Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1394 Hardworking Female Lead Substitute (16)

"Mr. Lin, do I need to bring anything besides money? Do I need to bring my ID card?" Ling Wuwen asked Lin Huai.

Lin Huai shook his head and said, "You can just bring someone with you, you don't need to bring money. That doctor is a friend of mine, so you can treat it as chatting with her."

Ling Wuyue said oh, it turned out to be Lin Huai's friend...

What kind of friend is that? male or female?

"Okay then, we can go!" Ling Wuwen went to the entrance to change shoes.

Lin Huai went out first, looked at Ling Wuwen who was changing shoes, and asked her: "Why didn't you ask who the person who rang the doorbell opened the door? What if it's a bad person?"

"Hey~ I just thought you were the one who rang the doorbell, so I opened it~" Ling Wuyi put on her shoes and walked to Lin Huai.

Lin Huai always remembered that he was Teacher Ling Wuxi, and habitually said to her in an educational tone: "That's not allowed! No matter who it is, you should ask who it is before you open the door, or take a look at the cat's eye." Look. Got it?"

Of course Ling Wuyi nodded obediently, with the look of 'I'm a good boy'.

It seems that because of rubbing Ling Wuyi's head accidentally yesterday, Lin Huai couldn't help rubbing her head again, and then said with a smile, "Let's go."

Ling Wuyi nodded, and followed Lin Huai to leave——

Lin Huai took Ling Wuwen to a mental hospital, and arrived at an office door with ease.

Ling Wuwen glanced at the photo and name pasted on the door. It was a woman named Wang Qiaochu.

I raised my eyebrows, this name is a bit familiar!

Turning her head to look at Lin Huai who was knocking on the door, she didn't expect that the psychiatrist Lin Huai brought her to see was a woman, and she still liked Lin Huai's woman.

She was not mentioned after the plot, but she was mentioned many times before.

This woman named Wang Qiaochu was the best friend of the heroine Xiao Xiao in high school, and of course Lin Huai's classmate.

It is also mentioned in the plot that Wang Qiaochu has liked Lin Huai since high school, but Lin Huai liked Xiao Xiao.

I don't know if this Wang Qiaochu still likes Lin Huai?

"Please come in!" After Lin Huai knocked on the door, a gentle female voice came from inside.

Lin Huai held Ling Wuyi's shoulders and pushed the door in. He smiled and said, "Qiao Chu."

Wang Qiaochu raised his head in surprise: "Lin Huai..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ling Wuqin beside Lin Huai.

Wang Qiaochu was stunned, unable to believe it: "Xiao..."

Before Xiao Xiao's name was called out, Lin Huai quickly spoke.

He smiled and patted Ling Wuyi on the shoulder, and said to Wang Qiaochu: "This is my student, Xia Ming. Xia Ming seems to have sleepwalking, so I want you to take a look. I called you this morning of."

Wang Qiaochu was stunned, Xia Ming? Not Xiao Xiao?

But this... is too similar!

Wang Qiaochu also knew Lin Huai, and knew that Lin Huai didn't want this girl named Xia Ming to know that there was someone who looked a lot like her.

He adjusted his facial expression and raised a smiling face: "So it is like this! Hello, Xia Ming! Come and sit down!"

Wang Qiaochu was very warm and gentle, came over and took Ling Wumi's hand, and led her to the sofa to sit down.

Lin Huai also went to sit down, and Wang Qiaochu turned to look at him: "Why are you here so early? I thought you would be late!"

She originally thought that Lin Huai would come later so that she could have lunch with him.

it's so early...

"Do you have an appointment? If so, we can wait." Lin Huai also had a smile on his face, and he was very familiar with Wang Qiaochu.

Wang Qiaochu hurriedly said: "No, there is no need to wait, it can be done now!"

Ling Wuwen could tell that Wang Qiaochu still liked Lin Huai, but Lin Huai regarded her as an ordinary friend.

Lin Huai stood up from the sofa and said, "Okay, I'll wait outside..."

"No, it's fine if you stay here." After speaking, Wang Qiaochu began to ask Ling Wuyi some questions.

Ling Wuyi glanced at Lin Huai, and answered the question obediently.

She has also been exposed to psychology, so she knows how to answer questions and draw conclusions.

Originally, Ling Wuyi only wanted to let Wang Qiaochu's disease figure out that it was normal for her to be diagnosed. Maybe it was because of too much pressure that she accidentally sleepwalked.

As a result, an hour later, Wang Qiaochu said that she had some kind of depression, and it was quite serious! So you need to come for treatment often.

Because she had agreed with Lin Huai not to tell Xia's father and Xia's mother, if she had regular treatment, it would also be a chance for her to have more contact with Lin Huai.

The chances are really good.

But Wang Qiaochu talked nonsense about her 'illness' in order to see Lin Huai more often, and she was not happy about it!

Frowning slightly, Lin Huai nodded before he could speak: "Okay, do you want to take medicine?"

Wang Qiaochu nodded: "I'll prescribe some medicine to help you sleep. I'll come here every three days. Do you want to tell your parents?"

She had talked with Lin Huai on the phone before and knew that Ling Wuwen said that she didn't want her parents to know, so she said that Ling Wuwen had severe depression, so that she could see Lin Huai often.

Looking at Ling Wu's face, Wang Qiaochu actually felt uncomfortable.

It was Xiao Xiao before, so could it be this Xia Ming in the future?

Lin Huai looked at Ling Wuwen: "I think you are so serious, I still need to tell your parents. What if you sleepwalk again at night?"

Ling Wuyi glanced at Wang Qiaochu indistinctly, her eyes flickered, obviously guilty.

I sneered in my heart, I really admire the doctor for doing this.

It's been ten years and Lin Huai still doesn't like her, so shouldn't she just give up?

Well, even if you are not reconciled. Then he should go after Lin Huai by himself instead of lying about other people's illness!

She said that other people's illness is so serious, thanks to her knowing her own body, if it were someone else, she would be scared out of illness even if she wasn't sick!

And even if she is really mentally ill, it is also a psychopath. How did it become depression?

Regarding Lin Huai's question, Ling Wuwen shook her head firmly: "No! I can't tell my parents. They already feel that they are under a lot of pressure in the third year of high school. If they know, they will worry about me even more!"

Lin Huai thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay then, I'll keep it secret for you."

"Thank you teacher!" Ling Wuwen gave Lin Huai a smiling face, but was very unhappy in her heart.

Wang Qiaochu is a doctor. She said she was sick and she was sick. Even if she told Lin Huai that she was not sick, Lin Huai would choose to believe Wang Qiaochu instead of her.

After all, she is just a child in Lin Huai's eyes——

After taking the medicine, Lin Huai paid for it, and the diagnosis fee was also paid by Lin Huai.

He told Ling Wuyue that he didn't need money, but he didn't want Ling Wuyue to give money.

Although he has known Wang Qiaochu for ten years, he never thought of letting Wang Qiaochu see a doctor for free.

He doesn't like to owe favors to others.

Saying goodbye to Wang Qiaochu, the two left the mental hospital.

Originally, Wang Qiaochu asked Lin Huai to have dinner, but Lin Huai refused.

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