Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1349 The Reason You Can't Live (Extra)

——Yu Xianjin \u0026 Shui Mengting——

After Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu left, everyone who knew them in this world thought they were traveling around the world.

No one will deliberately think about them, or even forget them.

After Yu Xianjin and Shui Mengting got married, Shui Mengting was still in charge of managing the company, while Yu Xianjin was doing experiments in the laboratory every day.

Sometimes, Shui Mengting also feels annoying and tired.

She was originally a lively and outgoing person, but now she has to stay in the company every day. She is so close to her husband, but she doesn't even have a chance to talk.

Hmph~ not happy!

The consequence of Shui Mengting's displeasure is that her aunt is on strike!

Very willful, but she is so willful.

On this day, Yu Xianjin stayed in the laboratory for two days because he was researching a new product.

When he came out, an employee told him that the proprietress hadn't come to the company for a day, the phone couldn't be reached, and no one answered the door.

Yu Xianjin was startled, and hurried home to watch.

In the end, a note was left at home: Stinky man, when you see this message, my wife is already on the way to travel!

My old lady helped you take care of the company before she married you, and now I have been married for three years, and you don't want children, and I will take care of the company for you every day.

Did you give my wife a salary? Did you give my wife a holiday?

Hmph~ I'm quitting today!

Don't look for my old lady, if you look for my old lady, you won't come back!

Although Shui Mengting's message was to tell him not to look for him, she actually left a map for Yu Xianjin, and also marked the place she was going to on the map.

A little helpless, but he studied the map honestly, and asked someone to book him a plane ticket to chase his wife.

When she saw her wife, she was just in the mood to taste their special food, with a smile on her face.

Now that you're all out, let's walk around.

Yu Xianjin disrupted Shui Mengting's plan and took her to find plants in the primeval forest——

When the two went back, they not only brought back plants that could be used as research, but also brought back the good news that Shui Mengting was pregnant.

The day the baby was born, the new product just hit the market.

The name of the product, Yu Xianjin named it after the child's name - Meimei, Yu Meimei.

Although cheesy, it's a very good name.

His daughter, of course, is the most beautiful treasure!

——Li Yuesheng \u0026 Wang Bohao——

After getting married, Li Yuesheng finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and asked Wang Bohao: "When did you fall in love with me?"

Wang Bohao, who was preparing a nutritious meal for Li Yuesheng who was pregnant, looked up at her: "Huh? Guess."

Li Yuesheng pouted, if she could guess it, then there is no need to ask.

Wang Bohao glanced at Li Yuesheng's profile, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Memory, back to a certain winter vacation in the third year of high school——

That day, he went to the judo gym to practice judo as usual, but met Li Yuesheng who had been practicing shoulder throws.

At that time, Li Yuesheng had just started learning judo.

Usually, although he doesn't deliberately pay attention to anyone, but he has a good memory, and several times he felt that Li Yuesheng was peeping at him.

So he still knew Li Yuesheng.

Every time she was there when he went, she was still there when he left.

One day, he left late, and the judo hall was empty.

However, a voice came from a certain room.

Out of curiosity, he went to have a look.

Everyone had already left, and I saw Li Yuesheng throwing sandbags alone, sweating profusely from the fall.

She looked tired, but she didn't want to stop, she kept saying, "I want to be thin! I want to be thin!"

As I read it, the three words became seven words: "I want to accept Wang Bohao! I want to accept Wang Bohao!"

Wang Bohao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

He thought this fat girl was very interesting.

During that winter vacation, Li Yuesheng didn't know that she was in the same judo gym as Wang Bohao, nor did she know that Wang Bohao ran into her a few times outside later, and saw her funny or positive side.

So when Li Yuesheng stopped him that day and confessed his love to him, he actually agreed.

What about losing a catty for a date, and losing thirty catties for a formal relationship.

At that time, he actually only had a good impression of Li Yuesheng.

She is actually an easy person to understand, so even if he only spent a month paying attention to her, he already understood her.

He knew that she seemed to be a very silent person, but she was actually a very lively person.

She knew she looked easy to be bullied at school, after all she wouldn't mind anyone calling her fat. But in fact, she just doesn't like to pay attention to those people, because of disdain.

After getting married, he accidentally discovered a very interesting thing.

They turned out to be classmates in kindergarten and once took a "graduation photo" together.

At that time, he was not a person who could only pretend to be cold, but she was still a chubby fat girl.

It has always been very difficult for her to lose weight. If someone has the perseverance to lose thirty pounds, she can lose it in half a year, but it took her a whole year and a half to lose it.

In fact, Wang Bohao didn't really care if she lost weight or not, he just wanted her to be healthy.

Because he knew that her parents died suddenly of a heart attack due to obesity.

And Li Yuesheng belongs to the system that can gain weight just by drinking water. In fact, her appetite is very small.

She is working hard to lose weight, but she has tried many methods to no avail. The most she lost was 20 catties, and she regained 30 catties immediately after she relaxed.

After dating, Wang Bohao formulated many weight loss plans.

Every day, he insisted on being with her.

After getting along slowly, the person I fell in love with first was not Li Yuesheng, but him.

Some people say that Li Yuesheng is not good enough for him, and Li Yuesheng should be worried that he will abandon her and leave her all the time.

But in fact, he felt that he was lucky to find such a good Li Yuesheng, and he was worried that Li Yuesheng would abandon him one day...

Thinking of this, Wang Bohao put down the things in his hands, went to Li Yuesheng and hugged her, holding her bulging belly.

"Honey, if one day I become a big fat man, will you dislike me?"

For this question, Li Yuesheng chuckled lightly: "If one day you become a big fat man, I will accompany you to lose weight, just like when you accompanied me to lose weight regardless of the weather!"

"I asked if you disliked me, and I didn't talk about losing weight." Even though he said so, the corners of Wang Bohao's mouth kept rising.

In a person's life, he may meet many loves, or he may only meet one love.

He is not greedy, as long as this woman named Li Yuesheng is fine...

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