Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1337 Reasons for not being able to live (fifteen)

"Okay." Before Li Yuesheng finished speaking, Wang Bohao suddenly said a good word, which made everyone, including Ling Wu, stunned.

He looked at Wang Bohao in bewilderment.

good? What good?

Li Yuesheng stared blankly at Wang Bohao who turned around and walked towards her, obviously he didn't understand what his 'good' meant?

Wang Bohao asked Li Yuesheng: "How much do you weigh?"

"Ah?! I... I am one hundred and fifty catties..." Li Yuesheng honestly told Wang Bohao his weight in a weak voice.

After saying that, Li Yuesheng regretted it. She should have said it lightly. Would she be laughed at by the male god if she said that she weighed 150 catties?

A certain male god Wang Bohao paused for a moment, then said lightly: "You lose weight, you are not allowed to use dieting methods, lose a catty and go on a date once."

In a word, everyone present was stunned.

However, Wang Bohao's next sentence could directly dislocate one's jaw.

Wang Bohao said to Li Yuesheng: "If you lose thirty catties, we will officially date."

Li Yuesheng looked at Wang Bohao in disbelief, opened his mouth, but could no longer make a sound.

Someone started to talk, asking whether Wang Bohao had taken the wrong medicine?

Some people also asked, did Wang Bohao not wear glasses when he went out today?

Only Ling Wuyi had a smile unconsciously on her face, she thought about it, probably not only Li Yuesheng was thinking about Wang Bohao, but Wang Bohao was also thinking about Li Yuesheng!

Tsk~ To even ask a girl to confess first, really...

But it's good for weight loss.

After all, if you are too fat, it will affect your health.

Judging by Li Yuesheng's appearance, if he likes Wang Bohao so much, he should be able to lose weight for Wang Bohao.

In fact, after losing 30 catties, she still has 120 catties. Judging by Li Yuesheng's height, she is probably a little fat.

"How is it?" Wang Bohao asked Li Yuesheng.

Li Yuesheng covered his mouth, tears burst out instantly.

With a crying voice, she asked Wang Bohao vaguely: "I, I... I... Am I dreaming?"

At first Ling Wuyi thought that Wang Bohao would tell her: "This is not a dream."

But unexpectedly, Wang Bohao reached out and pinched Li Yuesheng's fleshy arm: "Does it hurt?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Li Yuesheng put down his hands, grinned and nodded again and again, as if he was so happy: "So it wasn't a dream."

Ling Wuxi shook her head speechlessly, but the smile on her face did not fade.

Sentimental love is always beautiful...

She lifted her foot and continued to walk towards the cafeteria.

After walking a few steps, I couldn't help but took out my phone and called Jiang Yunci.

Over there, Jiang Yunci was just about to have lunch when he heard the phone ring.

Seeing that the caller ID was Ling Wuwen, the corners of his mouth immediately twitched.

"Are you ready to eat in the cafeteria?" Jiang Yunci's tone made Yu Xianjin look at him more.

Every time Jiang Yunci spoke on the phone in such an unusually gentle tone, he knew he was talking to Ling Wuxi on the phone.

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth raised slightly, and she nodded: "Well, I'm on my way to the cafeteria, how about you? Are you preparing for lunch?"

"Yeah, I was just about to have lunch, why? Didn't you call specifically to see if I had lunch obediently?"

Ling Wuqian laughed twice, and said in a brisk tone, "There is also this reason, but there is something I want to share with you."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yunci asked curiously, and he could hear the good mood in Ling Wuyi's tone.

"Just now my deskmate, she is a beautiful but a bit fat female student who confessed her love to a handsome male student in our class. In front of the whole school~"

"Well, did that boy accept it?" Jiang Yunci took a sip of the soup and asked Ling Wuyi curiously.

Ling Wuwen did not answer Jiang Yunci's question, but instead asked him: "If a girl confessed to you, would you accept it?"

this problem……

Jiang Yunci raised his eyebrows and said, "It depends on which girl confessed to me!"

Ling Wuwen immediately asked again: "Then which girl do you want to confess to you?"

...I think, you confess to me.

Of course, Jiang Yunci would not say this to Ling Wuwen.

Although he has now realized that he likes Lingwu, he tells himself that he needs to wait patiently.

Waiting for Lingwu Weed... to become an adult.

"What about you, Xiaoya? If a boy confessed his love to you, would you agree or refuse?"

"This, of course, depends on which boy confesses to me!"

"Then which boy do you want to confess to you?"

Originally, Jiang Yunci thought that Ling Wuwen would say that there were no boys who wanted to accept the confession, but her answer was: "Hmph~ I won't tell you!"

There was a hint of shyness in that tone.

Jiang Yunci's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Ling Wuyi had someone he liked at school.

Just when I was about to talk to her, I heard Ling Wuwen over there say: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to line up for dinner, bye~"


Jiang Yunci had already hung up before he could say anything.

Looking at the phone whose screen had been blacked out, Jiang Yunci frowned.

When he thought that Ling Wutian might have a boy he liked, he felt inexplicably agitated. Very upset!

"What's the matter? Your little daughter-in-law hung up the phone?" Yu Xianjin couldn't help but teased.

He and Jiang Yunci have known each other for almost ten years. The two have known each other since the first grade of junior high school and now are in their senior year.

Each other has learned to the extent that they can know what the other party wants to express with a cough.

So even though Jiang Yunci had no expression on his face now, Yu Xianjin knew that he was not in a good mood.

Jiang Yunci nodded, frowning slightly: "Well, she... seems to have someone she likes."

Yu Xianjin, who had been cold and expressionless all the year round, couldn't help but curled his lips into a smile: "It's rare..."

What's rare, Yu Xianjin didn't say.

But Jiang Yunci knew what he didn't say after that.

What Yu Xianjin meant was that it was rare for him, Jiang Yunci, to fall on an underage girl.

Now he obviously likes it, but he still has to be careful not to let her know, because he is afraid of scaring her.

Knowing that she has someone she likes, she feels uncomfortable in various ways.

Sighing, my heart couldn't calm down——

That night, Ling Wuwen got off her evening self-study and was about to leave the school gate.

"Disgusting fat man! You also covet the prince, why don't you look in the mirror?"

"She's too fat, she must have looked in the mirror without taking a full picture of her big face!"

"Disgusting fat man! I warn you, if you dare to get close to the prince again, you will die ugly!"

School violence? Fatty? prince?

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, although she thought it might be Li Yuesheng, she didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

If it's really Li Yuesheng, maybe Wang Bohao will come to the hero's rescue...the pretty fat girl!

Eh? Does she want to go to the play?

Once the heart of gossip comes up, I can't suppress it.

She tiptoed along to the source of the sound, and it was indeed Li Yuesheng who was surrounded by seven or eight girls and bullied her.


[First three chapters]

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