Xue Xue's arrival didn't make any waves in Ling Wuyi's mood.

After Xue Xue left, she went back to the kitchen to make soup for Huangfu Shuran and Huangfu Chenluo.

—— Royal Study Room

Both Xue Xue's words and Ling Wu's words were repeated verbatim by the hidden guards for Huangfu to listen to.

When Xue Xue asked Ling Wuyi to plead with him not to send Huangfu Chenjin to other places to garrison, Huangfu couldn't help laughing mockingly.

Ling Wuyi could think that Xue Xue's behavior was acquiesced by Huangfu Chenjin, and Huangfu Shuran could also think of it.

Ling Wuwen's guess was correct, Huangfu Shuran really felt that Huangfu Chenjin was a malleable talent, and felt that he was too young, so he wanted to hone him.

But I didn't expect...

That being the case, there is no need to think about this son any more.

Huangfu Chenjin might never have imagined in his dreams that this self-righteous move made him completely erased from the list of princes——

"When that maid threatened Concubine Liang, what exactly did she say?" Huangfu asked the secret guard unexpectedly.

identity? Isn't Ling Wuwen's identity the daughter of the little county magistrate?

Was the investigation wrong?

"Never." The dark guard replied.

"Master, do you want to re-investigate?" The secret guard asked what Huangfu Shuran meant. What if Ling Wuyue really had an ulterior secret?

Huangfu slightly raised his hand: "No need."

Nothing to investigate.

Instead of asking someone to investigate, he hoped that Ling Wuyi would tell him the so-called 'identity' in person...

Resisting the urge to return to Yunxiao Palace immediately, Huangfu suppressed his heart and continued to review the memorial, and did not return until dinner time.

Seeing Huangfu Shuran, Ling Wuyi didn't mention Xue Xue's visit, and Huangfu Shuran didn't ask either.

Give Huangfu Shuran and Huangfu Chenluo each a bowl of soup, let them drink before eating.

"Why don't you drink it, mother and concubine?" Huangfu Chenluo looked at Ling Wuyi puzzled.

Huangfu looked at Ling Wuwen unexpectedly, he also wanted to ask this question, but Huangfu Chenluo asked first.

With a smile on her face, Ling Wuxi explained: "Because this soup is suitable for men, not for women."

"Oh." Although he didn't understand, Huangfu Chenluo didn't ask any more questions, and just ate the soup honestly.

Huangfu also bowed his head to drink the soup, the taste of Ling Wu Nie is always good.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that since I drink the soup made by Lingwu Nie every day, I feel more energetic and sleep well at night.

Anyway, it is comfortable all over!

Looking up at Ling Wuwen, she was picking up vegetables for Huangfu Chenluo.

Looking at Ling Wuyi's side face, she was only fifteen years old, but her eyes were full of love when she looked at Huangfu Chenluo.

Huangfu suddenly thought of Xue Xue's so-called 'identity'.

Could it be that the person in front of him is not Tian Ke'er, but a fairy who secretly descended from the sky?

Ling Wuwen didn't know Huangfu Shuran's random guess, if she knew, she would probably burst out laughing.

Fairy? The witch is almost there!


After dinner, Huangfu unexpectedly played chess with Huangfu Chenluo.

Recently, Huangfu Chenluo has gotten a lot better, and he can play three games of chess with Huangfu Shuran every day.

One person wins one game, and one game draws.

The two of them played very happily, and there were pastries carefully prepared by Ling Wuji beside them.

After eating the pastries, Huangfu Chenluo stopped eating.

"It's too late, my sister is going to bed!" It turned out that Huangfu Chenluo was not sleepy, but worried that the younger sister in Ling Wuyi's stomach was sleepy.

Ling Wuyi didn't have a baby in her womb, but Huangfu Chenluo firmly believed that she had a younger sister in her womb.

Before Ling Wuyue could say anything, Huangfu Chenluo left on his own.

Ling Wuyi smiled helplessly, and turned to look at Huangfu Shuran: "Your Majesty, do you want to rest?"

Huangfu suddenly stood up, walked to Ling Wuyue's side, and put his arms around her waist.

He leaned over, put his forehead against hers, and said softly with a smile: "Before you rest, would Aifei take a bath with me?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Of course, Huangfu Shuran would not really ask Ling Wuxi about her wishes, and after admiring her shyness, he hugged her and went to the hot spring pool.


After the cloud and rain, Huangfu put his arms around Ling Wuwen and asked her: "Ke'er, do you think I'm old?"

Even though he didn't want to admit it, he was twenty years older than Ling Wu!

His sons are all a few years older than Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and smiled: "I don't dislike it." She has eaten tender grass, and this time she will let the president eat it too~

Huangfu didn't know Ling Wu's mental activities, although it was only three words, he was very moved by her words.

Holding Ling Wupin's arms tightly, Huangfu suddenly asked her: "Do you want to be a queen?"

For the first time, I had the idea of ​​making Ling Wuyao the empress.

As soon as Huangfu Shuran's words fell, Ling Wuyi was startled.

After more than ten years without a concubine, you actually... want to confer her as a concubine?

Ling Wuyi propped herself up and sat up and looked at Huangfu, "Are you kidding me, Your Majesty?"

Huangfu was actually amused by Ling Wuyue, and the more he laughed, the more he wanted to laugh, and he couldn't stop.

Ling Wuyi couldn't help but slap Huangfu Shuran on the chest: "Is it so funny?"

Huangfu unexpectedly held Ling Wuwen's hand in his own, and continued to laugh: "Hahaha...it's not funny, but I just can't help it, hahaha..."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

After laughing for a while, Huangfu finally laughed enough, and then asked her seriously: "Tell me, do you want to be a queen?"

While waiting for the answer, what Huangfu really thought was, if Ling Wuyi's answer was "yes".

He might really make her his empress.

Ling Wuwen shook her head, held Huangfu's cheek in her hands, and leaned over to kiss him on the forehead.

She said: "I don't want to be a queen, I want to be your wife. The only kind."

If it were someone else who said such things to Huangfu Shuran, or if his favorability for Ling Wuxi was lower, maybe he would be angry.

But Ling Wuyi chose to speak out at this time, and the favorability of the month of inactivity increased by two points!

Huangfu suddenly turned over, pressed Ling Wunie under him, and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree!"


One night, Huangfu talked a lot to Ling Wuwen and asked her a lot of questions, but he didn't ask Xue Xue.

Ling Wuwen also said a lot, but she didn't mention Xue Xue.

Huangfu was waiting, waiting for Ling Wuyi to tell him.

And Ling Wuyi is also waiting, waiting for a more suitable opportunity


Ever since Xue Xuelai begged Ling Wupin, Huangfu has withdrawn his decision to send him to other places to garrison, but sent another prince there.

At the beginning, Huangfu Chenjin was lucky, thinking that Ling Wuyi had mentioned it to Huangfu.

But later, Huangfu Chenjin gradually realized that Huangfu ignored and ignored him in the court hall.

At the beginning, he thought it was his own illusion, but later he realized that he, who was 'not' taken seriously, was even less taken seriously!

At this time, Huangfu Chenjin thought of Xue Xue again.

After returning to Yuanding Palace, Huangfu Chenjin asked Xue Xue to go to Yunxiao Palace to look for Ling Wuyue, but Xue Xue refused to go there, saying that she would not be humiliated there.


[I will update a chapter today, please refer to the book review area for specific reasons (September 26: update explanation)]

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