Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1355: The Girlfriend Party Who Traveled Together (6)

Ling Wuyi originally thought that Huangfu Chenluo was actually easy to understand and see through, but only after getting in touch did she realize that she was wrong.

She made a mistake in thinking that all fools in the world are actually similar, but she forgot that Huangfu Chenluo was very smart.

And he's a royal child...

People like Huangfu Chenluo are definitely not easy to understand!

If she hadn't asked Xia Lun to observe him for a few days in advance, seeing his behavior just now, she would have thought that he was already very familiar with that little gray bird.

Tsk... No wonder he wasn't sad at all.

Shaking his head, Ling Wujin asked Xia Lun to continue looking at Huangfu Chenluo, and then left this place——

When Ling Wuwen returned to Huanyiyuan, Xue Xue hadn't come back yet.

Seeing that it was getting dark, these maids had already had dinner, and Xue Xue hadn't come back yet!

Ling Wuwen was a little worried, because Xue Xue had never come back after dark.

At first, she didn't want to worry about it, but Mammy Liu asked Ling Wuyue and where Xue Xue had gone.

How does Ling Wu know where Xue Xue has gone! I had no choice but to say that I didn't know, and then asked Xia Lun to look for it to see where Xue Xue was?

I don't know if I don't look for it, but I'm startled when I look for it!

Xia Lun said that Xue Xue is now with the male emperor Fu Chenjin, and the two of them... um... slapping.

"Are you kidding me? There is no part in the plot where the hero and heroine have sex in advance!" Ling Wuxi didn't quite believe it.

Even if it changes, it can't change so much, right? Moreover, she promised that she did not interfere with the development of the plot!

"I promise I didn't lie to you! If you go to see it now, you will definitely see it! It's in the cold palace." Xia Lun said with certainty.

It turned out that a dependent country came to offer gifts these days. A princess from another country took a fancy to Huangfu Chenjin and wanted to marry him.

But Huangfu Chenjin is famous for his stubborn temper, if you put a knife on his neck, he won't give in to things he doesn't want to do.

Huangfu Shuran said at that time that if Huangfuchen agreed, he would decree to grant a marriage.

But if Huangfu Chenjin disagreed, he would not force it.

In the end, of course it was Huangfu Chenjin who rejected the princess without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, the princess was also stubborn.

Since you are not willing, then I will cook the raw rice into cooked rice, see if you are willing!

So, the princess thought of a way and gave Huangfu Chen Jin medicine.

"Oh my god...it's such a cliché drugging again! Why is the hero always being drugged?" Ling Wuqian couldn't help but complain.

When it was over, he asked Xia Lun: "Then what's next? How did Huangfu Chenjin and Xue Xue get together?"

"I don't know. I still saw that princess looking for Huangfu Chenjin everywhere. Only after hearing what they said did I know that Huangfu Chenjin was drugged."

In fact, Xue Xue met a new friend recently, and this new friend is a mad lady in one of the courtyards of the Leng Palace.

Thinking of the cold weather, Xue Xue went to visit that mad lady.

I stayed there all afternoon, but when I was about to leave, I heard a sound in the abandoned yard.

Out of curiosity, she went over to look.

Looking at it, it was a handsome man curled up on the ground with a face full of pain.

This handsome man, of course, is the drugged hero Huangfu Chen!

Xue Xue didn't have time to think about whether he was a good person or a bad person, so she hurried over to support him and asked if he was not feeling well, should he find a doctor or something.

It was supposed to be the medicine, but if you bear with it, it will pass.

But who made the heroine appear?

The heroine has appeared, but the hero has the best self-control!

Thus, Huangfu Chenjin counterattacked and threw Xue Xue down...

When Xia Lun went to visit, Huangfu Chenjin had already finished all the things that should be done.

Ling Wuyi held her forehead speechlessly, she didn't expect it, she didn't expect it...

Now, what should the plot develop?

"How is Xue Xue? Did you faint from lack of energy?" Ling Wuying asked Xia Lun.

Xia Lun was amused by Ling Wu's question, and couldn't stop it.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha... Physical strength is exhausted... Ha ha ha... Fainted... Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Ling Wuxi rolled her eyes expressionlessly, is the question she asked funny?

Don't novels always describe that the heroine has sex with the hero, and then faints from exhaustion?

Although...ahem...it didn't happen to her and the chairman.

But that can only show that she has good physical strength! cough cough cough...

"Have you laughed enough?!" Ling Wuqin asked Xia Lun through gritted teeth.

Xia Lun's laughter stopped instantly, and then coughed twice: "I didn't faint, because the clothes were torn, and now Huangfu Chenjin hugged her and returned to his bedroom to avoid everyone's eyes."

Ling Wuyi curled her lips, well, Xue Xue is with Huangfu Chenjin, so she has nothing to worry about.

Now that the raw rice is cooked...

Ling Wuyi suddenly thought of a question. In the original plot, at least Xue Xue would meet Huangfu Chenjin for several months.

But now, Xue Xue not only met Huangfu Chenjin in advance, but also had sex before marriage.

Then, Huangfu Chenjin will definitely find a way to get Xue Xue to his side!

Ow~ This is actually a good thing!

When Xue Xue came to Huangfu Chenjin's side, she didn't have to be with Xue Xue anymore.

If you don't need to be with Xue Xue, you don't have to worry about her being implicated by Xue Xue all the time.

Thinking of this, Ling Wuyue became a little excited.

The palace is so big, if Xue Xue hadn't come to look for her, she definitely wouldn't see her often.

When Xue Xue went to Huangfu Chenjin's place, he became a member of Huangfu Chenjin, and Huangfu Chenjin would be responsible for any trouble.

I hope things will develop as Ling Wuxi imagined——

That night, Xue Xue did not come back.

Ling Wuyi didn't ask Xia Lun to pay attention to Xue Xue, but asked him to look at Huangfu Chenluo.

When she woke up the next day, Nanny Liu asked Ling Wuwen where Xue Xue had gone.

Ling Wuyi's answer was still that she didn't know.

Grandma Liu was very upset, and was about to send someone to look for it, when Huangfu Chenjin's Eunuch Shi came over to deliver a message.

Eunuch Shi spoke softly, and called out: "Mother Liu."

"Ouch~ What kind of wind brought Mr. Shi who is beside the sixth prince here!" Mammy Liu smiled obsequiously.

Although the sixth prince is not very favored, but she is just a little nanny in charge in the Huanyi courtyard, of course she can't look down on the grand duke beside Huangfu Chenjin.

"Of course it's a good wind! This morning, the Sixth Prince asked the emperor for two court ladies. These two court ladies are from your Huanyiyuan, but it's a good wind?"

Hearing that they wanted a palace maid, the maids around Liu Mama all showed delighted expressions, thinking that one of the two palace maids must be their own.

Only Ling Wuxi had some ominous premonition in her heart.

She can still understand that Huangfu Chen Jin asked Huangfu for a court lady, after all, he must be responsible for sleeping with Xue Xue.

But two...

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