Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1352: The Girlfriend Party Who Traveled Together (3)

In this situation, how is she going to get close to Huangfu Shuran?

She doesn't care what the heroine Xue Xue wants to do, anyway, no matter how Xue Xue gets into trouble, there will always be a male protagonist or a supporting actor who will show up to rescue her, and she is not needed at all.

As for the grievances between Tian Ke'er and her...

In fact, in Ling Wuyi's view, there is no grievance, isn't he just a man!

Isn't he just a good-looking and outstanding man!

It was also Tian Ke'er herself, who just turned black.

But Ling Wujin guessed that Tian Ke'er must have been suppressed for too long, so suddenly being stimulated by the fact that her best friend was with the man she loved, she immediately turned black.

Tian Keer is different from the heartless Xue Xue, she has many things on her mind.

In this deep palace where every step is taken care of, Ke'er is even more cautious in order to survive.

So many times, her emotions are suppressed by herself.

Sighing, Tian Ke'er is indeed a poor person.

But many times, it is said that Xue Xue is to be blamed, but it seems that it is not all Xue Xue's fault.

Forget about the previous ones, but in the future... In order not to suffer, Ling Wuyi felt that she should try to stay as far away from Xue Xue as possible!

——After receiving the plot and memories, Ling Wuwen really fell asleep, and slept through the night.

In the middle of the night, Ling Wuyi was awakened by the nightmare and sat up from the bed.

Hearing the movement, Xue Xue, who was sleeping on the bed opposite to her, turned over and sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking at Ling Wuwen: "Ker, what's wrong with you? Do you want to drink water?"

Ling Wuwen was panting, her heart still feeling uncomfortable from the pressure.

Xue Xue lifted the quilt and got off the bed, brought Ling Wuyi a glass of water and walked over: "It's a bit cold, you can just drink it."

Ling Wuyi came back to her senses, glanced at Xue Xue, and took the teacup.

After drinking cold boiled water, Ling Wuwen finally felt refreshed.

Hey...why do you always like to have nightmares? Can't you just let her have sweet dreams?

"How is it? Is there any discomfort?" Xue Xue raised her hand and touched Ling Wuyi's forehead, and then touched her own forehead.

Seeing Xue Xue who really cared about her, Ling Wuyi really couldn't hate her.

Although, after watching the plot, she really wanted to complain about Xue Xue.

She shook her head slightly: "I'm fine, I'm much better after sleeping. By the way, Madam Liu, does she know that I'm sleeping?"

"I know, I told her that her goddaughter put you in the laundry pool and made you feel cold. If something really happened, Liu Yuwei and Liu Mama would not feel better. After that, she didn't dare to speak."

Xue Xue said with a grin.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, Liu Yuwei was the goddaughter of Liu Nanny, and Liu Nanny was the maid of the Huanyiyuan who took care of their laundry.

Above Nanny Liu, of course there are other nanny with a higher rank than her.

That Wu Mama is very clear about public affairs and private affairs, if she knows what Liu Yuwei has done to Ling Wuyi because of her personal affairs, she will definitely be punished.

And Nanny Liu, the nanny in charge, will also be punished for improper management.

"Plus, you've already finished your work today, so it's okay to be lazy."

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Okay, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare, you go to sleep."

Hearing Ling Wuyi said that she had a nightmare, Xue Xue took off her shoes and climbed directly into her bed.

"What are you doing?" Ling Wuwen looked puzzled at Xue Xue who had snatched half of her pillow and quilt away.

Xue Xue pulled Ling Wuwen with a smile, pulled her off and lay down with her, then hugged her and said: "Didn't you have a nightmare? I remember that after you had a nightmare, you dare not sleep by yourself. I will give you Bold!"

Hearing what Xue Xue said, Ling Wu's heart actually warmed up.

Xue Xue is... just too heartless. But as mentioned in the plot, she really cares about Tian Keer.

After Tian Ke'er became a concubine, she wanted Xue Xue's life several times, but Xue Xue could actually take revenge on her, but she didn't.

She felt sorry for Tian Ke'er, and she felt sorry for Tian Ke'er for making her live so hard.

Even if it is well-clothed and well-fed, even if it is surrounded by people.

But in Xue Xue's view, Tian Ke'er just had a hard life!

Looking at the smiling Xue Xue, Ling Wuyi sighed again in his heart.

These two people should have been good girlfriends for the rest of their lives.

In the end, because of a man, they turned against each other... Although Tian Keer unilaterally turned against each other.

Xue Xue patted Ling Wuwen on the back, as if coaxing a child: "Okay, go to bed quickly, I won't be able to sleep in a few hours."

The thought of having to get up before dawn made Xue Xue feel extremely painful!

"Yeah." Ling Wuxi nodded, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she was about to go to bed, Ling Wuwen suddenly heard Xue Xue say, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again."

Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled, as if she didn't hear it.

Most of the time, if Xue Xue wants to protect her, she can protect her.

If that was the case, then Tian Ke'er would not be in trouble because of Xue Xue many times.

Listening to the gradual and gentle breathing in his ears, Ling Wujin knew that Xue Xue had fallen asleep.

Turned over, turned his back to Xue Xue, closed his eyes and fell asleep——

When she woke up the next day, Ling Wu was woken up by Xia Lun.

Xia Lun said: "I saw that the other court ladies are all up, so I called you quickly, lest you oversleep."

Fortunately, Ling Wuwen was called up by Xia Lun in time, otherwise Ling Wuwen and Xue Xue would have been punished!

He quickly woke up Xue Xue, got up from the bed and washed up as quickly as possible.

When Ling Wuyi and Xue Xue went out, they were not late yet.

Have a 'meeting' before starting the day's work.

They are the maids of Huanyiyuan, and their job is of course to wash clothes!

What they wash is not the clothes of those concubines and empresses, but the clothes of eunuchs and maids of honor.

It is winter now, and my hands have been soaked in cold water for a long time, and the chilblains have cracked.

It was very painful, but Ling Wuwen and Xue Xue gritted their teeth and endured it.

But in private, Xue Xue still couldn't help complaining to Ling Wuwen, saying: "The job of washing clothes is too hard! I have to find a way to change my job."

"Don't make any crooked ideas, be quiet." Ling Wuyi couldn't help reminding Xue Xue.

But in his heart, Ling Wuyi was also thinking about how to change jobs.

I have been washing clothes in Huanyiyuan, and I have never seen Huangfu for a lifetime!

Hey... the thought of Huangfu Ling Wuwen gives me a headache.

It wasn't because of his age, even though he was over forty, Huangfu was actually well maintained.

All the sons are so handsome and good-looking, how can a father be so bad?

So Huangfu looked like a mature man in his early thirties, very attractive.

Ling Wu's headache still didn't know how to get close to Huangfu Shuran, how to increase her favorability.

If this was modern times, she would just go straight to the door!

Not only in ancient times, but also in the imperial palace... There are rules here and there are rules. Want to see Huangfu?



[This chapter is a chapter owed yesterday! 】

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