Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1351: The Girlfriends Party Who Traveled Together (2)

The two are best friends who grew up together in modern times. They studied the same major in university, and they both did the same job after graduation.

Twenty years, almost never separated.

Together they are happy with each other's happiness and sad with each other's sadness.

They have been crazy together, and they have lived peacefully together.

They used to think that they would not be family members for the rest of their lives, but they were better than family members.

But unexpectedly, a whim expedition took them through time and space to an ancient time that had never been seen in history.

When they first arrived in ancient times, they entered the palace as beautiful women.

It is said that the emperor is a forty-one-year-old man.

In order not to be selected by the emperor, they deliberately dressed up ugly, so that they could not be selected.

Fortunately, they were not selected in the end.

But unfortunately, even though they were not selected by the emperor, they still had to stay in the palace as maids of honor.

The show girls who are not selected will work as maids in the palace, and will not be allowed to leave the palace until they are twenty-two years old.

Tian Ke'er and Xue Xue are still thinking more openly. They are twenty-two years old, and they have just graduated from college in modern times.

Their current bodies are fifteen years old, and there are still seven years to wait until they are both twenty-two years old.

Just treat it as if you had studied in the palace for seven years in a closed classroom.

Once they are twenty-two years old, they can leave the palace.

The two of them have discussed that opening a dessert shop after leaving the palace is absolutely unique in this ancient world.

As for getting married or something, since they are old girls at the age of twenty-two, they should be companions for a lifetime!

Sometimes it's really nice to imagine and plan.

But the real reality is somewhat cruel...

The life of being a maid in the palace is very hard.

He was sent under the fence, and was punished for doing something wrong.

Even if the women in the palace were offended, they would probably be sentenced to death with a stick.

One time, Tian Ke'er saw someone who had talked to her one moment, and was beaten to death with a cane because he accidentally stepped on the hem of a concubine's skirt the next moment!

At that time, Tian Ke'er finally realized that she and Xue Xue were no longer in that society where everyone was equal and ruled by law.

In this deep palace, if you don't pay attention, you won't see the sun the next day!

So, she started to keep a low profile, started to learn to be a real court lady, and learned to blend into this world.

Tian Ke'er is doing well, but Xue Xue has been doing badly.

She still can't get used to this ancient life, this deep palace where she would kneel down and cry for mercy every now and then.

But she is the heroine! In this difficult deep palace, her special temperament will attract those young and handsome princes!

Among them, of course there is the male protagonist, the sixth prince, Huangfu Chen, who has been promoted.

After the hero and heroine go through a sadomasochistic relationship, both the world and the beauties are obtained.

Let’s talk about Tian Ke’er, Ling Wu’s body——

Tian Keer's original body owner was the daughter of a magistrate in a small county town.

In the draft, the daughters of officials of all sizes who are of the right age have to enter the palace to participate in the election, so Tian Keer came.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the palace, he was replaced by Tian Ke'er from modern times.

Now, it was replaced by Ling Wuwen again.

Closer to home, back to Tian Keer.

Decided to live a good life in this palace, Tian Ke'er, who lived to be twenty-two years old and successfully left the palace, has always kept a low profile.

But what to do, she has a girlfriend who is used to causing trouble!

Moreover, those maids all knew that Tian Ke'er was close to Xue Xue.

Whenever Xue Xue offended someone, Tian Ke'er was the first to be unlucky!

Just like today, Ling Wu was held down in the pool when he came, and it was also because Tian Ke'er and Xue Xue ran into the third prince who was known as the most beautiful man when they passed by the back garden a few days ago.

The third prince said a few words to Xue Xue and thought she was very interesting, so he smiled at her.

It was precisely because of this that Liu Yuwei treated Tian Ke'er like this.

Even though she was implicated innocently by Xue Xue many times, Tian Ke'er never blamed Xue Xue.

only later...

When Xue Xue and the male protagonist Huangfu Chenjin met for the first time, Tian Keer was there.

Unlike Xue Xue who fell in love with Huangfu Chenjin later, Tian Keer fell in love with Huangfu Chenjin at first sight.

Sometimes, it may take a long time to fall in love with someone. Sometimes, it only takes a moment.

At that moment, Tian Ke'er fell in love with Huangfu Chenjin.

She even moved, wanting to be his concubine.

But a series of things that happened later made Xue Xue and Huangfu Chenjin fall in love.

But Tian Ke'er turned black, and turned against Xue Xue.

She wanted to take revenge on Xue Xue, and even Huangfu Chenjin.

But she is incapable! She's just a little maid!

So, she thought of seducing the emperor and becoming the emperor's concubine.

Tian Ke'er has a charming and charming face, as long as she dresses up a little, she is really attractive.

So seducing the emperor or something was very successful, and in the end she also became the emperor's concubine.

But... she is a vicious supporting actress.

In the end, of course, it was an untimely end.

Ling Wuwen was not very interested in how Tian Ke'er died, but she was a little devastated—this time Xi Ziqiu's body turned out to be the emperor! !

Aww~ an emperor with three thousand beauties in his harem!

An emperor with a dozen sons!

The forty-one-year-old emperor——Huangfu is different!

The sky... the earth... are you kidding her?

At this moment, Ling Wuyue collapsed.

She even thought that if Xi Ziqiu had met so many women, she should just kill him.

Although, the system showed that Xi Ziqiu had only been here for three months.

Three months, just after the draft.

Ling Wujin guessed, maybe Xi Ziqiu hasn't touched those women since he came here?

But this guess cannot be established! I have never heard that the emperor Huangfu did not dislike his concubines!

"Xiao Lunlun!" Ling Wuyi couldn't help contacting Xia Lun, asking him to observe carefully to see if Xi Ziqiu's body touched other women.

"Follow orders~"

Xia Lun quickly replied to Ling Wuxi, telling her with certainty that Huangfu was very strange, since one night three months ago he suddenly refused to favor anyone.

Don't say it's a favor, I don't even want to touch it with my fingers!

Hearing this, Ling Wuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, fortunately, Xi Ziqiu meant what he said, even though he had no memory, he would not touch other women.

That being the case, then she has to think about how to get close to Xi Ziqiu as the emperor's body!

The court ladies are divided into three, six, and nine ranks, and Ling Wu's current status is the lowest kind of court ladies in the palace.

So it is absolutely impossible to see Huangfu Shuran.

The palace is so big and there are so many court ladies, many people will never see the emperor in the palace for the rest of their lives!

In his memory, Tian Ke'er seduced Huangfu Shuran by being the personal maid of a concubine.

Now Huangfu doesn't even touch women anymore, so of course she can't get close to him by using his body.

Rubbing her aching head, Ling Wuji was very irritable at this moment!

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