Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1395 Hardworking Female Lead Substitute (17)

Sitting in the car, Ling Wu was not happy.

She lowered her head without a smile on her face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Huai asked her.

Ling Wuxi blinked, and the phone in her hand lit up.

A message, sent by Zhou Qingsi.

The message was very long, and the opening remark was that Zhou Qingsi was about to get on the plane and leave.

The content is to let Ling Wuxi take good care of herself, don't be bullied at school, and if someone bullies you, you have to bully her back.

If it’s too bad, tell Mr. Lin.

Let Ling Wuyi study hard, she will wait for her in Beijing.

Let Ling Wuyi miss her every day, and don't forget her.


The message was so long that Ling Wu's eyes turned red.

Tapping the screen with his finger, he quickly edited a long text message back to Zhou Qingsi.

After returning to Zhou Qingsi, Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Lin Huai, and said to him in a tearful voice, "Sisi went to Beijing today, and she is going to be a third year at the Beijing Art School."

Lin Huai suddenly realized that he was Zhou Qingsi's class teacher after all.

Of course he knew that Zhou Qingsi was going to transfer schools.

No wonder Ling Wuxi was depressed... Also, it's normal for two people who are so good to be reluctant to part with each other.

He reached out and took a tissue to Ling Wuwen: "Don't be sad, now that the Internet is so developed, you can still video chat when you miss it."

Ling Wuwen laughed because of Lin Huai's words of comfort, until tears were squeezed out.

Almost wiped away tears, looked at Lin Huai: "Sisi and I said the same."

Lin Huai also laughed: "The Internet is indeed very developed. By the way, you should take the medicine first."

With that said, Lin Huai took out a bottle of unopened mineral water.

Worried that Ling Wuxi would not be able to unscrew it with too little strength, she thoughtfully unscrewed the lid a little before handing it to her.

Ling Wuwen took the mineral water and took the medicine out of the bag.

Looking at those medicines, an unknown fire surged up in Ling Wu's heart.

Nima said she was sick even if she was not sick! Just say she's sick! Give her so much medicine!

Although Wang Qiaochu probably wouldn't prescribe any medicine that would affect her body, but the medicine is three-point poisonous!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Wu squinted her mouth and looked at Lin Huai pitifully: "Mr. Lin... can I not eat? Actually, I don't think I'm sick, and I don't feel too much pressure!"

"Dr. Wang is a very authoritative psychiatrist. She should not make a wrong diagnosis. Be good~ Take the medicine, or I will be worried."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

She can guarantee that Lin Huai definitely used the beauty trick when coaxing her to take the medicine!

Emma! really...

With a blushing face, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and took the medicine.

Seeing Ling Wu squawking and swallowing the sugar and water, Lin Huai smiled in satisfaction, and even reached out to rub her head: "You're so good~ Teacher invites you to eat sugar!"

Ling Wupin curled her lips: "No, I have to invite you to dinner anyway~ Anyway, I will eat by myself when I go home. Otherwise, Mr. Lin, why don't you accompany me to dinner?"

Lin Huai looked at the time, it was only half past ten. It's too early to go to the restaurant to eat, why can't we go to the restaurant and sit and wait?

"Why don't the teacher make it for you?" Lin Huai asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wu's eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly.

If you do it yourself, you must go home!

Thinking of going to Lin Huai's house and eating the meals he cooked himself, the anger just now was extinguished in an instant.

"Is it really an honor?"

"Of course, let's go shopping now." Seeing Ling Wuyi's mood improved, Lin Huai also felt in a good mood.



Lin Huai drove the car and went to the supermarket with Ling Wuwen.

He was pushing the shopping cart, and Ling Wuyi followed beside him.

Lin Huai first asked Ling Wuwen if there was any food she particularly liked, and if there was any food she particularly disliked.

Ling Wuwen counted her favorite dishes and dishes she didn't like with her fingers.

But at the end of the count, there are many dishes I like, but the one I don’t like is the same: carrots!

"I hate eating carrots the most!" Ling Wuxi wrinkled her nose and said.

"That's a coincidence, I don't like carrots either, although they are very nutritious." Lin Huai grinned, showing his white and neat teeth, and his eyes were warm.

Ling Wuwen jumped up and down, and blurted out happily: "That's great! From now on, our family won't have to buy carrots~"

"Huh?" Lin Huai didn't immediately understand the meaning of her words.

Ling Wu was stunned for a moment, and then explained with some embarrassment: "I said, our family doesn't eat carrots..."

Lin Huai nodded suddenly, but he was thinking about what Ling Wuyi said just now.

What she said was 'in the future' and 'our family'.

Why use 'later'?

Looking down at the shy Ling Wu, Lin Huai suddenly remembered that she used the photo of him holding her as the screen saver of her mobile phone.

I don't know if her mobile phone is still a photo of them?

He has always known that many female students like him, but he regards that kind of liking as just a little budding in love, so he doesn't care.

Sometimes I feel annoying and disturbed.

But for Ling Wuwen, he didn't find it annoying or disturbing, on the contrary, he thought her behavior was very cute.

Ling Wu, who was in the process of being "shy", suddenly felt that her favorability rose to 80 points, which was somewhat expected and somewhat unexpected——

After shopping around in the supermarket, I bought a lot of things before returning to Lin Huai's residence.

Lin Huai also lives in a single apartment, with a large area and only one room.

Duplex apartment, upstairs is the bedroom and study, downstairs is the living room, kitchen and gym.

Lin Huai asked Ling Wuwen to visit as he pleased, and he could also turn on the TV and computer, and then he went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Ling Wuwen took a look around and found that Lin Huai's house was very tidy and clean.

The most important thing is that no woman has obviously visited Lin Huai's residence.

The corner of his mouth raised an arc, and he came down from upstairs.

The kitchen of Lin Huai's house is open, and people in the kitchen can be seen from anywhere.

Standing at the stairs, looking at Lin Huai's back.

If you fall in love with Lin Huai, it will be that kind of gentle and gentle.

Compared with vigorous and vigorous, Ling Wuwen prefers a long stream of water...

Seemingly aware of Ling Wu's gaze, Lin Huai turned his head.

He smiled at Ling Wuwen and said, "It's still half an hour before we can eat, so you can watch TV in the living room."

Ling Wuxi nodded, and instead of going to the living room to watch TV, she went to watch Lin Huai beside him: "Mr. Lin, do you usually cook by yourself?"

"Well, I cook and eat by myself when I'm not eating at school. Don't worry, your teacher and I are still very good at cooking!" Lin Huai said with a smile.

Ling Wuyi also grinned: "Teacher Lin made it with his own hands, even if it tastes bad, he will eat it with a smile!"

Lin Huai's words made Lin Huai laugh out loud, and he was in a great mood!

Lin Huai was skillfully chopping vegetables while talking to Ling Wuwen.

First we chatted, and then we talked about learning.

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