Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1391 Hardworking Female Lead Substitute (13)

Seeing Zhou Qingsi's guilty face, Ling Wuyue smiled.

He put his arms around Zhou Qingsi's shoulders and pinched her oval face: "It's okay~ I support you for your dreams! But if you go to art school, don't forget about me~"

"My brother hasn't decided whether to go or not yet!" Seeing that Ling Wu was not angry, Zhou Qingsi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go! Why don't you go? Don't you want to be admitted to the University of Arts? Don't you want to film with your male god?"

In fact, Ling Wuyi also has selfish intentions, and there is no art school in J City.

Guessing Zhou's father and Zhou's mother's thoughts, they should send Zhou Qingsi to the High School Affiliated to Beijing University of Arts.

If I entered that school, it would be much easier to get into the University of Arts.

However, if she transferred to another school in the third year of high school, it would be a bitter experience for Zhou Qingsi.

And Ling Wuyi's selfish intention is to let Zhou Qingsi leave J City, so that no matter what happens in the future, Zhou Qingsi will not be involved.

Sure enough, Zhou Qingsi flat-mouthed and said: "My parents asked me to go to the middle school attached to Beijing University of Arts..."

"It's pretty good... ouch!" Ling Wuyi had just finished speaking when she was pinched by Zhou Qingsi.

"Why don't you show that you don't want to part with me? It's pretty good~ Do you still have a brother in your heart? Do you know how much your brother misses you?"

Ling Wuxi shrank to the side, and quickly said: "Of course I can't bear you! Isn't there a saying that'there is always a banquet in the world'? I can't stop letting you fight for your dreams just because I can't bear you? Would you do that to me?"

Zhou Qingsi shook her head, if it was her, she certainly wouldn't stop Ling Wuwen from doing what she wanted because she was reluctant to part with Ling Wuwen.

With a flat mouth, he hugged Ling Wu in his arms: "嘤咕~ baby~ brother can't bear you~"

Ling Wuwen burst into laughter, she was about to cry before she left. really...

He patted Zhou Qingsi on the shoulder, and said helplessly, "Good brother, technology is so advanced now, if you miss me, you can video chat with me~ and you will be back during the holiday~"

"Hey... I will miss the days of eating with you, the days of going to class together, the days of leaving school together, the days of discussing male gods together, the days of going to the toilet together..."

Ling Wuwen: "..."


Originally thought that Zhou Qingsi was going to the capital city, but there was still some time left.

But I didn't expect that Zhou Qingsi would call her crying and say that he was going to Beijing tomorrow within a few days after they finished watching the auto show.

Ling Wu, who was eating, choked on the food and drank half a glass of water before going down.

Swallowing saliva, he asked, "Why so fast? Isn't school starting yet?"

"School hasn't started yet, but my parents have already signed up for me, and enrolled me in a class over there, let me go and get used to it first... 嘤咕~ Mingming~ I can't bear you~"

Originally, Ling Wutian didn't feel anything, but Zhou Qingsi's crying made her eyes warm.

After thinking about it, Ling Wuwen said, "When will you get on the plane? I'll see you off."

"No! Don't send me off, I'm afraid I won't want to go to Beijing if you send me off."

Ling Wuxi was stunned, and then said: "Then...then when you arrive in Beijing, call or send me a message. By the way, did you go there alone?"

"No, my mother rented a house over there and plans to accompany me until after school starts."

Ling Wuyue snorted: "That's good..."

"Mingming, you have to pay attention to your safety in J City, you know? You can't fall in love with men other than Mr. Lin! You can't give up your studies! You can't..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Qingsi fell silent, so silent that Ling Wuyi almost thought she had hung up the phone.

Zhou Qingsi's words made Ling Wuyi a little strange.

Why is she saying such things all of a sudden?

After thinking for a while, Ling Wuwen put down the chopsticks in his hand, got up and went back to the room.

Just when she was about to speak, she heard Zhou Qingsi speak.

"Actually, I had a dream," she said.

"Huh? What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that you found a boyfriend from the underworld, gave up your studies because of him, and made Uncle Xia angry... I also dreamed that you were kidnapped. I will save you, and then I..."

Zhou Qingsi's voice began to choke, and she was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

Finally she cried and said, "I'm sorry Mingming! I'm afraid...afraid that dream will come true..."

Ling Wuxi quickly comforted her: "No way! Dreams won't come true!"

"When I graduate from high school, I will definitely confess my love to Teacher Lin. I will definitely not fall in love with men other than Teacher Lin, and I will not give up my studies for anyone! My father will not be pissed off, and I will not be kidnapped !"

When comforting Zhou Qingsi, her tears could not help but drip down.

That dream... what a dream! Obviously it happened for real!

Ling Wuwen didn't know why Zhou Qingsi had such a dream, but no matter what, she couldn't scare Zhou Qingsi because of this dream.

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Zhou Qingsi breathed a sigh of relief.

She also told herself in her heart that it was a dream! Ling Wuwen likes Teacher Lin so much, how could she be with other men?

"Okay, don't be afraid~ The dream is so bad, it means that it must be very good in reality!" Ling Wuwen said.

Zhou Qingsi nodded vigorously: "Well, maybe you were accepted when you confessed to Teacher Lin when you graduated! Maybe I can become a big star and be on an equal footing with a male god!"

"Hahaha~ Yes, yes! So you should focus on your studies." Tears were still hanging on his face, and what he said seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhou Qingsi's mood also improved, and she started chatting with Ling Wuwen.

After chatting for at least an hour, the two of them hung up the phone——

That night, Ling Wuyue had a dream.

Dreaming of Zhou Qingsi and Xia Ming...

The weather was very bad that day, and it was drizzling.

Xia Ming had an appointment to have dinner with Mo Longting, so she waited outside the community where Mo Longting lived for her to pick her up by Mo Longting's car.

But it was not Mo Longting and Mo Longting's people who came to pick her up, but a van.

A dozen people got out of the van and forcibly dragged Xia Ming up.

Xia Ming struggled to call for help, and no one in the community dared to step forward.

Just at this time, Zhou Qingsi, who came to persuade Xia Ming not to give up her studies and not to disappoint Father Xia and Mother Xia, saw it and rushed over without thinking.

But so many people came, Zhou Qingsi was dragged into the car, not to mention saving Xia Ming.

As soon as they got in the car, they were stunned with a handkerchief stained with drugs.

When they woke up, they were taken into a very empty room.

There are many men around, and several cameras.

Seeing Xia Ming who was still awake, Zhou Qingsi ran over to hug her.

"Which of these two is Mo Longting's woman?" The middle-aged man sitting on the chair asked.

The middle-aged man only had half of his left ear, and his facial features were fierce.

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