Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1309 The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (Twenty)

I don't know why, or maybe it was a sudden impulse.

Sun Jingshu asked the driver to stop the car, and went to help Leng Zifeng to the car next time.

Because Leng Zifeng's origin was unknown, Sun Jingshu didn't dare to just take him back to the presidential palace, so he found an inn.

Originally, Sun Jingshu was going to leave, but the driver was still waiting for her downstairs.

But unexpectedly, Leng Zifeng grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed...

It was bloody, but it happened.

——Leng Zifeng was drugged, or he was drugged with aphrodisiac!

Yes, that night, Sun Jingshu and Leng Zifeng cooked rice.

The driver was waiting downstairs that night. It would be impossible to hide what happened from President Sun.

After waking up, Leng Zifeng went to the presidential palace with Sun Jingshu.


Raw rice is cooked into rice! Then, of course, discuss the marriage!

President Sun knew about Leng Zifeng and felt that he was young and promising, and his future was boundless.

As long as he cultivated a little, he would definitely be a good seedling, and he would be worthy of his granddaughter.

President Sun was worried that Sun Jingshu might get pregnant after this time, so he asked for the marriage as soon as possible, but he couldn't let people know that Sun Jingshu was already married to someone...

Leng Zifeng is not qualified to say no to marriage.

Whoever let him sleep is not good, but Sun Jingshu is going to sleep——

After listening to what Sun Jingshu said, Ling Wuyi unconsciously cast her gaze on her abdomen.

"Then...do you have it?" Ling Wuwen asked Sun Jingshu, already having a bottom line in her heart.

Seeing how Sun Jingshu held his abdomen from time to time, it probably happened.

Sure enough, Sun Jingshu nodded shyly: "Well, I checked it out two days ago."

Ling Wupi's heart sank, if she wasn't pregnant, she might be able to persuade Sun Jingshu.

But she is pregnant!

How can she persuade her? From what standpoint?

"Yi Ling, do you think it's better to be a boy? Or a girl?" Speaking of children, Sun Jingshu's eyes are extraordinarily gentle, full of maternal brilliance.

Ling Wuting pursed her lips and smiled: "I think it's all good, Jing Shu, you and Governor Leng are good-looking, and you must be the dragon and the phoenix if you have a boy or a girl!"

I just hope that one day in the future, you won't become vicious or negative because of Liu Yunqian's existence——

Ling Wuwen didn't mention Liu Yunqian, originally she wanted to mention it to Sun Jingshu.

But she really couldn't say it. If she said it, it would probably make people misunderstand that she was still cold.

A maid came to Ling Wuwen, saying that it was time for lunch.

Ling Wuwen bid farewell to Sun Jingshu, and went to Su's father's seat to take a new seat.

After lunch, singing began on the stage.

What Ling Wuyi dislikes the most is listening to operas. While dozing off, she saw her cousin butler waving at her.

After a pause, Ling Wuwen glanced at Su's father and Mrs. Su who were watching the play very engrossed. Su Lan had already gone to play with her little sisters.

"Father, I'm going for a walk." Ling Wuwen said to Father Su.

Father Su nodded: "Go, go~"

Ling Wuwen got up and went in the direction of her cousin's housekeeper.

The location of Biaojiu's butler station is relatively hidden, and people who don't pay attention usually can't see it.

"Cousin." Ling Wuwen smiled at the housekeeper, not as cold as before.

"Ling'er, so you didn't go to find Xue Lingzhi for Governor Leng! I thought you went to the extreme north to find Xue Lingzhi, but I'm so worried about my cousin!"

Originally, he just told Su Yiling that Leng Zifeng needed snow ganoderma, and then he said where to find snow ganoderma.

He heard that Su Yiling was missing within a few days, and he knew that she must have gone to the extreme north to look for Xue Lingzhi. Later, he sent people to go to the extreme north, but he didn't find her.

"I originally planned to go to the extreme north, but later I thought about whether I could find the snow ganoderma. Even if I found it, Warlord Leng didn't need me."

Of course she said that she didn't go to the extreme north to look for Xue Lingzhi, and she didn't want others to know that Su Yiling loved Leng Zifeng so much that she would give her life for him.

"So, you went to the capital?" asked the cousin butler.

"When I was in Tongcheng, I met Sikong Yunmo, the commander-in-chief's son, and he invited me to go to the capital together."

Although the cousin butler never told outsiders about their relationship, he really loved Su Yiling, his cousin and niece.

In his memory, Su Yiling shielded Leng Zifeng from bullets at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

At that time, Leng Zifeng's first action was to draw out his gun to hit the enemy who wanted to attack him, but Su Yiling fell to the ground.

The only one who came to pick up Su Yiling was the housekeeper who kept calling her name with tears in his eyes.

"The commander-in-chief's son?! So you are not attracted by the commander-in-chief, but by the commander-in-chief's son?" The uncle butler's eyes widened in surprise.

The commander-in-chief's son will definitely be younger and more promising than the commander-in-chief! Marrying the son of the commander-in-chief is definitely better than marrying the commander-in-chief!

The uncle's butler's face was full of joy, and he hurriedly asked Ling Wuyue, "When will Master Sikong come to marry you?"

"I don't know either. It was because he cared so much about me that the commander-in-chief sent me back."

"What?! So...is the commander-in-chief dissatisfied with you? Then what if Master Sikong doesn't come to you after listening to the commander-in-chief?!"

The cousin butler's expression changed very quickly, as if he was performing.

Ling Wuwen smiled, with a relaxed face: "Don't worry, uncle, he is not a person who will listen to his father."

Seeing Ling Wuwen's expression, the uncle butler heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked at Ling Wuwen with relief: "Ling'er, you have changed, you have become very good! Your mother will definitely feel happy if she sees that you have become so strong and confident!"

Ling Wuwen smiled, but said nothing.

As a housekeeper, my cousin's housekeeper still has a lot of work to do.

I didn't chat with Ling Wuwen a few words, and I was going to be busy with other things.

Ling Wuyi didn't want to go back to her seat to listen to the play, so she decided to go for a walk in the garden.

Most people are listening to the opera, but there is no one in the garden.

When passing by a moon gate, Ling Wuyi heard something that should not be heard at the moon gate.

"I don't allow you to leave! You are mine!" Hmm... very domineering CEO Fan Er!

But it was not the president who said this, but Leng Zifeng, the military governor.

The person he was speaking to was Liu Yunqian without guessing.

Sure enough, what followed was Liu Yunqian's weeping voice: "Feng...I really tried my best...but I can't see you marrying someone else. I can't help...going to see you every day in the future. Serving you and your wife."

wind? It's still sandy! [white eyes]

"I said that it is my responsibility to marry her! The only person I love is you! After a while, I will marry you as my concubine."

"Although your status has wronged you, I will cherish you for the rest of my life!"

responsibility? That's right, isn't Leng Zifeng's responsibility for marrying Sun Jingshu!

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