Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1312 The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (23)

"Shut up! You have the ability, you also give me the son of the commander-in-chief!" Su's father shouted at Su Lan, obviously very impatient with this ignorant daughter.

Su Lan's eyes were filled with tears, she stomped her feet aggrieved and angrily, and ran away with a howl.

"Oh, master, you are so serious! Knowing that Lan'er is ignorant, you still say that about her. She is a prostitute, can she sleep with a man casually like Yiling?" Mrs. Su held Father Su's arm, and she was also worried. Some gas.

Su's father didn't quite buy it, and shook off Mrs. Su's hand: "Hmph~ my daughter, maybe my daughter can marry better than Yiling!"

After finishing speaking, Father Su strode away with his hands behind his back.

Madam Su tightly squeezed the silk handkerchief in her hand, almost tore the silk handkerchief to pieces.

Hmph~ What about the commander-in-chief's son? Is there anything unworthy of her daughter? Just wait... Su Yiling will cry one day!

At this moment, Mrs. Su has already decided to help her daughter snatch Sikong Yunmo away from Ling Wuyi——

After Sikong Yunmo and Ling Wuwen returned to Xuexiang Garden, he asked Ling Wuwen to give him a bath.

Ling Wuxi was snatched by her own saliva, and coughed violently: "Ahem, cough... Did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong?"

Sikong Yunmo smiled and pinched Ling Wu's cheeks, and said, "I'm not wrong and you heard me right, go and help me drain the water, I'll go to bed for a while."

Before Ling Wuxi could react, Sikong Yunmo had already taken off his tunic jacket, and lay down on the bed wearing only his inner shirt.

Ling Wuxi swallowed, and when she was hugged by Sikong Yunmo, she could always feel that his figure was very predictable.

If you help him take a bath, he will definitely...

Aww~ Will she have a nosebleed?

Taking another look at Sikong Yunmo, Ling Wuwen went to the bathroom to fill him with water.

After the water was put away, she found Sikong Yunmo's pajamas again, and then went to wake him up.

"Yun Mo, get up and take a shower."

"Hmm~" Sikong Yunmo opened his eyes, looking at Ling Wumo with a little blurred eyes.

That look almost made Ling Wu's heart go numb.

It's too... too meow to attract people to commit crimes!

"Cough~ Hurry up and take a shower, or the water will be cold." Ling Wuwen reminded.

Sikong Yunmo still looked at Ling Wumo in a daze, but didn't speak.

After a while, he raised his hand to hug Ling Wu's neck.

Ling Wuwen was forced to bend down by Sikong Yunmo's sudden movement, her nose was touching his nose.

Blinking his eyes, he stared blankly at Sikong Yunmo.

Originally, she thought that Sikong Yunmo would suddenly become enlightened and want to kiss her...

However, it turned out that she was overthinking.

Sikong Yunmo opened his mouth and murmured, "You pick me up."

Ling Wuwen: "..." She could hug him, but would she dare to hug him?

"Stop making trouble, how can I pick you up! Get up quickly!" Ling Wuxi took Sikong Yunmo's hand from her neck.

Sikong Yunmo grinned, got up from the bed, put his arms around Ling Wuwen's neck and went to the bathroom without even wearing shoes.

Stripped naked as if no one else was there, revealing a strong body, a perfect figure...

Aww~ Ling Wuxue thought she would have a nosebleed, but luckily she didn't!

The sound of water "crashing" was Sikong Yunmo sitting in the bathtub.

He leaned there and closed his eyes: "Yiling, wash my hair for me."

"Ah... oh..." Ling Wuyi almost bit her own tongue.

After a pause, he still rolled up his sleeves and approached the bathtub.

The process of helping Sikong Yunmo to wash his hair and take a bath was quite torturous.

She was too ashamed, and the person who was seen naked didn't react at all.

Ling Wuwen knew that Sikong Yunmo, a pervert, didn't understand anything about the relationship between men and women.

It's not that he doesn't know, but that he doesn't understand.

If he knew, he wouldn't look calm when he bathed her as if he was washing something.

If he knew, he wouldn't just hug her to sleep and just touch her cheek.

It was precisely because he didn't understand that Ling Wuwen felt that it was too difficult to increase the favorability after eighty o'clock.

After giving Sikong Yunmo a bath, Ling Wuyi dried his hair with a towel before going to take a bath by himself.

Originally thought that Sikong Yunmo would have fallen asleep when she came out of the shower, but he was still sitting on the chair waiting for her.

Seeing Ling Wuyi coming out, Sikong Yunmo put down the medical book in his hand, walked over to take the towel in her hand.

He smiled and said, "You helped me just now, now I will help you."

Ling Wuyi also hooked her lips into a smile, and let Sikong Yunmo wipe her hair.

Sitting on the chair, Ling Wuwen asked Sikong Yunmo: "Yunmo, have you missed me this month?"

"Of course, I think about it every day, and I can't sleep anymore!" After comparing, he realized that it was really comfortable to sleep with Ling Wuwen in his arms.

In the month without Ling Wupi, he also thought about trying to sleep with other women.

But when he saw those women, he didn't want to touch them, let alone hug them to sleep!

When he couldn't sleep, Sikong Yunmo had no choice but to study his wax figures.

In the end, all twenty-nine wax figures were destroyed because of his irritability alone.

"What about you? Do you miss me?" Sikong Yunmo asked.

Ling Wuxi hummed: "Of course I did! I thought you would come to me in a few days, but I didn't expect..."

"When your father asked you to leave, why did you agree so readily? It is said that you even took a thousand dollars from your father."

Speaking of this, Ling Wuxi simply stood up from the chair.

She turned to face Sikong Yunmo and said, "Because I know you will definitely come to me! As for the thousand yuan, your father gave it to me, can I not take it?"

What this said seems to be: if the elders give it, it is impolite not to.

Sikong Yunmo nodded approvingly: "That's right, I really should, but I think 1,000 yuan is too little. It's worth 10,000 yuan no matter what!"

Pfft... What a strength pit dad!

"Then next time I have a chance, I will definitely tell the commander-in-chief that if you want me to leave your son, you have to pay 10,000 yuan?" Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows and asked Sikong Yunmo with a smile.

"That can't be done. If you want to use 10,000 yuan to get you to leave me, that's definitely not possible! Besides, you belong to me, and you have no right to make your own decisions."

Sikong Yunmo hugged her waist a little harder, his eyes were very serious.

Ling Wuwen: "..."

"Okay, aren't you sleepy? Go to sleep!"

"Well, sleep together." Sikong Yunmo couldn't wait to walk towards the bed with Ling Wuyi in his arms.

Having not slept soundly for a month, Sikong Yunmo felt that he would definitely sleep until noon the next day!

"Wait, let me pour you a glass of water first. They say that drinking a glass of warm water before going to bed can help you sleep." Of course it is false.

Sikong Yunmo nodded, and let go of Lingwu.

When Ling Wuwen went to pour water for Sikong Yunmo, she poured painkillers into the cup.

Although the 9th of this month has passed, but if you eat it now, you won’t have a headache on the 9th of next month!

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