "Why didn't that kid Yunmo send you back?"

Sun Jingshu walked up to President Sun and sat down, said with a smile: "He sent me back, but I said it was too late, so I won't invite them in."

"Huh? They?" President Sun clearly felt that something was wrong with his granddaughter's mood.

Sun Jingshu nodded with a smile: "Well, Yun Mo originally took his girlfriend to the movies. Maybe it was because Uncle Sikong said that I would go too, so he invited me to go with him."

"Girlfriend!? How could that kid Yun Mo have a girlfriend?" President Sun expressed disbelief.

Sikong Yunmo is already twenty-five years old. Nowadays, girls can get married at seventeen, and men can get married at twenty.

But Sikong Yunmo only came back from abroad two years ago. After I came back, I never wanted to attend any public occasions, let alone find a girlfriend.

President Sun is actually very satisfied with Sikong Yunmo, thinking that he is worthy of his only precious granddaughter.

But unexpectedly, when he mentioned it to Sikong Yuan two years ago, Sikong Yuan evaded and said that Sikong Yunmo was a stubborn person and he didn't want to start a family for the time being.

Sikong Yuan also assured President Sun that if Sikong Yunmo wanted to start a family and Sun Jingshu hadn't agreed to marry him, he would definitely come to propose marriage.

But what is going on now? I had a girlfriend without saying a word, and my granddaughter was still waiting foolishly!

The more President Sun thought about it, the more angry he became, and he coughed violently.

Sun Jingshu was taken aback, and hurriedly asked the servant to bring over water, and went to President Sun to comfort him: "Grandpa, you should go to bed early if you know you are not in good health!"

A servant brought warm water, and Sun Jingshu took it and fed it to President Sun.

After drinking warm water, President Sun felt a little better.

The old face looked at Sun Jingshu kindly: "Grandpa is getting old, so I can't stay with you for too long."

Sun Jingshu's eyes were red: "Shu'er is only your family member, grandpa, please don't say such things!" The sons and daughters born to the concubine are not her family members!

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