Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1338 Reasons for not being able to live (sixteen)

Li Yuesheng didn't speak at first, until someone pushed her.

Then those girls started to push Li Yuesheng in turn, but she didn't show any expression on her face.

Ling Wuyi looked around and happened to see Wang Bohao who was also standing in the corner.

Judging by Wang Bohao's appearance, he probably didn't come here just now.

What do you mean? Wang Bohao didn't intend to come forward to rescue Li Yuesheng? What about the hero who promised to save the beautiful fat girl?

Ling Wuyi frowned, what is this Wang Bohao trying to do? Just watching Li Yuesheng being bullied?

Turning to look at Li Yuesheng, Ling Wuyi was still hesitating whether to help her just now...

Over there, I saw Li Yuesheng say: "You guys did it first."

"What if we do it? I'll tell you fat man, if you don't stay away from the prince, I'll take off your clothes and take photos of your fat body and post them on the Internet!"

After the girl finished speaking, Li Yuesheng was not angry, but grinned.

Originally, she had a lot of flesh on her face, but with this smile, the fleshy eyes were squeezed out.

Li Yuesheng said: "Then I will do it too, this is self-defense." After speaking, he started to do it.

She didn't do fancy moves either, just over the shoulder.

In one breath, seven or eight girls were thrown to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

After falling, Li Yuesheng took a deep breath: "If my sister hadn't been practicing for a month of over-the-shoulder fall, I wouldn't be able to do anything to you. It is definitely impossible to keep me away from him, because I will definitely lose thirty catties successfully. !"

Let alone thirty catties, she is willing to lose fifty catties!

The girl who took the lead managed to get up from the ground, and looked at Li Yuesheng fiercely: "If you hit someone, I will tell the dean and ask him to mark it off for you!"

"But obviously you guys did it first, I was just defending myself." Li Yuesheng said innocently.

The girl smiled coldly: "So what if we did it first? So many of us testified that you did it first, who do you think the dean will believe?"

Li Yuesheng blinked, took out the phone from his pocket and pressed a button, and a recording came out: "You guys did it first."

"What if we do it? I'll tell you fat man, if you don't stay away from the prince, I'll take off your clothes and take photos of your fat body and post them on the Internet!"

"Then I will do it too. This is self-defense."

Putting it here, Li Yuesheng pressed the pause button, and looked at the girl with a dark face with a smile: "Hey, tell me, does the dean trust you, or the recording?"

Ling Wuwen, who was hiding in the dark, almost burst out laughing, she didn't expect her deskmate to be so cute!

That's right, how could a top student who was ranked second in the whole grade be bullied so foolishly?

If she didn't want to leave this world after filling up Jiang Yunci's favorability, she really wanted to make friends with her.

On the other side, Wang Bohao was not surprised by Li Yuesheng's behavior of recording in advance.

Obviously, Wang Bohao actually knew Li Yuesheng very well.

What's more obvious is...Wang Bohao has actually followed Li Yuesheng for a long time!

Let me go~ This Wang Bohao is too tolerant! To the point where Li Yuesheng took the initiative to confess his love to him!


Seeing that Li Yuesheng had the recording in his hand, the girls looked at each other, knowing that the most urgent thing to do was to grab the phone.

But just as they were about to make a move, Wang Bohao walked out.

He ignored those girls who turned into nympho faces in an instant, and just walked up to Li Yuesheng and looked at her: "After school, what are you doing here?"

Li Yuesheng didn't expect to meet a male god here, he was a little surprised and hesitated: "I am here...here..."

Before she said what she was doing here, a girl hurriedly said: "We are talking here."

"That's right, that's right, it's talking!" The other girls agreed.

Wang Bohao didn't say anything, he just took Li Yuesheng's wrist and walked outside the school.

The protagonists are all gone... Of course she, who is not even considered a soy sauce party, should go too.

Ling Wuyi shrugged and turned to leave.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, before Ling Wuyue saw Uncle Liu's car, he was stopped by a boy about 17 or 18 years old.

The boy is quite handsome, with delicate facial features a bit like a girl, and pretty peach eyes.

This boy, Ling Wuwen, seemed familiar, although he usually wouldn't discuss handsome boys and schoolgirls with others.

But she also has a heart for gossip occasionally, so she will listen when others discuss it.

Wang Bohao is a school grass, and he is also a school grass to stop Ling Wu.

But this school grass is more popular than Wang Bohao, because he almost never refuses anyone.

Ling Wuwen didn't intend to pay any attention to this 'fancy schoolgirl' Huo Cheng, and raised her foot to walk past him.

In the end, this playboy reached out to stop Ling Wuwen, and raised a smile that he thought was exceptionally handsome and charming: "Are you Qin Fangya? If so, be my girlfriend."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

A person who doesn't even know what she looks like... unexpectedly wants her to be his girlfriend!

Is this a joke?

"Sorry, I'm not. Even if I were, I wouldn't be your girlfriend." Ling Wuxi replied.

"Why?" Huo Cheng, the playboy, had already automatically ignored Ling Wu's previous sentence, only paying attention to her last sentence.

Just as Ling Wuyi was about to speak, she saw Jiang Yunci walking towards her behind Huo Cheng.

Leng Leng, raised a bright smile.

Huo Cheng thought that Ling Wuwen was smiling at him, so he raised his hand to straighten his handsome hairstyle.

Opening his mouth, just about to say something, Ling Wuyue has already walked towards him quickly.

Turning around to look, I saw Ling Wuyi walking briskly towards the smiling man in a camel coat.

Seeing that the man was slightly more handsome than himself, Huo Cheng's smile froze on his face.

"Brother Yunci, why are you here? Where's Uncle Liu?" Ling Wuyi looked behind Jiang Yunci, but she didn't see Uncle Liu who was supposed to pick her up.

Jiang Yunci glanced at Huo Cheng, then took Ling Wuyi's hand and walked towards the car: "I thought about it, your semester is very important, if you live with me, if you don't understand anything, I can still guide you. "

"But you are usually so busy... how can you have time to pick me up?" Ling Wuyi tilted her head and looked at Jiang Yunci.

She didn't believe that Jiang Yunci wanted to live with her because she thought this semester was very important! After all, Jiang Yunci knew that she had no problem with the college entrance examination.

I'm stumped... Is it because of the phone call during the day?

Jiang Yunci opened the back seat door for Ling Wuyi to let her in, and then got into the driver's seat by himself.

"Time is squeezed out. Although I am researching new products recently, there is always time. I have already told my parents, so you don't have to worry." Jiang Yunci said.

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