Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1310 The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (21)

But Ling Wuyi really couldn't hold back the anger in her heart!

"No! I don't care about your status, I only care about your heart... But in that case, Madam will be very sad."

"Then do you want me to be sad?"

She wants to throw up, is that okay?

After Leng Zifeng finished speaking, there was no sound over there.

Ling Wuyi stretched her neck and glanced, the two were kissing.

Taking a deep breath, he pursed his lips.

Ling Wuwen felt that as a woman, she couldn't sit idly by just because of what Leng Zifeng said just now!

"Ahem..." Ling Wuyi covered her mouth and coughed twice.

The two people who heard the movement separated immediately, and Liu Yunqian even pushed Leng Zifeng away and ran away.

After Liu Yunqian ran away, Leng Zifeng walked towards the place where the coughing sound came from with a cold face.

When he saw that it was Ling Wuwen, he was stunned: "Su Yiling?"

Ling Wuwen looked at Leng Zifeng with a sneer: "I didn't expect that Governor Leng could still remember my name, I'm really flattered!"

"What are you doing here?" Leng Zifeng frowned slightly, extremely majestic.

If it was someone else, they would probably be frightened by Leng Zifeng.

But Ling Wuyi just smiled sarcastically: "What are you doing? Take a walk. But it seems that I heard something I shouldn't have heard just now."

Leng Zifeng didn't speak, but looked at Ling Wuwen with very cold eyes.

Ling Wuwen didn't seem to feel anything at all, with a slight smile on her face: "Although I know it shouldn't be, I think I should remind you, Warlord Leng!"

"You are not marrying a lady from an official family today, but the granddaughter whom the president of the country cares about and loves the most!"

"It is true that you should be responsible for doing such a thing, but if you are responsible, you must marry her and give her a title!"

Leng Zifeng was stunned at first, but then sneered.

He leaned over to Ling Wuwen, and said, "If I remember correctly, you should like me. So don't you think it would be funny for you to complain for Sun Jingshu?"

I like you big head ghost! Does this kind of scumbag match her liking? ! nausea!

Ling Wuxi opened her mouth, wanting to scold Leng Zifeng, and even decided to beat him if scolding was not satisfying.

But the cursing words were still in his throat, but a threatening voice came from behind: "If I heard correctly, is Warden Leng saying that my woman likes you?"

This voice was so familiar that Ling Wuyi was dumbfounded.

After waiting for a month, Sikong Yunmo finally came!

But before Ling Wuyi had time to be happy, the 80 points of favorability suddenly reached 60 points!

! ! ! !

Her expression couldn't express Ling Wuyi's mood anymore, she turned around and looked at Sikong Yunmo who was coming around the corner.

He is still wearing the same white Chinese tunic suit for thousands of years, and his short black hair is slightly longer than a month ago.

There was a smile on Sikong Yunmo's face, but that smile... was very permeating.

Leng Zifeng frowned slightly, he had never seen Sikong Yunmo, so he didn't know him.

But he heard it just now, Sikong Yunmo said, Ling Wuwen is his woman?

"Who are you?"

Standing beside Sikong Yunmo, the housekeeper hurriedly introduced: "Overseer, this is the son of the commander-in-chief's family, and he is also the police chief who just transferred to the capital today!"

"So it's Director Sikong." The expression on Leng Zifeng's face softened a little.

Son of the commander-in-chief, don't offend casually.

Leng Zifeng greeted Sikong Yunmo, but Sikong Yunmo had no intention of greeting him.

"Yi Ling, come here." Sikong Yunmo waved to Ling Wuwen.

Sikong Yunmo summoned, Ling Wuyue dare not go there?

Cough~ She really hasn't passed.

He snorted at Sikong Yunmo: "It's only been a whole month, why don't you come to my wedding later?"

After speaking, Ling Wuwen turned around and left.

Sikong Yunmo was stunned for a moment, and the heart of the uncle butler next to him almost jumped out of fright.

Why is this cousin and niece still running away? What if Sikong Yunmo gets angry?

But soon the cousin butler knew that he was worrying for nothing, because Sikong Yunmo grinned happily.

Instead of chasing Ling Wuwen immediately, he walked up to Leng Zifeng and said with a smile, "Su Yiling, my woman. Sun Jingshu, my sister. Governor Leng, please do your own thing."

Leng Zifeng is a man who has been on the battlefield, he can see the meaning in Sikong Yunmo's eyes.

He was threatening him, not just his life, but his position!

Just about to say something, Ling Wuwen, who had walked away, came back again, glaring at Sikong Yunmo: "Sikong Yunmo! Are you chasing me or not? If you don't chase me, you can leave!"

The smile on Sikong Yunmo's face changed in an instant, and he quickly walked towards Ling Wu, hugging her tightly: "Don't chase, because you are in my arms."

Ling Wu squinted her mouth and looked at him pitifully: "Why did you make me wait for so long for a month!"

"It's definitely not a matter of two days to be transferred from Beijing to Jiangcheng, plus..." Father sent his baby away without saying a word, so he has to be angry with him to make it even!

For the first half month, Sikong Yunmo had been confusing Sikong Yuan's perception, making him think that he was really good.

For the next half month, of course, the transfer was handled without letting Sikong Yuan know that he was going to be transferred.

Just because Sun Jingshu was going to marry into Jiangcheng, Sikong Yunmo asked President Sun to directly order him to be transferred on the grounds that he could take care of Sun Jingshu if he worked in Jiangcheng.

Just like that, Sikong Yunmo got on the train to Jiangcheng four days ago.

Knowing that he was coming to Jiangcheng, Sikong Yuan was so angry that his face turned black.

"I thought you wouldn't come looking for me!" Ling Wuyi muttered.

Sikong Yunmo raised his hand and rubbed her cheek, he hadn't touched her cheek for a month.

When he touched Ling Wuwen again, Sikong Yunmo felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"How come! You are mine, can I not come and get my things back!"


Even though the favorability point that had just dropped to 60 points had increased to 80 points, in Sikong Yunmo's heart, she was still nothing more than a thing.

"Let's go, accompany me to read Jingshu." Sikong Yunmo said.

Ling Wuwen glanced at Leng Zifeng and his cousin butler, and nodded: "Well, I know the way, let's go."

Sikong Yunmo put his arms around Ling Wuyi's shoulders, and walked towards the new house with her——

Sun Jingshu was also very happy to see Sikong Yunmo coming.

When she heard that Sikong Yunmo would stay in Jiangcheng, Sun Jingshu was even happier.

She originally thought that she would not be used to being alone in Jiangcheng, but after knowing that there were two acquaintances here, she felt much better.

After all, he is a man, so it's not good to stay in the new house for too long, so Sikong Yunmo and Ling Wuyi went back to the guest table without saying a few words.

Leng Zifeng arranged for Sikong Yunmo to sit as a VIP, but Sikong Yunmo didn't agree, and sat at Father Su's table with Ling Wuying.

What else to say, it’s not good to be special...

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