"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about Yunmo's girlfriend! Which girl is that girlfriend from?"

"I heard it's from Jiangcheng. I don't know which girl it is, but her behavior is very decent. I like her very much!" Sun Jingshu said with a smile.

She really likes Ling Wuwen, and even thinks that she and Sikong Yunmo are a perfect match!

Hearing that Sun Jingshu said he liked her, President Sun thought for a while and said, "Like her? Then I'll tell Sikong Yuan, let you make her bigger and smaller."

As soon as President Sun's words fell, Sun Jingshu's face fell down: "Grandpa! I said that what I want is a couple for a lifetime! Since Yunmo has Yiling, of course I wish him and Yiling happiness! "

"I won't be a bad person. Grandpa, don't use your status as president to put pressure on Uncle Sikong! If you go and say it... I won't have the face to see them in the future!"

"Okay, okay, grandpa, don't talk, don't talk!" President Sun agreed to Sun Jingshu, but in his heart he decided to have a good talk with Sikong Yuan when he went to the government building tomorrow.


After Ling Wuyi and Sikong Yunmo returned to the commander-in-chief's mansion, they went straight back to their room.

Originally, Sikong Yunmo wanted to bathe Ling Wuwen, but Ling Wuwen cleverly refused.

Just at this time, I heard that Sikong Yuan, who came back from them, asked his servant to call Sikong Yunmo up, and gave Ling Wuxi a chance to take a bath by himself.

Ling Wuni didn't wash her hair today because she didn't use hair oil.

Plus she was sleepy and wanted to go to bed right after the shower. Wait until midnight...

When Sikong Yunmo finished speaking with Sikong Yuan and returned to the room, Ling Wuyue was already sound asleep.

Without waking her up, she took a shower and went to bed and fell asleep with Ling Wu in her arms.

Normally, this time is his active time, but holding Lingwu catkin feels very comfortable, so it is not impossible to go to bed early.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, or because he got up earlier in the day, but Sikong Yunmo fell asleep very quickly while holding Ling Wumo.

In the middle of the night, Ling Wu was woken up by Xia Lun.

Because she found Xia Lun before going to bed and asked him to wake her up in the middle of the night.

In the second half of the night, Sikong Yunmo slept more soundly.

She opened her eyes, and slowly climbed up Sikong Yunmo's waist with her hand, and then reached behind his back.

Find his sleeping hole, lightly. Sikong Yunmo fell asleep.

After confirming that it would be difficult for Sikong Yunmo to wake up for the time being, Ling Wuyi removed the hand on her waist and got up from the bed.

She went to the window, opened the curtains, and pushed the French windows open.

A gust of night wind was blowing, but Ling Wuwen didn't feel cold, so she quickly turned her head to look at Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo on the bed still had his eyes closed, and didn't even move his eyebrows.

Ling Wuxi seized the time and hurried to the balcony to close the French window with her backhand, and then jumped down.

Although it was the fourth floor, it was very easy for Ling Wuyi to jump down.

From jumping off the stairs to going to the mansion on the other side of the garden, Ling Wu's speed was very fast.

When I arrived at the gate of the western building, Ling Wuyue realized that it was locked!

There is no key!

Looking up, Ling Wuyi took a few steps back, then jumped up with a run-up and grabbed the railing of the balcony on the second floor.

With another push, the whole person has already jumped up.

Pushing open the floor-to-ceiling windows, Ling Wuwen entered the room that Sikong Yunmo had arranged for her to live in the night before yesterday.

He walked out of the room in the dark, and then walked to the third floor.

On the third floor, the eerie feeling came again.

Ling Wuxi swallowed, and followed the memory to turn on the light in the room on the third floor.

Although she had already made good mental preparations, she still felt her heart tighten when she saw the twenty-nine living wax figures.

Tsk...she clearly came to do good deeds, yet she was afraid of being like this.

Something is wrong! Not even afraid of zombies that can eat people, but afraid of immobile wax figures!

This kind of thing, Ling Wuwen felt that she absolutely couldn't let Xia Lun know about it. Otherwise, he could laugh at her for a hundred years, right?

Swallowing, he raised his foot and approached the wax figures.

Those wax figures all had their glasses open, obviously looking at Ling Wu.

Ling Wuwen walked to one of the glass cabinets, hesitated and said, "I know you are still alive, and I know that it must be very painful for you to live like this."

"I plan to help you end this pain, are you willing? If you want to, look down with your eyeballs, and look up if you don't want to."

The wax figure in front of Ling Wupi was wearing a bright red brocade dress in ancient costume, even her hair was tied up in a beautiful bun and she was wearing a gold step shaker.

She was beautiful, a classical beauty.

After Ling Wuyi finished speaking, her eyeballs looked down without hesitation.

Ling Wuxi looked into their eyes one by one.

Not surprisingly, for the twenty-nine wax figures, they all hoped that Ling Wuyi would give them a break.

That's right, I knew that I have no hope of life, and even death is an extravagant hope...

"Okay, wait a minute." Ling Wuyi turned around and looked for Sikong Yunmo's tools in the room.

Sikong Yunmo has many tools, among them is a very slender needle-like thing.

Ling Wuxi felt that this was very suitable, so she picked it up and walked towards the glass cabinet.

She opened the door of the glass cabinet, intending to stab the heart directly, but after thinking about it, it would not be good to puncture the clothes.

So Ling Wuyi lifted off the clothes on the wax figure's heart, and inserted the 'needle' into the heart without hesitation.

The pupils of the wax figure visibly contracted, but the expression on the face did not change.

Ling Wuxi pulled out the 'needle', except for the blood on the needle, there was only a small hole in the wound that was too small to see.

He looked up at the pupils of the wax figure, put his hand under the nostrils that Sikong Yunmo left for them to breathe, and they were no longer breathing.

Ling Wuyi used the same method to kill the other twenty-eight wax figures, and then stared at the hole in their hearts in a daze.

Although the hole is very small, once Sikong Yunmo finds out that his wax figure has died, maybe he will check his body?

Suddenly, Ling Wujin remembered that these are all wax figures made of wax! As long as it is heated, the wax figure will melt!

Ling Wuwen wiped off the blood on the 'needle', and then went to look for tools.

The tool that Sikong Yunmo used to smooth the wax figure just happened to work!

Ling Wuwen heated the tool with a torch, and then placed it at the heart of the wax figure.

The wax began to melt when it was heated, and Ling Wuxi carefully smoothed that spot. Immediately, the hole was gone!

The wax dries quickly, and even if you look carefully, you can't see that there is a small hole in that place just now.

Ling Wuxi smoothed out all the holes in the hearts of the wax figures, then put her clothes on and closed the glass doors.

After carefully checking that the tools she had touched were all put away, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ling Wuyi turned off the lights and left——

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