Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1348 Reasons for not being able to survive (End)

Ling Wuyi stared blankly at Jiang Yunci, not hiding her surprise and surprise.

She really didn't think that Jiang Yunci didn't want to marry her because she wanted to surprise her...

And just now, Jiang Yunci's favorability for her has risen to ninety-nine points.

In other words, as long as she nods her head in agreement, her favorability will probably be filled up directly!

Jiang Yunci was a little nervous, and approached her holding flowers and rings.

She didn't speak, she covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

"I don't want me to marry you. It was proposed by my family. I want to give you a very surprising and unforgettable marriage proposal. So I have endured it for the past few years..."

"Xiaoya, are you willing to marry me and let me have the best wife in the world?"

Jiang Yunci knelt on one knee, raised his head and looked affectionately at Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen hadn't spoken yet, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother beside him couldn't help but whispered: "Promise!"

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother spoke, and the others couldn't help but speak too.

"Promise him! Promise him!"

"Marry him! Marry him!"


Ling Wuwen still didn't speak, just lowered her head and looked at Jiang Yunci.

Jiang Yunci couldn't hear any sound at this moment, only his own heartbeat sounded like a drum.

Ling Wuxi didn't speak for a long time, Jiang Yunci suddenly became worried, worried that she would refuse...

After waiting for a long time, Ling Wuwen nodded and said softly, "I am willing."

When hearing these three words, Jiang Yunci's heart stopped beating for a moment.

The surrounding sounds, the sound of heartbeats, all disappeared.

He couldn't hear anything, and the words "I do" kept ringing in his ears.

There were applause and cheers all around, and some urged Jiang Yunci to put a ring on Ling Wuxie quickly.

The voice brought Jiang Yunci back to his senses, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. He smiled and handed the flowers to Ling Wuxi to hold them, and then put a ring on her.

After putting on the ring, Jiang Yunci got up from the ground.

"Kiss one! Kiss one!"

"Kiss one! Kiss one!"

The booing around made Ling Wu's face blush, and Jiang Yunci grinned silly.

He held Ling Wu's face as if holding his most precious treasure.

Leaning down slowly, he pressed a kiss on Ling Wu's lips.

At the same time, the favorability is full——

After proposing marriage and regaining her memory, of course Ling Wuyi didn't get on the plane to go abroad.

Go back with Price's family, discussing the size of the wedding.

Ling Wuwen actually thought that there was no need to bother, since they should leave anyway.

But Xi Ziqiu said that since the Jiang family was looking forward to it so much, they should hold the wedding before leaving!

As for the company, he also needs to explain to Yu Xianjin.

The wedding date is set in three months, and I have waited for more than five years, so let's wait another three months.


Three months later, Ling Wuwen attended Li Yuesheng's wedding and brought Xi Ziqiu with her.

When she was in high school, she didn't get too close to those classmates, and she didn't even have a deep friendship with Li Yuesheng.

I went to the wedding, and it was because she was at the same table, and because she was there when Li Yuesheng confessed his love.

Seeing Li Yuesheng and Wang Bohao standing on the stage with happy smiles on their faces, Ling Wuyue suddenly felt a little emotional.

Time flies... really fast!

In a blink of an eye, she has been in this world for more than five years, and in a blink of an eye, she is about to leave this world.

During the toast, Li Yuesheng looked at Ling Wuwen, smiled and said to her: "Although you are at the same table in the third year of high school, and we have never spoken a few words. But in fact, you are my only one in high school." Deskmate."

In the past, a teacher arranged for someone to sit next to her.

But everyone in the class disliked her and didn't want to approach her.

Either protesting to the teacher for changing seats, or hurling insults at her.

But Ling Wuxi was different. Although the two of them hadn't spoken a few words, she never looked at her with disgust or contempt.

It felt like looking at an ordinary person.

But in fact, she is just an ordinary person, isn't she? Why are those people jealous that she can pass the exam, and then insult her as a fat person?

She felt aggrieved many times, but she got used to it later.

She felt that it was really silly to let unnecessary people affect her mood.

With that time, why not pay attention to the people she cares about? For example...

Thinking of this, Li Yuesheng turned his head to look at Wang Bohao who was wearing a suit and the groom's flower.

"Thank you for being willing to be my tablemate!" Li Yuesheng said with a smile to Ling Wuyue.

Although many times she actually wanted to talk to Ling Wuwen, and even wanted to be good friends with her... But she has never been good at these things.

Ling Wuwen returned a glass of wine: "My honor!"

"I wish you and Wang Bohao happiness and happiness!" Blessings don't have to be good words, as long as there is sincerity.

Li Yuesheng received Ling Wu's blessing, and his eyes fell on Xi Ziqiu next to him.

Li Yuesheng actually knew this person.

This person was Huo Cheng who confessed his love to Ling Wuyi back then, but she rejected her on the grounds that she had a boyfriend.

And her boyfriend is this man.

"I also wish you happiness and happiness with your lover!" Li Yuesheng said.

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, and exchanged a glance with Xi Ziqiu.

"Well, we certainly will."


After attending the wedding, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu left.

While in the car, Ling Wuwen kept staring at Xi Ziqiu's profile.

Xi Ziqiu turned to look at her with a smile: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Well~ I just feel that we can be regarded as an old husband and wife. Why doesn't my feeling for you weaken at all?"

Didn't it mean that when you are an old husband and wife, you don't have the same passionate feeling as before?

Counting it, she has lived with Xi Ziqiu for several lifetimes.

But why is she not tired of it? Why is it not enough?

Xi Ziqiu smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Ling Wu's cheek, but didn't speak.

So did he. After several lifetimes, he never got tired of it.

I really want to live like this forever...


The wedding day is approaching in no time, and the wedding dress worn by Ling Wu was designed by Xi Ziqiu himself.

Simple and elegant, it is the type that Ling Wuting likes.

A lot of people came to the wedding, including Qin Fangya's own father who also came to the wedding for the sake of relationship, it was very lively.

People get wedding candy or something when they get married, and they get "Huo Shi" skin care products when they get married.

But because this skin care product is really good, those guests who received the skin care product are very happy!

After the wedding, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu went to 'Around the World' for their honeymoon.

But the Qin family, who wanted to get in touch, didn't get in touch with the mayor of City Z at all, and left in despair.

They really went on their honeymoon, but not traveling around the world.

It was just because a certain place in their plan was beautiful, so Ling Wuyue wanted to visit it.

After staying there for a few days, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu left this world——

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