Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1356: The Girlfriend Party Who Traveled Together (7)

In fact, there is no need to guess at all, Ling Wuyi knows that the other maid is her.

For two seconds, she felt very bad. She really didn't want to have too much relationship with the hero and heroine.

But after thinking about it, being a court lady in Huangfu Chenjin's bedroom is better than being a maid in this clothes washing yard!

At least you don't need to touch cold water to wash the clothes of those court ladies and eunuchs.

Besides, maybe she has the chance to meet Huangfu Shuran?

Over here Ling Wuwen is still in a trance, and over there, Nanny Liu is already asking Mr. Shi: "It's a good wind, it's a good wind! I just don't know which two such blessed maids are they?"

"Miss Xue Xue and Miss Tian Keer." Eunuch Shi said, "Miss Xue Xue is already in the bedroom of the Sixth Prince, and our family is here to pick up Miss Tian Keer. I don't know, who is Miss Tian Keer?"

While speaking, Eunuch Shi scanned the crowd of court ladies full of surprise and disbelief.

Ling Wuyi came back to her senses, and took a step forward: "Back to Eunuch, this servant is Tian Ke'er."

She bowed her head slightly, her voice soft.

Eunuch Shi looked Ling Wuyue up and down, and then nodded: "In that case, Miss Tian Ke'er will follow our family."

"Yes." Ling Wuwen walked outside behind Eunuch Shi, and glanced at Nanny Liu when she passed by.

Although Nanny Liu didn't speak, her expression was ugly.

Maybe she didn't expect that the two unselected little show girls would climb up to the prince's position in just a few months, and let the prince go to the emperor to ask for these two maids in person!

Along the way, Ling Wuwen didn't say a word, she folded her hands on her lower abdomen very quietly, and followed Eunuch Shi's footsteps with her head down.

Mr. Shi sized up Ling Wuwen several times from the corner of his eye, expressing his satisfaction with her humble behavior.

Compared with Xue Xue, who has no rules and is disrespectful to the sixth prince, Eunuch Shi is more satisfied with Ling Wuwen.

It's a pity that the reason why the sixth prince begged the emperor for two court ladies was because Xue Xue suggested that she must take Tian Ke'er with her wherever she went.

Huangfu Chenjin wanted Xue Xue, so of course he agreed.

It's just a palace lady, she just wants to come and serve Xue Xue. This is Huangfu Chenjin's idea.

After arriving at Yuanding Palace, where Huangfu Chenjin lived, and hearing Huangfu Chenjin say that she would be in charge of serving Xue Xue in the future, Ling Wuyi was very glad that the original plot was not like this.

If the original plot was Huangfu Chenjin asking Tian Keer to serve Xue Xue, Tian Keer would probably go crazy even faster!

One day before, she was a good friend and best friend who was equal to her, but the next day, she became her 'master'.

If you think about it, it's really easy to make people feel unbalanced.

But Ling Wuwen is okay, if she serves Xue Xue, she can still be lazy because of her good relationship with Xue Xue!

This is a plus.

But there is also a downside, that is, Xue Xue got into trouble, and she was the one who suffered!

Hey... what else can she say? Think in a good place for everything~

Ling Wuwen, who was kneeling on the ground, responded humbly: "Yes, I know."

Huangfu Chen gave a hum, glanced at Xue Xue who had long wanted to help Ling Wuyi up, and said, "Get up."

"Yes." Ling Wuxi stood up from the ground obediently, and then continued to stand there with her head bowed.

Huangfu Chenjin didn't look at Ling Wuwen anymore, but turned his head to look at Xue Xue, and said to her: "My prince is going out to do something, you should stay in Yuanding Palace well, don't run around."

Xue Xue pursed her lips, and reluctantly responded: "Got it, got it."

A smile flashed across Huangfu Chenjin's serious face, then he got up and left.

After Huangfu Chenjin left, Xue Xue quickly walked to Ling Wuyue and hugged her: "Yeah~ Keer, my life is so miserable~"

Hearing Xue Xue's wailing, Ling Wuyi immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth: "It's your blessing to be favored by the sixth prince!"

While speaking, Ling Wuwen gave Xue Xue a look of 'there is someone else here'.

Xue Xue sighed, and dragged Ling Wumi to her room.

Her room was next to Huangfu Chenjin's room, and it was mainly prepared for those palace maids.

Xue Xue is now Huangfu Chenjin's chambermaid, and the only one.

Back in the room, Xue Xue hugged Ling Wu and howled softly again.

Only then did Ling Wuxi pat her on the shoulder, and asked her in a low voice: "What happened? Why didn't you come back last night?"

When Ling Wu asked her, Xue Xue said pitifully: "But you don't even know how unlucky I am! I'm just going..."

Xue Xue told Ling Wuyue everything that happened yesterday.

After finishing speaking, Xue Xue asked Ling Wuwen: "Do you think I am particularly unlucky?"

She has maintained her virginity for more than 20 years in modern times, but she has only been in ancient times for a few months! She was put to sleep by a prince with facial paralysis whom she had never met before!

Well, sleep and sleep.

But isn't her first location too crude? It's unbearable!

"Well, it was quite unlucky, but it was thanks to you that I was able to come out of the Huanyi courtyard!" Ling Wuwen said with a smile.

Now that you're here, let's be more optimistic.

Maybe Xue Xue, who is under the supervision of Huangfu Chenjin, won't cause too many troubles?

"Hey~ Ke'er, are you gloating now? Don't you know how wronged I am now? Hey, hey... Didn't you agree to go out and open a dessert shop together in seven years... Can I still go out now? ?”

Perhaps Xue Xue really felt wronged, and she almost cried.

What she wants is a couple for a lifetime! Is it still possible to be the chambermaid of this shit sixth prince now? !

Ling Wuqin patted Xue Xue on the shoulder with a smile, and pointed her: "You made the sixth prince happy, and when the sixth prince is happy, maybe he will let you out of the palace?"

The most important thing is to make Huangfu Chenjin happy! I don't know if Xue Xue understood.

But now, she seems to understand...

"That's right! What you said makes sense! Anyway, I've been put to sleep, and I can't let myself lose! But just wait, we might be able to leave the palace early!"

Xue Xue became excited in an instant as if she had been beaten with chicken blood.

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile, but did not speak.

The job of serving Xue Xue is really easy.

Xue Xue didn't want Ling Wupin to serve her several times, but Ling Wupin scolded her.

At this time, keep a low profile as much as possible. She doesn't want to be independent like Xue Xue.

Maverick, Xue Xue alone is enough——

Xue Xue was a person who couldn't stay, even though Huangfu Chenjin ordered her not to wander around, she still took Ling Wuwen and ran out secretly.

Why did you bring Ling Wuyue together? Of course it's because Ling Wuyi is now her servant girl.

Ling Wupi really didn't want to run out with Xue Xue, if Xia Lun hadn't said that Huangfu was actually in the Imperial Garden, and Xue Xue was going to the Imperial Garden...


[Excessive blood loss is not in good condition, and I still won’t add updates today~ I will definitely resume adding updates when the plum blossoms. 】

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