Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1392 The Hardworking Female Protagonist (14)

Someone answered, "Boss, it's the one who hasn't woken up yet."

"What about this?" The middle-aged man pointed at Zhou Qingsi and asked.

The person who had just answered answered again, explaining: "This is here to save people. I looked at Shui Ling and brought it with me."

"In this case, enjoy yourself!" While speaking, the middle-aged man had already walked over.

At this time Xia Ming woke up, her brows were tightly frowned, obviously still feeling a little uncomfortable.

Before she could react, she was pulled up. On the other side, Zhou Qingsi was also pulled up.

Zhou Qingsi had practiced self-defense for several years, so when she resisted, several men were knocked to the ground by her.

Xia Ming screamed in fright when the middle-aged man took off his clothes.

Zhou Qingsi panicked, got rid of the man who grabbed her and ran to protect Xia Ming.

"What do you want to do? It's just kidnapping, there's no need to make a fuss! If you want money, I can give it to you!"

Zhou Qingsi acted quite calmly, she was protecting Xia Ming tightly, her body was actually trembling with fear.

The middle-aged man snorted and slapped Zhou Qingsi directly, half of his face swelled instantly: "I want money? I need money!"

Someone wanted to drag Zhou Qingsi away, but she still defended Xia Ming desperately.

The middle-aged man kicked her on the head, and Zhou Qingsi felt dizzy on the spot.

Even so, she still hugged Xia Ming and said weakly, "Don't touch her..."

The middle-aged man kicked Zhou Qingsi in the face again.

Zhou Qingsi fell to the side, her face covered with blood.

Several men began to punch and kick Zhou Qingsi, causing her to vomit blood.

"Ah!! Sisi!! What are you trying to do to me!! Do you know whose woman I am?! Long Ting will not let you go!"

Xia Ming wanted to help Zhou Qingsi, but was held back.

The middle-aged man laughed when he heard Xia Ming's words, leaned over and pinched her chin and said, "Of course I know who you are, and I only arrested you because I knew who you were. Otherwise, you would think that I arrested you." do what?"

Xia Ming stared at the middle-aged man, and spat on his face.

The middle-aged man turned his face sideways and closed his eyes instantly.

When he opened his eyes again, he slapped Xia Ming with his backhand.

Xia Ming's face was crooked from the beating, and blood flowed from his mouth.

"Hiss—" Xia Ming's clothes were torn apart by the middle-aged man.

Xia Ming struggled desperately, but there was nothing she could do.

Zhou Qingsi opened her eyes with difficulty, got up from the ground and walked towards Xia Ming.

Someone grabbed her ankle, and she was forcibly dragged aside.

Clothes and pants were torn, and someone separated her body...

——In his sleep, Ling Wu Nie sat up from the bed.

She was panting heavily, sweat dripping down her face.

In the darkness, her eyes were wide open, still in shock.

Dreaming again, the same dream again!

Always... always dreaming about the part of Xia Ming's memory.

Every time I wake up, I will be so depressed that I can't breathe!

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he got up from the bed, went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of cold water to drink.

Under the cold water, Ling Wu's mind cleared up a little.

He stood in the kitchen without moving his head.

After dawn, Zhou Qingsi will leave here.

With her here this time, such a thing will never happen! Ling Wuwen told herself repeatedly.

But no matter how many times she said it, she couldn't suppress the devil in her heart.

She has no choice... There is no way to let those who treat Zhou Qingsi like that continue to live in this world!

I really want to, I really want to go and kill those people now! Kill them all! ! kill! ! !

Putting down the cup in his hand, Ling Wunie left the kitchen as if in a daze.

Instead of going back to the room, she walked to the gate, opened it and walked out.

Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.

She was fluttering, her hair was loose, and she was wearing a white nightdress.

The uncle security guard in the monitoring room who was on guard at night was so frightened that he saw a ghost when he saw Ling Wuwen.

I wanted to take a look at it, but Ling Wu's speed was really too fast, it seemed to be floating...

Uncle Security swallowed, put his hands together and shouted, "Amitabha... Amitabha..."

Ling Wuwen didn't know that she had frightened Uncle Security, she didn't even know what she was doing at this moment.

There is only one thought in my mind, which is to kill those people!

She didn't even wear shoes, so she just walked out of the community and walked on the road.

It was past three o'clock in the morning, not to mention that there were no people on the road, even if there were people, they didn't dare to get close to Ling Wu, who was suspected of being a female ghost!

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a car stopped in front of Ling Wuyi.

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

If Ling Wuwen was awake at this time, he would definitely recognize that the person who spoke was Lin Huai.

Lin Huai didn't go to J City so early in the first place, but he was urged to find a partner every day at home, so he simply found an excuse to come back.

Because the plane was late, he didn't get off the plane until early in the morning.

At this time, he had just driven back from the airport.

He saw Ling Wuwen walking on the street from a distance, and thought it was a homeless man.

But when the car drove closer, I realized that it was a woman. The nightgown was also clean, so it was probably not a homeless person.

In the middle of the night, I was wandering alone on the road, what would I do if I encountered danger? So Lin Huai stopped and asked.

Ling Wuwen ignored Lin Huai's question and walked forward.

Lin Huai frowned slightly, and raised his foot to chase after her: "Miss! Miss!"

Seeing that Ling Wu was screaming non-stop, Lin Huai had no choice but to reach out and grab her wrist.

At this moment, Ling Wuyi is very hostile, anyone who touches her is looking for death!

She almost had a conditioned reflex, and directly moved towards Lin Huai's neck with a knife——

But when she saw Lin Huai's face, she stopped in time.

Because Ling Wuwen turned his head, Lin Huai also saw the face.

Eyes widened in surprise: "Xia Ming! Why are you here?"

At this time, Ling Wuyi was a little scary, not because of her clothes, but because of her eyes and her aura.

Lin Huai didn't know what Ling Wuwen's eyes and aura were, but he just felt that something was wrong with Ling Wuwen at this moment.

Xia Lun, who had just returned from going to the restroom, went to look at the display screen, and almost sat down on the ground after being frightened by Ling Wu's appearance.

This, this, this... Isn't the state of Ling Wutian the state that she would have when she was abnormal!

However, why does it seem to be more serious?

Swallowing his saliva, Xia Lun hurriedly called out to Ling Wuwen: "Little 55!! The person in front of you is the body of the president!"

After repeating the call several times, Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled and she woke up.

"teacher LIN?"

Lin Huai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ling Wuyi speak: "Student Xia Ming, what's wrong with you? Why did you go out in your pajamas so late?"

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