Today Huangfu Chenluo didn't want to play chess with Huangfu Shuran, he said that playing chess would disturb his sister, and told Ling Wuyi to go to bed early.

Although a little speechless, Ling Wuyue was really moved and warm in her heart.

While being moved, he dared not tell him the truth.

It's all Huangfu Shuran's fault, why mention the fact that she has a younger sister in her belly?

Although Huangfu did not say that she already had a younger sister in her stomach, Huangfu Chenluo's own understanding was that she already had a younger sister in her belly!

While lying on the bed, Ling Wu could not help but sigh.

Huangfu unexpectedly put his arms around her: "What are you sighing for?"

"You told Luo'er that I have a younger sister in my stomach... but I..." No.

"Well, in fact, I also hope to be a daughter." He has enough sons, and he is even more rare about daughters.

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Why did she feel that it was just a one-night effort, just a shave, how did Huangfu change?

Is it because of the favorability? or because...

Huangfu put his hand on Ling Wuwen's lower abdomen, and said softly: "I know that there is no younger sister here, so I will work hard."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Wuyi felt that her eyes went dark——

For Lingwu catkin, Huangfu only felt that he could taste the marrow.

But fortunately, he still has a sense of proportion, and he didn't toss about half the night.

Ling Wuwen could still get up early, have breakfast with Huangfu Chenluo, and talk with him.

At noon, Huangfu returned to Yunxiao Palace for lunch, and after lunch, he reviewed the memorial in Yunxiao Palace.

Because Huangfu was still there, Ling Wuwen did not accompany Huangfu Chenluo.

After wandering around the Yunxiao Palace for a few days, Huangfu Chenluo still prefers the camphor forest in the Imperial Garden.

For the past two days, Eunuch Xiang has asked the imperial physician to prescribe medicine to recuperate his body, but Huangfu unexpectedly added two eunuchs to him.

The two young eunuchs, Ling Wuwen, saw that there were calluses on the tiger's mouth, and the bottom plate was very stable, which belonged to Lianjiazi.

It can be seen that Huangfu still loves Huangfu Chenluo very much.

At least, after the president of her family came, she treated Huangfu Chenluo very well.

In the plot, Huangfu Chenluo didn't get the emperor's attention until his death, and the emperor only felt that he was a disgrace to the royal family——

With two young eunuchs who know martial arts following Huangfu Chenluo, Ling Wuyi felt more at ease.

At least he doesn't have to worry about being bullied after he runs out.

Ling Wuwen, who had nothing to do, cooked tea for him by Huangfu Shuran's side, quietly.

Huangfu was seriously reviewing the memorials. When he was in the imperial study, he would always be distracted by thinking about Ling Wumei, but when Ling Wumei was by his side, he could seriously review the memorials.

The reviewers were a little tired, but Huangfu would stop writing, lean on the dragon chair and close his eyes to rest.

Ling Wu, who was making tea, saw it, and walked over to gently massage the acupuncture points around his temples and eyes.

Huangfu's furrowed brows relaxed, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a slight arc.

"Aifei, your hands are really skillful." Not only does the food taste delicious, but the massage is also very comfortable!

Ling Wuqin smiled, knowing which acupoint can relieve fatigue, and adding some appropriate pressure, of course it is comfortable to press.

"Later, the concubine will cook some soup for the emperor to relieve fatigue?"

Huangfu suddenly hummed: "Okay."

If it wasn't for worrying about exhausting Ling Wuwen, Huangfu actually wanted to eat all three meals, and she could do it herself.

After pressing the button for about half an hour, Huangfu already felt much better.

Seeing that he was going to continue reviewing the memorial, Ling Wuyi simply went to the kitchen to make soup, and made some pastries for Huangfu Chenluo.

Before dinner, Huangfu Chenluo was brought back by two young eunuchs.

As soon as Huangfu Chenluo came back, he told Ling Wuyue that he met new friends and what they talked about.

He also said: "After they knew that I would have a younger sister, they envied me very much! Because they didn't have one!"

That tone, can be proud!

After finishing speaking, Huangfu Chenluo couldn't help asking Ling Wuyue: "Mother Concubine, when will my sister come out?"

After thinking about it, Ling Wuwen gestured in front of her belly, and said to Huangfu Chenluo: "When the belly is so big, my sister will come out soon."

"Huh?! But mother concubine, your belly is so small you have to wait for a long time?" Huangfu Chenluo bent over to look at the flat belly, and opened his mouth wide.

Ling Wuqin smiled, and just about to speak, Huangfu's unique voice came from behind.

Huangfu said unexpectedly: "As long as you are obedient, your concubine's belly will soon grow bigger."

Huangfu Chenluo straightened up, nodded vigorously to Ling Wuyue and Huangfu: "I will be obedient!"

Ling Wuqin smiled and twirled a piece of freshly made pastry, brought it to his mouth, and said softly, "Well, I believe you."

Hearing Ling Wuwen said that he believed him, Huangfu Chenluo smiled happily, opened his mouth and ate the pastry.


In this imperial palace, under the protection of Huangfu, Ling Wuwen lived a stable and ordinary life.

Maybe it's because he doesn't like those things to disturb Ling Wu, so since conferring Concubine Liang, no other concubines or princes and princesses have come to Yunxiao Palace.

Time flies, and it has been more than two months since Ling Wuyi became a good concubine from a young maid.

For more than two months, Ling Wuwen knew that according to the plot mentioned, the competition for storage has reached a fever pitch.

But every day Huangfu went back to Yunxiao Palace to accompany her and Huangfu Chenluo for lunch, dealt with state affairs in Yunxiao Palace, and accompanied them for dinner at night.

He never talked about the affairs of the court, and Ling Wuwen didn't ask about it.

Occasionally when he was busy, or something happened, Huangfu would go back to the Imperial Study to deal with it.

He is like an ordinary husband, Yunxiao Palace is his home, and those who come home from get off work never bring their emotions home.

For more than two months, except that the favorability remained at 90 points and could not be increased, Ling Wu was really satisfied!

Satisfied, she almost forgot that the location she was in was actually in the palace with the most intrigues——

Xue Xue, who hadn't contacted her for more than two months, actually knelt outside Yunxiao Palace and begged to see her.

Ling Wu, who was making soup for Huangfu Shuran and Huangfu Chenluo in the kitchen, was stunned for two seconds.

Oh, she forgot.

In this palace, there is also the heroine Xue Xue, her best friend.

Beg? What made Xue Xue kneel and beg?

If I remember correctly, Huangfu said that no one is allowed to approach Yunxiao Palace.

What is it that Xue Xue dares to disobey the words of the current Holy Majesty?

"Mother...Xue Xue said, if you don't see her, she will tell the world your secret." The palace maid knelt at the kitchen door and repeated Xue Xue's words in a low voice.

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, threatening her?

To be honest, she is not afraid of threats, but what Xue Xue said...she doesn't like it very much.

What about a good girlfriend? Now she didn't do anything, she just focused on gaining favorability and taking care of the father and son.

Xue Xue actually said... that she wanted to announce her secret to the world?

Heh~ Could it be that Xue Xue finally knows the 'way of survival' in the palace because Tian Ke'er is not in the way?

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