It was three poles in the sun, and Ling Wuwen slept until noon.

It wasn't Ling Wu's lazy bed, but she didn't go to bed until dawn.

Huangfu...he didn't sleep at all.

Before going to court, Huangfu Shuran also specially explained that Huangfu Chenluo should not disturb Ling Wuyi.

Hearing that Huangfu Chenluo didn't make trouble, he told the maid to wake her up in two hours, turned over and continued to sleep.

Anyway, she doesn't need to do anything, just sleep a few more hours.

After being tossed all night, her favorability rose to eighty-five points, and Ling Wuyi felt that Xia Lun had finally given her the right opinion.

Ling Wuwen said that she would sleep for two more hours, how could the maid dare to say anything!

They all heard what happened last night...

When Huangfu Shuran went to court this morning, even though he stayed up all night, he seemed to be in good spirits.

The beardless Huangfu is so handsome that the ladies in the palace stare at him——

Huangfu, who was supposed to review the memorials in the imperial study, was unable to review the memorials quietly after lunch.

"Has Concubine Liang got up?" Huangfu asked Ji Gonggong unexpectedly.

Ji Gonggong was taken aback for a moment, how could he know.

But Huangfu really wanted to know!

Mr. Ji hurried out and asked someone to go to Yunxiao Palace to ask if the Concubine Liang had woken up.

Soon, Huangfu got an answer: "The Liangfei empress woke up once and fell asleep again."

Huangfu suddenly stopped his hand of reviewing the memorial, thought for a while, and got up directly: "Show Yunxiao Palace."

He's a little sleepy too—

Ling Wuwen was not woken up by a maid, but by someone hugging her in her arms.

Opening his eyes, he happened to see Huangfu Shuran's smiling face.

It's all cracking, Ling Wuwen really can't pretend to be careful.

Raising his hand and rubbing his eyes, he asked Huangfu Shuran sleepily, "Why did the Emperor come back so early?"

Huangfu smiled and said: "I suddenly remembered that I didn't rest last night."

In a word, Ling Wu's cheeks turned red instinctively.

"The emperor wants to rest, and the ministers and concubines should get up." After speaking, Ling Wu was about to get up.

However, Huangfu hugged Ling Wutiao even tighter, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Come rest with me."

Ling Wuxi shrunk her neck, and said as soon as she spoke... Knowing that she was ticklish, she even breathed on her neck.

"Okay." Ling Wuqin replied, anyway, she hadn't woken up yet, so she continued to sleep.

Turned over in Huangfu Shuran's arms, facing him directly.

Huangfu didn't mind at all, and put his face against the back of Ling Wu's head.

Really sleepy, Huangfu suddenly fell asleep——

When Ling Wuyi woke up again, she was woken up by starvation, and it was only when she was hungry that she realized that she hadn't eaten!

Turning his head to look at the sky outside, he realized that it was almost dark!

Didn't she tell the court lady that she was called to get up?

Originally, she planned to get up to make candied sweet potatoes for Huangfu Chenluo, but she didn't see her for a day, did Huangfu Chenluo make trouble?

As soon as Ling Wuyi moved her body, Huangfu, who had been hugging her all this time, suddenly woke up.

"Hmm~ woke up?" Huangfu unexpectedly held Ling Wu's face and kissed it.

Ling Wuxue shook her head: "I woke up from hunger."

"Puff ha ha ha..."

Ling Wu's words made Huangfu laugh so hard that his chest trembled.

After laughing enough, Huangfu suddenly let go of Lingwu, and got up from the bed: "Since you are hungry, then get up. Come!"

Hearing Huangfu Shuran's voice, a string of court ladies and eunuchs came in with toiletries to wait for Ling Wuwen and Huangfu Shuran to wash up.

After washing up, Huangfu went to have dinner with Ling Wuyi in his arms.

As soon as he went out, Huangfu Chenluo, who had been guarding outside, rushed over: "Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell? Why did you sleep all day? I wanted to go in to see you, but Eunuch Xiang refused to let me in." ..."

There was fear and grievance in Huangfu Chenluo's eyes, fearing that the concubine he finally found would fall asleep like his concubine.

Wronged, he wanted to go in to see Ling Wuwen, but he was not allowed.

Ling Wuyi gave Huangfu Chenluo a smiling face, and said, "I didn't feel uncomfortable, it's just that I slept late last night, so I woke up late."

Huangfu Chenluo took Ling Wuwen's hand, but she looked very good and her spirits were not bad.

Although he didn't know how to look at it, he knew that Ling Wu's state was different from that of his mother and concubine.

He still believed Ling Wuyi's words.

Huangfu Chenluo tilted his head: "But mother and concubine, why do you go to bed late?" He didn't understand.

Um, this, what is she going to say?

Ling Wuxi blushed, unable to think of a good explanation for a while.

Huangfu, who was hugging Ling Wuwen beside him, smiled unexpectedly, and said to Huangfu Chenluo, "Luo'er, do you want a younger sister?"

"Eh? Sister? Is it a cute little baby?"

A few years ago, when he went to the imperial garden, he saw a certain concubine holding a very cute baby.

He went forward and wanted to touch it, but he was scolded and chased away before he got close...

Seeing Huangfu nodded unexpectedly, Huangfu Chenluo asked cautiously, "Then... can I touch her?"

"Of course, as long as you gently." Huangfu said resolutely.

Ling Wuwen stood there, a little embarrassed.

The younger sister is still missing, and the father and son are actually discussing how hard to use when touching the younger sister.

"I want a younger sister!" Huangfu Chenluo couldn't help but cheered.

Huangfu unexpectedly patted Ling Wuyi's stomach lightly, and said to Huangfu Chenluo: "In a short time, there will be a younger sister growing up here, that's why your mother and concubine got up so late."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

"Eh? So my sister is still in the concubine's belly? Then when will she come out?" He couldn't wait!

Huangfu suddenly opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ling Wuyue who couldn't take it anymore: "Your Majesty, let's have dinner."

She was worried that if she continued talking, Huangfu Chenluo would stare at her stomach every day and ask when her sister came out.

Don't doubt, Huangfu Chenluo can definitely do it.

"Okay, okay, let's have dinner first." Huangfu nodded abruptly, and the smile on his face never went away.

Without the beard, he looks younger when he smiles. The skin is so good that Ling Wu is a little jealous.

During dinner, Huangfu Chenluo not only refused to let Ling Wupin serve him vegetables, but also took the initiative to serve Ling Wupin.

Every time he picked up a piece of food with chopsticks, Huangfu Chenluo would say: "Mother, concubine, eat more, so that my sister can grow up faster and come out sooner!"

Ling Wuyi really wanted to tell Huangfu Chenluo that apart from internal organs, she really didn't have your sister...

But seeing Huangfu Chenluo's expectant look, she couldn't speak.

It could be seen that Huangfu Chenluo really wanted to have a companion to accompany him.

However, his older brothers and younger brothers all despise him as a fool, and it is already very good not to bully him.

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