Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1371: The Girlfriend Party That Traveled Together (22)

Ling Wuyi couldn't help but chuckled, shook her head and said to the maid, "Let her wait in the front hall."

"Yes." The maid stood up and left, feeling a little scared.

Although the concubine Liang is very kind, the emperor is not kind!

What the maid outside said would soon reach the emperor's ears.

Looking at the appearance of Concubine Liang, it seems that she is not afraid of the so-called secret.

Therefore, it is estimated that Xue Xue's court lady will suffer.

I don't know where she got the courage to threaten Concubine Liang——

The maid walked outside Yunxiao Palace and looked down at Xue Xue who was kneeling at the bottom of the steps, her haughty expression didn't have the humility of facing Ling Wu.

"Your Majesty let you in, come with me."

Hearing the maid's words, Xue Xue quickly stood up from the ground.

Following the maids all the way into Yunxiao Palace, Xue Xue was almost dazzled by the magnificence of Yunxiao Palace.

She thought that no matter how beautiful the palaces in this palace were, they would not be much different from Yuanding Palace.

Who knew it was so far away!

Comparing Yuanding Palace and Yunxiao Palace, they are really one after another!

Thinking of the fact that her best friend she had been worried about lived here for more than two months, Xue Xue felt that her worries were unnecessary.

I couldn't help but think in my heart, if one day she could also live in Yunxiao Palace...

When she arrived at the front hall, the maid asked her to wait.

Xue Xue, who was standing in the hall, felt a little uncomfortable again, didn't everyone know that she was here? Why keep her waiting?

Did it really change? Is it really like Ah Jin said, has her best friend who used to grow up together and talk about everything changed?

At this moment, Xue Xue still didn't want to believe it.

But when she saw Ling Wuyi wearing the palace attire of the second-rank concubine, surrounded by court ladies, she suddenly believed it in her heart.

That face, still that face, just became extremely strange...

"Ke'er." Xue Xue said, calling Ling Wuyue.

Before Ling Wuyi could speak, an eunuch scolded her: "Bold maidservant! Seeing the concubine Liang is not only rude, but also calls her boudoir name directly, are you impatient?!"

In addition, a court lady came over and pressed Xue Xue down to her knees.

Xue Xue felt humiliated, and looked up at Ling Wuwen: "Ke'er, are you going to do this to me?"

She just doesn't kneel! Just don't call her Lingwu Nianniang!

She is a lowly maidservant, so what is Ling Wu who looks like her to her?

Ling Wuxi sat on the upper seat, raised her hand slightly: "You all step back."

"Yes!" The maids and eunuchs retreated outside the palace obediently.

Ling Wuwen looked at Xue Xue who had stood up from the ground, and asked her, "Did you come to see me for something?"

It was only then that Xue Xue remembered her main purpose for finding Ling Wuyue, she walked up to Ling Wuyue and took her hand: "Ke'er, can you help me!"

Ling Wuxi opened her mouth, and just as she was about to ask for help, Xue Xue said, "You are the emperor's favorite concubine now, you are my good sister, you can definitely help me, right?"

Ling Wuyue felt hehe in her heart. If you want her help, just ask her for help. Why do you say that she is the emperor's favorite concubine and her good sister?

Well, there is nothing wrong with saying that, it is a fact after all.

But why did she feel that Xue Xue's tone was a bit awkward? Why does it sound wrong?

Slightly raised his head, his eyes fell on the top of Xue Xue's head. The halo of the protagonist there is already very shallow, as if it will dissipate at any time.

She didn't do anything, and she didn't know what Xue Xue had done in the past few months.

Still before Ling Wuyi could speak, Xue Xue spoke again.

She said: "The emperor named Ah Jin the king and asked him to be stationed in a very poor place. I heard that there is so poor that the birds don't shit, and people starve to death every day!"

"The emperor asked Ah Jin to go to that kind of place, it was all about assigning him! Ah Jin was not the only one fighting for the position of crown prince, so why should he only assign Ah Jin alone! No one else..."

Before Xue Xue finished speaking, Ling Wuyue scolded her: "Xue Xue!"

Ling Wu's tone and eyes were too harsh, Xue Xue immediately shut up.

"As I said, this is the imperial palace. What the emperor wants to do is his decision, and it is a clear decision..."

"Tian Ke'er!!" Xue Xue shook off Ling Wu's hand, staring at her with red eyes.

She couldn't believe it, she looked at Ling Wuwen as if she was looking at a stranger.

Taking two steps back, I kept shaking my head: "I was wrong, I was wrong in thinking that you still cared about our friendship... I was wrong in thinking that you would definitely help me..."

"You are indeed wrong. The mistake is that after living in this palace for half a year, you still don't know what to say and what not to say." Ling Wuwen's face turned cold.

In many cases, the plot mentioned is not complete.

For example... Xue Xue's character design.

In the plot, she is so kind, but because of the "vicious" Tian Ke'er as a foil.

After Ling Wuyi came, she was unwilling to be a vicious female supporting role to set off Xue Xue.

She lives better than Xue Xue in this palace.

What followed was a change in Xue Xue's mentality.

I haven't seen each other for several months, the only thing that hasn't changed about Xue Xue is her lack of brain.

She believed that Huangfu was different, and believed that all his decisions had his reasons.

In the back of the plot, of course, Huangfu Chenjin ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Maybe Huangfu sent him to garrison a very poor place just to sharpen him?

If you don't pay attention to Huangfu Chenjin, why would Huangfu Shuran want to sharpen him?

But now it seems that neither Huangfu Chenjin nor Xue Xue understood what Huangfu Shuran meant.

Xue Xue was able to successfully kneel outside Yunxiao Palace, which means that Huangfu Chenjin allowed it.

Another level, it also shows that you Huangfu Chenjin doesn't want to go to that poor place.

I really didn't expect that the hero is also a no-brainer...

Are you sure the plot of this world hasn't collapsed?

Xue Xue was stunned by Ling Wu's words, and then she sneered: "Heh~ What should I say or not? You actually want to warn me not to reveal your identity and pose a threat to you, right? Heh~ Tian Keer, I really misread you!"

Ling Wuyi frowned slightly, she knew that what Xue Xue said would definitely reach Huangfu Shuran's ears.

Although not afraid, but really uncomfortable.

Standing up abruptly, she walked up to Xue Xue: "You really misunderstood me. I am a concubine and I don't care about court affairs. No matter what, the emperor's decision is the most correct!"

Xue Xue bit her lip, as if she had been humiliated by Ling Wu.

"I shouldn't have come to you! Even if I die, I shouldn't have come to you." After speaking, Xue Xue ran out crying.

Looking at Xue Xue's back, Ling Wuyi suddenly wanted to laugh.

It seemed aggrieved, but not only did she not do anything, she even gave a reminder.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, she just knew Huangfu Shuran.

He definitely wanted to cultivate Huangfu Chenjin.

It's a pity, the throne is good, does this mean to hand it over to others?


[The 850th monthly pass has been updated! 】

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