Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1339 Reasons for not being able to live (seventeen)

Ling Wuyue let out a groan, but didn't speak any more.

Jiang Yunci started the car and left, raising his eyes from time to time to see the catkins in the rearview mirror while on the road.

After a while, he asked Ling Wuwen: "That boy just now, is he confessing his love to you? Why did it take you so long to come out? I almost went in to find you."

Ling Wuwen, who was dozing off, heard Jiang Yunci asking her this, so she nodded: "Yes, he is the school grass of our school, and many girls like him. I just saw a few girls in He bullied my deskmate, so he stood aside and watched."

"Oh, then...do you like him?" After asking, Jiang Yunci nervously waited for Ling Wuyi to answer him.

He was very afraid, afraid that Ling Wuwen's answer would be like.

Ling Wuyi half-closed her eyes and shook her head: "I don't like it, I just know him, and I'm not familiar with him. And..."

Jiang Yunci breathed a sigh of relief when Ling Wuwen said that he didn't like it anymore.

Some curiously asked Ling Wuwen: "And what?"

"Besides, I don't think his character is good. Even if I'm not sure who I am, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Boys like this are just looking for a girlfriend for fun."

Yan Yan willful... In the future, he will always meet a woman who can suppress him.

"Since you don't like that boy, Xiaoya, which boy do you like? It doesn't matter~ If you tell me, I can still be your adviser." Jiang Yunci pretended to be a close brother, trying to set Ling Wuyi's words.

Ling Wuxi's drowsiness was gone, her cheeks turned red slightly, and she said embarrassingly: "You drive seriously, don't look at me!"

"Then I won't look at you, why don't you tell me?" Jiang Yunci looked ahead, still refusing to give up.

Ling Wuxi was unwilling to tell him, and kept changing the subject.

"Are you hungry? I'll make glutinous rice balls when I get back, okay?"

When it comes to food, Jiang Yunci paused and nodded: "Okay."

There's no way, he feels like his mouth is being sucked by Ling Wumo, and he feels that no one's cooking is as delicious as Lingwumo's.

Although it can be eaten, but if there is a choice, Jiang Yunci would of course choose Lingwu catkin to make it.

Lingwu catkins are really amazing, even though they are ordinary home-cooked dishes, they can also be delicious.

He can cook by himself, but compared to Ling Wu, he is nothing but scum.

No wonder Mrs. Liu said that Ling Wu is a natural cook who is good at cooking!

Jiang Yunci was glad that he hadn't shown off his culinary skills in front of Ling Wu, otherwise...

In fact, there is another advantage of living with Ling Wuyi, that is, you can eat her cooking every day!


As soon as she got home, Ling Wuwen went straight to the kitchen.

On the other hand, Jiang Yunci stood at the door of the kitchen and watched Ling Wumi making glutinous rice balls: "Xiaoya, have you ever thought about falling in love?"

Ling Wuwen, who was meeting with each other, turned her head and glanced at Jiang Yunci: "Huh?"

"I said, have you ever thought about falling in love?" Jiang Yunci repeated.

Ling Wuxi thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Think about it, Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jiang said that you can't fall in love until you're eighteen, that's called puppy love."

"Eh...then if you can fall in love early, who do you want to fall in love with?" Jiang Yunci still didn't give up, and was still talking to Ling Wuyi.

The corner of Ling Wuxi's mouth raised an arc, and the wicked ones just wanted to prevent him from succeeding.

"This question... Oh, I'm a girl, so I can't discuss this kind of topic with boys!"

Jiang Yunci: "..."

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yunci went all out: "Then, then don't treat me as a boy, but as a girl."


Ling Wuwen was lucky that she didn't drink any water, otherwise she would have been able to squirt.

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Yunci: "Yunci... sister?"

The corner of Jiang Yunci's mouth twitched, and he responded bravely: "Hey."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Really, it's enough to go all out...

"Now, can you talk about it?" Jiang Yunci leaned closer to Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen looked at Jiang Yunci with some doubts: "What's wrong with you today? Why don't you always ask me this question?"

"Uh... because... because you said that the deskmate confessed to a male classmate, I suddenly remembered that you were at the age when you were in love, so I was curious... yes, just curious!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yunci couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up. The reason was so reasonable!

"Oh, then when you passed this age, did you have any puppy love?" Ling Wuwen asked Jiang Yunci curiously.

There is no mention of Jiang Yunci's relationship in the plot, and Ling Wuyi is also curious about whether Jiang Yunci has been in love before.

Jiang Yunci was stunned again. If he remembered correctly, he was the one who was messing with Ling Wu.

How come it took only one sentence to turn into Ling Wu's words?

However, it's okay to answer: "Of course I have a first love, but there is no puppy love. At that time, I would also imagine what the girl I like would be like, but I have never met it."

Anyway, Jiang Yunci never thought that one day he would fall in love with an underage girl!

Back then... oh no, whether it was then or now, there were quite a few people who liked him and pursued him, but he really didn't like any of them.

It's not that he is not good enough, but that he doesn't like it at all.

"Okay, it's time for you to answer this question."

Ling Wu's face was blushing, and her hands kept moving: "I also imagined what the boy I like would be like..."

"What's it like?" Jiang Yunci leaned closer to Ling Wuwen, afraid that she might not be able to hear what she said.

Ling Wuwen moved back and took a look at Jiang Yunci: "It's like... Brother Jiang, mature, stable and responsible, and can give people a full sense of security."

Jiang Yunci stared at Ling Wuwen with wide eyes, and stuttered because he was too surprised: "You you you...you...you like someone as old as big brother?"

There is a difference of more than 20 years!

"I don't like the old ones, but the mature ones." Ling Wuxi said quickly.

Only then did Jiang Yunci breathe a sigh of relief: "Oh~ it is necessary to have a mature and steady personality. I thought the age was also like that of the eldest brother! Then what do you think..." How about me?

Jiang Yunci still didn't have the courage to say the following words.

Ling Wu, who was making glutinous rice balls, turned her head and glanced at Jiang Yunci: "Huh? What?"

"It's nothing, I'll take a shower first, and come out to eat glutinous rice balls." After speaking, Jiang Yunci quickly left the kitchen.

Ling Wuyi shrugged indifferently. Originally, she planned to confess her love if Jiang Yunci still planned to trick her.

Since he ran away, forget it——

After eating the glutinous rice balls, Jiang Yunci offered to wash the dishes and let Ling Wuxi go to bed.

"You have to go to school tomorrow, so go to bed early."

"Okay, then you should go to bed early too. Good night~"

"Good night~"


Ling Wuyi went back to her room to take a shower and sleep, Jiang Yunci seemed to have visited her room in the middle of the night.


[The 700th monthly pass will be updated! 】

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