Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1313 The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (24)

Seeing Sikong Yunmo drink the water with the painkiller in it, Ling Wuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Put the water glass away, and lie down next to Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo hugged her a little tight tonight, even his legs were on her body...

Fortunately, she is not really a 'weak woman', and she can bear half of Sikong Yunmo's weight.

Seeing Sikong Yunmo who fell asleep after a while, Ling Wuyi also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Now Sikong Yunmo is by her side, although it may not be easy to add after gaining 80 favorability points.

But that's not necessarily it! She has to believe in herself—

Sikong Yunmo can really sleep well, and Ling Wuyi finally believes that he really can't sleep well without her.

When Sikong Yunmo woke up, it was already afternoon.

In order not to wake her up, Ling Wuwen always kept one movement, and endured even when she was hungry.

So what Sikong Yunmo saw when he opened his eyes was Ling Wuyi's pitiful face.

"Hey~ You finally woke up! If you don't wake up, I will starve to death!"

"Hmm~ Did I sleep for a long time?" Sikong Yunmo looked very energetic, which showed how comfortable he slept this time.

Ling Wuxi nodded, pushed his hands and feet away and sat up on the bed: "Axiu!"

Axiu, the servant who had been guarding outside the door, heard Ling Wuyue calling her, and quickly agreed: "Miss Thirteen, I'm here!"

"Let the kitchen prepare lunch." In fact, afternoon tea is closer to the time.

Now...it's three o'clock in the afternoon!

Turning to look at Sikong Yunmo who also sat up: "Don't you need to go to the police station today?"

Sikong Yunmo stretched his waist, and said casually: "I'm the director and I'm the oldest. I can go whenever I like."

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, didn't she mean that when she was in the capital, every day was very regular? Go to work when it's time to go to work.

Why did you start to be self-willed on the first day when you arrived in Jiangcheng?

Shrugging his shoulders: "Okay ~ Mr. Director, how about letting the little girl wait for you to wash?"

Sikong Yunmo stretched out both hands and rubbed Ling Wuyi's face, then shook his head: "No~ Miss Su, let me take care of you to wash up!"

Ling Wuwen: "..." Here it comes again——

Maybe it's because it's been too long, Sikong Yunmo not only has to change Ling Wuxi's clothes and make up, but also wash her up.

There's no way, it's not the first time, and Ling Wu can't refuse.

This time when Sikong Yunmo came, he not only brought a lot of his luggage, but also a lot of Ling Wuyi's clothes.

Said that she brought back too little, not enough to wear...

The two left the room after Sikong Yunmo dressed up Ling Wuyi to his satisfaction.

When Axiu saw Ling Wuwen, she was dumbfounded.

Even though Ling Wu Nie is usually very beautiful, today's Ling Wu Nie... is extraordinarily beautiful!

That's ~ I don't know who made it.

Ling Wuwen took Sikong Yunmo's hand, and went with him to the dining room of Xuexiang Garden for dinner.

After eating, Ling Wuwen asked him: "Then are you still going to the police station today?"

Sikong Yunmo nodded: "Of course I'm going, at least I'm a bureau chief."

"Oh, then you go, I..."

"You go with me." Sikong Yunmo interrupted Ling Wuyi's words.

Ling Wuxi paused: "Huh? With you? Didn't the commander-in-chief say..."

"There's no commander-in-chief here!" So of course he can do what he likes!

Ling Wuwen: "..." That makes sense.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Ling Wuwen and Sikong Yunmo finally left Xuexiangyuan.

As soon as he went out, Su Lan jumped out.

She also dressed up carefully today, and her image still looks very good, at least she looks more beautiful than Huajiao in the garden.

Su Lan looked at Sikong Yunmo and Ling Wumo shyly. Of course, her eyes were mainly on Sikong Yunmo.

"Director Sikong... Sister... Good afternoon!" The deliberately whiny voice gave Ling Wuyi goosebumps.

Wanting to seduce Sikong Yunmo just like that, is he overestimating himself or underestimating Sikong Yunmo?

It is estimated that for someone like Su Lan, Sikong Yunmo would not even want to make her into a living wax figure!

Sikong Yunmo looked at Su Lan and raised his eyebrows: "Yiling, is she playing a clown? Well, it was very successful, really ugly! Much uglier than those clowns I saw abroad."


Ling Wuxi couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Su Lan blushed from being insulted, looked at Ling Wuwen and then at Sikong Yunmo, stomped her feet and left crying.

"Leaving so easily?" Ling Wuxi was a little dumbfounded.

It's too easy to give up, right?

Sikong Yunmo squeezed Ling Wu's hand, and said with a smile, "Then what else do you want?"

"Watching a show! Those people want to be your baby~" Baby = wax figure.

"They are too ugly to be qualified. Besides, you are my baby!" Before he was still full of novelty towards her.

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and smiled, sure enough they were rejected by Sikong Yunmo.

"Okay, let's go." Ling Wuwen shook the hand held by Sikong Yunmo, and walked with him to the gate of the Su residence.

The particularly stylish red car was already waiting outside the door. Seeing Sikong Yunmo coming out, the driver hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for the two of them.

Many people came and went outside the door, and they all saw Ling Wuyi getting into the car holding the arm of a handsome young man.

In one afternoon, everyone in Jiangcheng knew about it.

Knowing that Ling Wuwen is going to marry the commander-in-chief's son in the future. Although, Sikong Yunmo never said that he wanted to marry Ling Wuwen...

Ling Wuwen stayed with Sikong Yunmo in the police station for two hours, watching him get acquainted with the situation in the police station.

Before dinner, Sikong Yunmo took Ling Wuyi back to the Su residence.

Father Su wanted to invite Sikong Yunmo to have a meal together and meet his daughters by the way.

The Su family currently has five unmarried daughters, all of whom are about the same age as Su Yiling.

Madam Su was telling him last night and this morning that she was worried that Ling Wuyi would not be able to hold Sikong Yunmo's heart by herself.

If one day Sikong Yunmo doesn't favor Ling Wuwen, then their Su family still can't rely on Sikong's family.

Why not let Sikong Yunmo marry more daughters from their family.

In this case, if one is not favored, there are others, and the other sisters also have a care.

Mrs. Su's words made Father Su feel very reasonable, so he agreed.

Although Ling Wuyi didn't know Father Su and Mrs. Su's wishful thinking, even if they didn't, the daughters of the Su family wouldn't want to let Sikong Yunmo go.

It doesn't matter to Ling Wuwen, just treat it as watching a show~ Anyway, she doesn't need to deal with it.

It's a pity~ I didn't watch the play, because Sikong Yunmo refused without even thinking about it.

Taking Lingwu catkins, he went straight back to Xuexiang Garden.


In the next few days, Sikong Yunmo would bring Ling Wumo with him when he went out, and the two of them were almost inseparable.

And the daughters of the Su family would come out from time to time to meet Sikong Yunmo.


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