Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1396 Hard-working heroine stand-in (18)

Lin Huai asked Ling Wuyi if she was nervous in her third year of high school? Ling Wuqin shook her head: "Don't be nervous! I am very confident in myself, and I will definitely get into Beijing University!"

"Huh? Is Beijing University your choice?" Lin Huai asked.

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Yes, Beijing University."

"That's good, I used to be in Beijing University too! Come on, I believe you can do it!" Lin Huai smiled and encouraged Ling Wuwen, but he also felt a little strange in his heart.

Looking at Ling Wu's appearance, she doesn't look like someone suffering from depression... She herself said that there is no pressure anymore, so where does the pressure lead to depression?

But after thinking about it, it was Wang Qiaochu who personally diagnosed Ling Wuwen, so there should be no reason to be wrong.

Forget it, maybe the depression doesn't show itself?


After cooking, Ling Wuwen and Lin Huai ate together.

Originally, Ling Wuyi asked to wash the dishes after dinner, but Lin Huai refused to let her do it.

"There is ice cream in the refrigerator, you can eat it yourself."

Hearing that there was ice cream, Ling Wuwen was not polite, and ran to the kitchen to open the refrigerator.

Seeing almost a drawer full of ice cream, Ling Wuwen tilted her head to look at Lin Huai: "Eh? Teacher, do you like ice cream very much?"

Lin Huai nodded and said, "It's nice to hold a bucket of ice cream while watching TV."

"I like it too! But my mother said that it's not good to eat too much and keep it cold, so I don't buy it at home."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen winked at Lin Huai playfully: "But I ate it secretly."

Lin Huai laughed, feeling that it was really relaxing to talk to Ling Wuwen.

"Your mother is right. Girls should eat less cold food."

"Girls should eat less, and boys can eat whatever they want, so that's too unfair!" Ling Wuxi pouted, very unbalanced.

Ling Wuxi held the ice cream cup and took two spoons.

One spoon is eaten by himself, and the other spoon is fed to Lin Huai.

Originally, Lin Huai wanted to refuse, but seeing Ling Wu's expectant face, he couldn't bear to refuse.

So Ling Wuwen stood next to Lin Huai, and every time she took a bite, she fed Lin Huai a bite.

After the ice cream was finished, Lin Huai also washed the dishes.

"Okay, I'll take you home." Lin Huai said with a smile.

Ling Wuxi nodded and went out with Lin Huai.

It was at least half an hour's drive from where Lin Huai lived to where Ling Wu lived, and it was still quite a distance.

I sent Ling Wuwen back to the gate of the community, but because it was daytime, I didn't send her in.

"I'll pick you up when you come back for a follow-up visit in a few days. Wait for my call." Lin Huai said to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen nodded: "I'm sorry to trouble Mr. Lin today! Thank you~"

"You don't have to be so polite with the teacher, go in quickly, I will watch you go in before leaving."


Ling Wuwen waved to Lin Huai, turned around and entered the community.

Seeing Ling Wuyi enter the community, Lin Huai just got in the car and left——

For the next half a month, Lin Huai would pick up Ling Wuyi every three days and go to Wang Qiaochu's for a follow-up visit.

She didn't take the medicine Wang Qiaochu gave her, except that she would take it in front of Lin Huai.

The medicine has a sleeping effect, and it is different from the sleeping pills of the Plane Association. After taking it, she felt depressed and uncomfortable.

Wang Qiaochu always arranges the time until almost noon, and then wants to have dinner with Lin Huai.

After all, it was already that time, and Lin Huai was too embarrassed to refuse.

Wang Qiaochu, who "succeeded" for the first time, said that when Lin Huai agreed to eat together, he said that he wanted to send Ling Wuwen home, and then went to eat.

In the end, Lin Huai said no, and he wanted to take Ling Wu with him.

Once or twice is fine. Although Wang Qiaochu is unhappy, he can't show it.

But after that, every time she said she wanted to have dinner with Lin Huai, Lin Huai would bring Ling Wu with her.

Several times, Wang Qiaochu didn't hold back his expression, and the look in Ling Wuwen's eyes became more and more wrong.

It's not that she thinks too much, but Lin Huai talks a lot to Ling Wuying every time they eat.

The way two people get along is not like a teacher and a student, nor like a friend.

On the contrary... they look like a couple!

After the follow-up consultation that day, Wang Qiaochu still proposed to have dinner together.

Needless to say, Lin Huai must have brought Ling Wuqian with him.

More than half a month was enough for Lin Huai to understand the taste of Ling Wu Nie.

When ordering food, almost all the dishes Lin Huai ordered were Ling Wuxi's favorites.

During the meal, Lin Huai still had more conversations with Ling Wuwen.

It's not that he doesn't talk to Wang Qiaochu, but sometimes Wang Qiaochu can't catch up with what he says.

Lin Huai also found it strange that despite being ten years apart, he and Ling Wuyi had a lot in common.

I don't know if it's his mentality that is young, or Ling Wu's mentality is more mature?

Looking at the two people talking happily, Wang Qiaochu's hand holding the chopsticks turned white.

Obviously, looking at such a scene is obviously looking for abuse, but she still...

After dinner, Lin Huai took Ling Wumi to say goodbye to Wang Qiaochu: "From then on, I will come to see you every Saturday for a follow-up visit."

Today Wang Qiaochu said that Ling Wuwen has recovered a lot, and the time for follow-up visits can be changed to once a week.

That's good, school starts tomorrow, but I don't have so much time to go to the follow-up visit!

"Okay! The time is still at the usual time, and I will tell my assistant." Wang Qiaochu had a smile on his face, as if it wasn't her who almost broke the chopsticks just now.

Lin Huai nodded: "Okay, pay attention to safety on the way back to the hospital."

After saying goodbye, Lin Huai first prepared to send Ling Wuwen home.

On the way, the two chatted, explaining that school will start tomorrow: "I'm going to be a senior in high school soon, are you nervous?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "Not nervous~ Teacher, why do you always ask me if I am nervous?"

Lin Huai smiled awkwardly and said, "Well... I'm a little nervous."

"Pfft hahaha~ So it's like this~ It's okay, it's okay~ You have to have confidence in your students!"

Seeing Ling Wuyi's exaggerated smile, Lin Huai blinked and smiled too: "Well, that's what you said."


"Oh, by the way, Teacher Lin, does that Doctor Wang like you?" Ling Wuyi suddenly changed the subject, making Lin Huai a little taken aback.

Do you like him? That was all ten years ago!

At that time, he had already clearly rejected it, and said that he could either just be friends or just be ordinary classmates.

It was Wang Qiaochu who said, then we will be friends.

So Lin Huai thought that Wang Qiaochu probably didn't like him after so many years and hadn't had much contact with him.

"You little kid, do you know what liking is? Just ask."

Ling Wu sat up straight and looked at Lin Huai: "In a few months, I'll be an adult, how can I be a brat?"

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Lin Huai froze again.

It suddenly occurred to me that when he was as old as Ling Wuwen, didn't he already start to sprout and have someone he liked?

So it seems that it doesn't make sense to say that Ling Wu is a brat...

Just at this time, the light turned red, Lin Huai stepped on the brakes, and turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen.

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