Another example: the commander-in-chief's wife died early, and now there is no continuation or concubine by his side. Even there is only one son!

Not to mention that my daughter is the continuation of the commander-in-chief, even being a concubine is a blessing of "several generations of cultivation"!

What Su's father would think, Ling Wuyi could completely guess, but she didn't intend to explain.

Just said: "Father, I am very tired after sitting on the train for a few days, can I go back and rest first?"

"Okay! Come on! Send Miss Thirteen back to her room to rest... Oh no, don't live in the original room. The Xuexiang Garden was repaired a while ago, and Miss Thirteen lives there!"

Snow Fragrance Garden? Ling Wuyi couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

The Xuexiang Garden was originally built for Mrs. Su's youngest daughter, Miss Fourteen.

She remembered that Su Yiling once passed by that courtyard, just looking at it from the outside, let alone the inside!

Now, Su's father actually wanted to give her the yard to live in.

It probably won't be long before this Su residence will have a commotion.

"Father, are you sure you want me to live in Xuexiang Garden?" The corners of Ling Wu's mouth curled up, but she didn't smile.

Su's father was slightly taken aback, wondering if it was an illusion, this daughter who had never been valued by him had been away from home for half a month, and it seemed like a different person.

He only now noticed that among his dozen or so daughters, the one with the best looks was actually the thirteen whom he had never paid much attention to!

"Of course I'm sure. If you need anything in the future, just tell the housekeeper and let the housekeeper arrange it for you." There was a bit of flattery in Father Su's smile.

He was about to burst into laughter in his heart. When his daughter entered the gate of the Commander-in-Chief's mansion, then...he would not be an ordinary businessman!

Ling Wuwen also smiled, but the sarcasm in that smile was not seen by Su's father: "In that case, I would like to thank my father."

"Also, can father explain that without my permission, no one can enter the gate of Xuexiang Garden?" She didn't want to play with the women of the Su family.

The current Ling Wuwen, of course, means that Father Su agrees to everything.

He immediately ordered to go down and find two male servants to guard the gate of Xuexiang Garden. Without Miss Thirteen's permission, no one can enter!

Only then did Ling Wuyi smile with satisfaction and said, "Then my daughter will go down first."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen turned around and left, following the memory to Xuexiang Garden.

Everything in Xuexiang Garden, from a mattress to a bead, is the best used!

But it may be because these things have just been prepared, although Miss Fourteen has moved some things here, she hasn't come in yet.

Now, it happened to be cheaper for Ling Wu.

Ling Wuwen also lived with peace of mind, the one who bullied and insulted Su Yiling the most was none other than Miss Fourteen!

Ask someone to send back all the things belonging to Miss Fourteen, and then fill the closet with her clothes. On the dressing table, there are also jewelry, cosmetics and skin care products that Sikong Yunmo bought for her.

After finishing all this, Ling Wuwen went to the bathroom to wash her hair and take a shower.

It was inconvenient on the train, so she could only brush her teeth and wash her face, she couldn't take it anymore!

After washing my head and taking a bath comfortably, I feel that I have lost a catty or two of weight, which is an exaggeration.

Sitting in front of the window of the room and blowing the air, I plan to dry my hair.

Not long after I sat down, I heard someone yelling outside.

Hearing the voice, Ling Wuwen knew it was Miss Fourteen.

Because Su's father had given special instructions, the servants outside did not dare to let Miss Fourteen in.

Miss Fourteen scolded Ling Wuwen so badly, she could scold her however she wanted.

Ling Wuwen pretended not to hear, and chatted with Xia Lun while blowing the wind.

"Go and see how Sikong Yunmo behaves after I left for a few days?"

Xia Lun didn't know about Sikong Yunmo's performance these past few days, so he had to go and see right away.

"Eh...he doesn't seem to be doing much. He even went to the police station to become the chief. He just got off work and returned to the commander-in-chief's mansion."

Looking at Sikong Yunmo's expression, Xia Lun didn't look unhappy, but there was a smile on his face.

"Little won't make a mistake, right?" Xia Lun's tone was a little cautious.

Ling Wuwen didn't take it seriously: "I didn't make a mistake, just wait~" Sikong Yunmo didn't compromise so easily.

If he was restrained by Sikong Yuan so easily, he wouldn't be a pervert!

In addition, the favorability has not dropped in the past few days.

Maybe, Sikong Yunmo's current behavior is just to reassure Sikong Yuan temporarily?

Maybe, Sikong Yunmo will take action in a few days?

"Oh, then wait~ Do you want to continue looking at Sikong Yunmo?" Xia Lun asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuqin shook her head: "No need, you can do the system."

Hanging up the contact with Xia Lun, Ling Wuyue looked out the window in a daze.

"Knock, knock..." The knock on the door brought Ling Wuwen back again.

Turning his head and glanced at the door, he said lightly, "Come in."

The door of the room was pushed open, and it was the personal maid that Su's father had arranged for her just now.

According to the past, it was difficult for Su Yiling to order the servants at home, let alone have someone to serve them.

Ha ha... Sikong Yuan's face is relatively big!

I don't know if Sikong Yuan deliberately wanted to give her face, so he asked Adjutant Jiang to drive her directly to the door of the house, and also reported the name of the commander-in-chief.

I guess so.

Hahaha... I just don't know if Sikong Yuan will regret giving her such a big face today when he sees her next time!

"Miss Thirteen, the master asked me to ask if you want to have a meal together?" The maid's tone was very humble, and she didn't even raise her head to look at Ling Wu.

"Tell father that I won't go, I'm a little tired." She didn't want to have dinner with those women!

It is better to have one thing more than one thing less. If you can leave the hospital, you will not leave the hospital.

"Tell my father that my three meals in the future will be served in Xuexiang Garden, and I won't go out if I don't have anything to do."

"Yes, I'm going to tell the master right now." After finishing speaking, the servant turned around and prepared to go out.

Suddenly thought of something, the servant turned around again: "Miss Thirteen, do you need to order the kitchen to prepare dinner for you now?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, humming.

The servant just left and closed the door behind him——

I heard that Ling Wuyue didn't want to come out to eat, and everyone else said that Ling Wuyue was putting on airs, and they couldn't say anything after making them all wait!

Father Su thought it was nothing. Isn't it normal for the concubine of the future commander-in-chief to put on airs?

So, Su's father directly scolded the daughter who spoke first.

"I warn you, don't provoke Yiling in the future!"

Father Su didn't remember Su Yiling's name before, so he kept calling him Thirteen Thirteen, and he only found out after asking the housekeeper.

"Father! You can't be so partial! What's more, the Xuexiang Garden belongs to me, so why should I give it to that concubine Su Yiling!" Miss Fourteen's eyes were red, and she looked aggrieved.

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