Among the many daughters, Su's father loved the fourteen the most.

So seeing his daughter's eyes were red, Father Su hurriedly coaxed her: "Be good, baby~ Your thirteenth sister will get married soon, and you can live back when she gets married."

"Father!!! So is Su Yiling going to marry the president of the country! Why should I live with her!"

Miss Fourteen is going crazy, she was the one who bullied and humiliated Su Yiling in the past, but now she wants to overwhelm her!

After being yelled at by Miss Fourteen, Father Su felt like he was going deaf.

His face darkened in an instant, and it was the first time he was so serious to Miss Fourteen: "Su Lan! You still don't listen to your father's words! You are a sixteen-year-old girl, look at your bluffing, you are not a bit of a lady look like?"

Miss Fourteen Su Lan was stunned by Father Su's yelling, followed by a volcanic eruption.

Su Lan threw away the chopsticks in her hand, hugged her head and started screaming.

That high-decibel scream resounded throughout the Su residence, like a ghost, making the hearts of those who listened tremble uncontrollably.

Ling Wuwen from Xuexiangyuan heard Su Lan's screams, not to mention the feelings of other people in the dining room.

Su's father must have coaxed her when Su Lan called her that, but today, Su's father didn't want to coax her, and asked the servant to take Su Lan back to her room and put her in confinement.

Mrs. Su wanted to persuade, but she also saw Father Su's anger. Having lived together for decades, Mrs. Su knows when to say something.

Although she also felt sorry for her daughter, Mrs. Su did not speak. In my heart, I hated Ling Wuwen.


In a blink of an eye, Ling Wuwen returned to Su's house for half a month.

For half a month, she stayed in Xuexiang Garden every day, and Su's father would come to see her.

For half a month, Sikong Yunmo, who was far away in the capital, still had a regular routine every day. Go to the police station when it's time to go to the police station, and stay at home when it's time to be at home.

He even went to the blind dates that Sikong Yuan arranged for him.

According to Xia Lun's observation, Sikong Yunmo wanted to make wax figures of those blind dates several times.

It's not about careful observation, but Sikong Yunmo's eyes are the same when he looks at those blind dates as when he looks at those wax figures at home!

I don't know if it's because the identities of those blind dates are unusual, that's why Sikong Yunmo didn't act.

In fact, Xia Lun guessed wrong, not because the identities of those blind dates were unusual, but when Sikong Yunmo wanted to make them into wax figures, he felt that they were not as good as Ling Wuyi at all.

It’s not as good as Ling Wu’s, of course he’s not worthy of making them into wax figures——

Ling Wuwen is also a little distressed recently, and her favorability has increased to as much as 80 points after half a month of separation!

But, why didn't Sikong Yunmo come to her? What the hell is he planning?

Ling Wuwen really wanted to call the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion or his police station while Sikong Yunmo was at home.

But after thinking about it, she felt that it was fine, and she had to leave the yard to make a phone call.

— Waited for another half a month.

On this day, Su's father said that the governor of Jiangcheng was married and asked Ling Wuyi to attend the wedding banquet together.

Leng Zifeng is getting married, Ling Wuyue is really surprised.

"Father, is Governor Leng going to marry a wife? Whose family is it?" In his memory, Su Yiling never saw Leng Zifeng marry a wife until his death.

But before marrying his wife, he first married the hostess as his concubine.

"Dr. Leng's wife is a big boss! The president's precious granddaughter, Sun Jingshu!"

Su's father's words made Ling Wuyi stand up from the chair in shock: "Father, are you sure it's the president's granddaughter Sun Jingshu? Do you remember correctly? Or is it the president's other granddaughter?"

"I remember correctly! It's called Sun Jingshu. What's the matter, Yiling, do you know that Sun Jingshu?"

Su's father saw that Ling Wuwen was obviously different when he mentioned the word Sun Jingshu.

Although he also heard from the housekeeper that Su Yiling liked Leng Zifeng before...

Ling Wujin pursed her lips and nodded, "Well, if it's the president's granddaughter Sun Jingshu, I do know her."

It's just that she didn't expect that in just one month, Sun Jingshu would marry so soon, and she would marry Leng Zifeng, the tentative heroine of this world!

The heroine is indeed good, but the problem is, Sun Jingshu is not the heroine!

Could it be... is she destined to be a female supporting role? However, does such a beautiful woman have to be sad?

Hearing that Ling Wuwen said that he even knew the president's granddaughter, Su's father felt that he was too clear about his obedience and obedience to Ling Wuwen in the past month!

In the future, Ling Wuyue will become the commander-in-chief's concubine, and she will be able to ascend to heaven alone!

"Then Yiling, dress up properly, and we'll go to the Governor's Mansion later!" Father Su's face was about to burst into a smile.

Ling Wuxi nodded, and went to the closet to find suitable clothes.

You can't wear too plain, it's not good to attend a wedding.

You can't wear too colorful clothes, and it's not good to attend a wedding.

Ling Wuyi chose a taupe-colored long cheongsam with a pink cape and a pair of pink and white leather high-heeled shoes.

The hair is coiled up, adorned with one or two head accessories, and a little powder and daisy are applied.

Su's father is very satisfied with Ling Wu's decent attire, and the more he looks at it, the more satisfied he is!

This day was the first time that Ling Wuwen went out after returning to the Su family for a month. As soon as she went out, she saw other women in the Su family, even the Fourteenth Miss Su Lan was there.

Perhaps Su's father had explained it long ago, or they were surprised by the change in Ling Wu's temperament and appearance, so they didn't say anything.

Because there was only one car, Su's father only brought Mrs. Su, Ling Wuying and Su Lan to the wedding banquet.

After getting in the car, Su Lan kept her mouth tightly shut and did not speak even though she looked unhappy.

On the other hand, Mrs. Su has been insulting Ling Wumi with sarcasm on the grounds of teaching etiquette to Ling Wu.

After talking about it, Ling Wuyi really couldn't listen anymore, and said with a sneer, "Madam, I have my own discretion on what to do."

"If my wife thinks my behavior is out of proportion later, you can tell others that I am the daughter of my concubine, so I don't know how to be polite!"

Hearing Ling Wuyi's disrespect to her elders, Mrs. Su felt that she had a chance.

But just as she was about to speak, Father Su who was sitting in front spoke first: "I told you to shut up! I think Yiling is very well-mannered no matter how she sits, stands, walks or speaks! "

"With so much free time, why don't you teach Su Lan well? The one who stands all day and doesn't sit or sit is still a prostitute!"

Being blocked by Su's father, Mrs. Su blushed immediately and stopped talking.

And Su Lan, the fourteenth miss, had red eyes and felt wronged.

Ling Wuxi lowered her eyes, Su's father is also a ruthless person, he can treat his wife like this for the sake of profit——

The car stopped outside the governor's mansion, and Ling Wuyi saw many guests coming outside the gate, and said congratulatory words with a smile on his face.


The 450th monthly pass has been updated!

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