Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1363: The Girlfriend Party That Traveled Together (14)

The next morning, when Ling Wu was waiting for Huangfu Chenluo to wash up, Huangfu Chenluo told her excitedly that he could really control his dreams.

Ling Wuxi had a smile on her face: "The third prince will still be afraid in the future?"

Huangfu Chenluo shook his head: "Don't be afraid, I am very strong in my dream, I can beat to death all those who bully my mother and concubine!"

"Well, but this is the secret of the servant girl and the third prince. You must not tell others! If you tell others, you will not be able to control Meng in the future."

Saying that you beat to death those who bullied the mother and concubine, Huangfu is certainly considered to have bullied Huangfu Chenluo's mother and concubine, right?

If these words were heard by someone with a heart, it would definitely bring Huangfu Chenluo into bad luck.

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Huangfu Chenluo nodded repeatedly and covered his mouth in fright.

Vaguely said: "I won't tell others! Don't tell others!"


In the evening, Huangfu said yesterday that he would come, and Ling Wuyi specially made sweet potato cakes in addition to shredded sweet potatoes.

She would like to do other things, but it's not good to do too much.

Huangfu Chenluo likes to eat sweet potatoes, so she will cook them all!

Yesterday I added five favorability points because of the candied sweet potato. I wonder if I can add another five favorability points today?

It would be good if Huangfu Shuran came every day, and added five favorability points to her every day——

Today Huangfu unexpectedly came earlier, as soon as it got dark, he didn't even have dinner.

It was rare that he came to have dinner with Huangfu Chenluo.

Although he never hoped that Huangfu Shuran would come to accompany him, Huangfu Chenluo was still very happy tonight and ate an extra bowl of rice.

After dinner, Ling Wuwen brought out the prepared candied sweet potatoes and sweet potato cakes.

Huangfu Chenluo took a piece of sweet potato cake for Huangfu Shuran, and said to him: "This sweet potato cake is delicious~ Ke'er made it newly today!"

Huangfu unexpectedly took the sweet potato cake. The sweet potato cake was made by Ling Wunie from purple sweet potatoes and shaped like a flower. Small in size, you can eat it in one bite, very delicate and compact.

Put the sweet potato cake in your mouth and chew it, it tastes really good.

Huangfu looked at Ling Wuwen unexpectedly, and asked, "Which palace did you work in before you came to the Old Sixth Palace?"

Ling Wuxi lowered her head, and said honestly: "Going back to the emperor, the servants were working in the Huanyiyuan before they came to the Six Emperors Palace."


Huangfu suddenly remembered that Emperor Fu Chenjin had asked him to live with two maids from the Huanyiyuan a few days ago. At that time, he thought that they were just court ladies, so he agreed.

Is one of them the one in front of you?

"Are you the sixth son's servant?" This question made Huangfu feel inexplicably upset.

What are you upset about? Unhappy Lingwu catkin may have been touched.

Ling Wuyi quickly shook her head: "No, no, this servant is only serving the sixth prince and the palace maid."

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Huangfu Shuran's expression became a little better.

He didn't talk to Ling Wuwen anymore, just asked Huangfu Chenluo some opinions on chess skills.

After eating sweet potato cake and shredded sweet potatoes, Huangfu suddenly started playing chess with Huangfu Chenluo.

Ling Wuwen, Eunuch Xiang, and Eunuch Ji who was beside Huangfu Shuran stood by, very quiet.

In the middle of the chess game, Huangfu suddenly frowned.

Soon, he couldn't help humming, and fell down pressing his head.

Ling Wuyi was the first to see that Huangfu was really uncomfortable, so she rushed over and hugged him before she had time to think about it.

"Your Majesty! What's wrong with you, Your Majesty?!"

Mr. Ji knew what happened to Huangfu Shuran, so he hurried out to call the imperial doctor.

There was no way, Huangfu didn't bring anyone else with him when he came here, and he couldn't let the hidden guards call the imperial doctor, so Eunuch Ji could only go by himself.

Huangfu Chenluo was frightened by Huangfu Shuran's state, so frightened, she threw herself into the arms of Xiang Gonggong and cried.

Ling Wuyi hugged Huangfu Shuran all the time, her brows furrowed tightly.

"Your majesty, bear with it, bear with it..."

His gaze fell on the teacup beside him, and Ling Wuyi suddenly thought of giving Huangfu Shuran some headache medicine.

It's fine if you don't see it, but when you see it, Ling Wuyue really can't bear to see Xi Ziqiu's body in such pain.

Without thinking too much, Ling Wuwen reached for the teacup and quickly put the headache medicine into the teacup.

The headache medicine melts in water and disappears immediately.

Ling Wuyi brought the teacup to Huangfu Shuran's mouth, and said softly, "Drink it, it will feel much better after drinking it."

For some reason, Huangfu felt that Ling Wu's voice seemed to have magical powers.

He opened his mouth unconsciously and drank the tea.

Seeing that Huangfu drank all the tea, Ling Wuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Huangfu suddenly felt that his headache had relieved!

When Eunuch Ji came with the imperial physician, Huangfu suddenly had no headache.

Ji Gonggong was a little dumbfounded, it seemed that when he had a headache before, it hurt all day long!

Why... the pain doesn't stop in less than half an hour?

Huangfu was also a little surprised, surprised why Ling Wuyi stopped his headache after giving him a sip of tea.

Looking at Ling Wuyue who was comforting Huangfu Chenluo, Huangfu suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was definitely not an ordinary court lady.

Today's chess game was halfway through, but Huangfu didn't ask Ling Wuyi anything, and left Huayang Palace directly——

Ling Wuwen sat beside Huangfu Chenluo's bed, patted him gently, and coaxed him to sleep.

Huangfu Chenluo stared at Ling Wutian with tears in his eyes: "Ker... will father...will die like mother and concubine?"

Ling Wuyi thought about this question, and then nodded: "Everyone is born, old, sick and dies, and this cannot be changed. What we have to do is to make every day of our lives meaningful."

Huangfu Chenluo didn't understand Ling Wu's next sentence, only understood her saying that everyone will die.

He stretched out his hand, pulled Ling Wu's wrist and said, "Ke'er, I don't want to die."

Ling Wuwen smiled and said, "Third Prince, don't worry." I wouldn't let you die so early either.

Huangfu Chenluo let out a sigh, since Ling Wuwen made him feel at ease, then he can be at ease.

"Ker, father is all right now?"

"Well, the emperor is fine."


Huangfu Chenluo was terrified, and woke up several times in the middle of the night from nightmares.

Because I remembered what he said about being a man, I couldn't bear to get into the bed of the catkins, and just lay on the bed with wide-eyed eyes and dared not sleep.

Huangfu Chenluo told Ling Wuyue a little aggrieved that because the dream was too scary, he forgot how to control it, and was even too frightened to sleep.

Later, it was Ling Wuyi who thought of telling stories to coax Huangfu Chenluo, so he could sleep more peacefully.


Huangfu didn't come over for the next few days, Ling Wuyi didn't look for Xia Lun, and he didn't know what was going on these few days.

However, Huangfu Suran's favorability towards her managed to rise to 20 points.

But that favorability increased after a few days...

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