Huangfu Chenluo said that if Huangfu Shuran eats half, he takes half of it out on another plate, and he plans to share the remaining half with Ling Wuwen and Xiang Gonggong.

But... Seeing so few candied sweet potatoes on the plate, Huangfu Chenluo whispered in Ling Wuyi's ear and asked her: "Ke'er, will you still make candied sweet potatoes for me tomorrow?"

So little, he really wasn't enough.

I'm so wronged... I want to cry...

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile: "Of course, tomorrow we can make shredded sweet potatoes and dried sweet potatoes, okay?"

"Really?" Huangfu Chenluo was still worried that Ling Wuyi wouldn't make dried sweet potatoes for him after he made candied sweet potatoes.

Just as Ling Wuwen wanted to say, "Of course it's true", Huangfu Chenluo held the candied sweet potato in one hand and Huangfu Shuran in the other: "Father, let's go, let's eat candied sweet potato!"

Huangfu glanced at Ling Wuwen unexpectedly, and then walked towards the main hall with Huangfu Chenluo carrying a plate.

Ling Wuyi thought that Huangfu Shuran should play chess with Huangfu Chenluo, so she went to set the chessboard and make tea first.

These days, she has been doing all these things. Eunuch Xiang's health is very poor, and many things are very difficult to do.

Ling Wuwen asked Eunuch Xiang to rest and do less work.

In fact, she really wanted to treat Gonggong Xiang, but there were many things she could do but couldn't.

Ling Wuyi was busy here, and Huangfu Chenluo ran over there, holding a piece of shredded sweet potato: "Keer Keer, eat quickly~"

"Your servant will stop eating, third prince, you can eat." Ling Wuyi shook her head, but she could see Huangfu staring at her from the corner of her eye.

Hearing Ling Wuwen said that he would not eat it, Huangfu Chenluo blinked: "My hands are clean, I washed them when you were making candied sweet potatoes."

Ling Wuyi smiled at Huangfu Chenluo, and said: "My servant knows that you have washed your hands, Third Prince, and this servant has a full dinner."

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Huangfu Chenluo let out a cry, and ate the candied sweet potato by himself.

After eating the candied sweet potatoes, Huangfu Chenluo and Huangfu came over and sat in front of the chessboard, ready to play chess.

This was the first time Ling Wuyi saw Huangfu Chenluo and Huangfu playing chess with his own eyes.

She stood aside, looking at Huangfu Chenluo who was playing chess seriously.

Huangfu Chenluo looked serious and didn't look like a fool at all.

The father and son played chess quietly, hardly speaking.

Although Ling Wuyi is not interested in playing chess, she can understand it.

Huangfu Shuran and Huangfu Chenluo had been in a stalemate all the time, and they didn't even finish a game of chess in a few hours.

No wonder Huangfu really likes to come to play chess with Huangfu Chenluo, it turns out that it is a match for chess!

Little by little, it was time for Huangfu Chenluo to go to bed. Without Ling Wuyi saying anything, Huangfu Chenluo yawned and said, "I won't go down today, I'm so sleepy~"

Huangfu nodded abruptly, stood up and walked outside.

Ling Wuxue hurriedly leaned over and shouted: "Farewell to the emperor!"

Huangfu suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around and glanced at Ling Wuyue: "Sweet potatoes with shreds, I will also prepare them for tomorrow night."

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "Yes!"

She kept her head down until the sound of Huangfu Shuran's footsteps gradually faded away, until Huangfu Chenluo came to pull her and said, "But I'm so sleepy~"

Ling Wuyi raised her head, took Huangfu Chenluo's hand and walked towards the sleeping hall: "This servant waits for the third prince to rest."

"Ker, I want to take a bath~"

Huangfu Chenluo's words made Ling Wuxi stop in her tracks.

Today, Eunuch Xiang was very uncomfortable, so Ling Wuyi tidied up a room for him to go to bed early, and said that she would guard Huangfu Chenluo tonight.

Now Huangfu Chenluo wants to take a bath...

After hesitating for a while, Ling Wuwen said, "You have to boil hot water for bathing, why don't you take a bath tomorrow? Tomorrow, the servants will boil the water earlier."

Huangfu Chenluo said, "Okay then, I'll take a bath tomorrow~"

Ling Wuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and decided in her heart that she must mention it to Huangfu some other day, and ask him to add another eunuch to Huayang Palace.

The little eunuch can do heavy work, and can also serve Huangfu Chenluo to take a bath.

After waiting for Huangfu Chenluo to wash up and go to bed, Ling Wuyue fell asleep on the footrest.

In the middle of the night, Ling Wuyi suddenly felt someone get into her bed.

Startled, he sat up suddenly.

Looking down, he saw Huangfu Chenluo with loose hair and white underwear.

Blinking his eyes, he asked very puzzled, "Third Prince, what are you doing?"

Huangfu Chenluo said with some embarrassment: "I was dreaming, I was afraid..."


So the care that I told my father-in-law meant to take care of Huangfu Chenluo and sleep with him after he had a nightmare?

Although Huangfu Chenluo is a fool, she can't sleep with him!

After thinking about it, Ling Wuwen said softly to Huangfu Chenluo; "Does the third prince know that dreams can be controlled by oneself."

"Control it yourself? How do you control it?" Huangfu Chenluo looked at Ling Wuyi blankly.

Ling Wuwen said with a smile: "As long as you know that it is a dream, everything that happens in the dream can happen as you imagined."

She has tried it, and she can completely control the dream, but sometimes she dreams of the memory of the host body, and she won't do that.

Huangfu Chenluo nodded his head half-understood, but he was still lying on Ling Wuyi's blanket.

Ling Wuxi thought for a while, and continued: "Didn't the third prince just say that he is a man a few days ago? A man will not be scared by a dream and dare not sleep alone~"

She wanted to take care of Huangfu Chenluo not to make him depend on her, but to teach him to be independent.

If possible, in fact, Ling Wuwen didn't want Huangfu Chenluo to recover his mind.

Is it not a good thing to be stupid and stupid?

What if Huangfu Chenluo competed with those brothers for the crown after he recovered and died, wouldn't it be her fault?

So Ling Wuyi will not deliberately restore his mind, but only let him learn to take care of himself and gradually become independent.

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Huangfu Chenluo got up from her bed, and slowly returned to his own bed to lie down.

Ling Wuwen walked over to cover him with a quilt, and just about to speak, she heard Huangfu Chenluo whisper, "I'm a man...I can control my dreams...I'm not afraid..."

Hearing what Huangfu Chenluo said, Ling Wuyi couldn't help but smiled: "Well, I believe that the third prince is a man, and I also believe that the third prince can control my dreams, and I believe that the third prince is not afraid."

Hearing Ling Wuwen say that he believed, seemed to give him strength.

At that moment, Huangfu Chenluo seemed to be really not afraid anymore!

Seeing that Huangfu Chenluo had closed his eyes, Ling Wuyi went back to sleep on the pedals.

When she was about to fall asleep, Ling Wuwen heard Huangfu Chenluo say: "Ke'er, you are like my mother and concubine, she is also very kind to me..."

After a pause, Ling Wuwen didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Huangfu Chenluo didn't ask her to respond, and soon fell asleep——

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