Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1401 The hard-working heroine substitute (23)

Lin Huai could feel her breath spraying on his neck, warm.

Carefully raising his hand, he stopped ten centimeters away from Ling Wu's waist.

I really want... I really want to hug her gently.

But Lin Huai was very afraid, afraid that his behavior would scare Ling Wuwen.

Although he hoped that Ling Wuyi would wear the necklace for him for a longer time, but he put it on soon.

"Okay, goodbye, teacher!" Ling Wu said goodbye to Lin Huai reluctantly.

Lin Huai looked at her for a while, then nodded: "This winter vacation, you have to be good. Don't run around, you know?"

What he was most worried about was that Mo Longting would come to Ling Wuyi.

If it wasn't because he promised his father to go back to the company and get used to it, he really didn't want to leave!

"Okay~ I won't run around..." No wonder, she still wants to take advantage of the winter vacation to deal with those people!

"Sisi didn't come back, and I have nowhere to go!" Zhou Qingsi didn't come back because she had to take dance and vocal lessons during the winter vacation.

Her grades in the new school were relatively average, everyone started learning from a young age, but she was a monk halfway through, so it is not bad to get average grades.

But Zhou Qingsi's head teacher had explained to her that it was impossible to get into the University of Arts with her grades.

In order to successfully enter the University of Arts, Zhou Qingsi had no choice but to work hard!

"Well, then I'm leaving."


Ling Wuwen stood in the parking lot, watching Lin Huai drive away.

Standing there for a while, he lifted his foot and left.

The direction she walked was not going upstairs, but directly out of the community.

Take a bus at the bus station, go to the mall to buy a wig, and a set of clothes and shoes.

The wig is short red hair, the clothes are black leather tights, and the shoes are also black orange boots.

Both clothes and shoes are different from her usual style.

In addition, I also bought a pair of black gloves, a slender knife, and a set of cosmetics.

After buying these, she took the bus home again——

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Xia's father and mother are both asleep at this time.

In order to prevent them from waking up in the middle of the night, Ling Wuwen went into their room and made a sleeping point.

After doing this, she went out with the things she bought today.

Ling Wuwen first went to the small park to find a public restroom, changed into clothes, shoes, wig, and heavy makeup.

Looking in the mirror, she can no longer see her original innocent look.

Even if they meet Xia's father and Xia's mother with Ling Wuyue like this, they might not dare to recognize him.

Putting on black gloves, Ling Wuyi took a taxi to the destination.

Her destination was a lively bar.

Ling Wuyi did not intend to let anyone who was present that day be spared. There were fifteen people present, one of whom was the boss, and the others were younger brothers.

The middle-aged man with half of his ear missing was called Ma Biao, and he was Mo Longting's deadly enemy.

Recently, Mo Longting had fought fiercely with Ma Biao!

Ling Wuqin had already made a plan, to kill those little brothers first, and then push it to Mo Longting.

It's no wonder that Ma Biao is not angry when younger brothers die one after another.

Ling Wuwen just waited, waiting for two people to fight, it's best to fight to the death!

After that, she killed Mabia again.

As for Mo Longting...

Ling Wuyi didn't intend to kill him either, it's better to keep him alive.

Live sadly!

Ling Wuwen entered the bar and found her first target on the dance floor of the bar.

I just passed by that person, pretended to squat down to tie my shoelaces, and then pretended to dance and walked away slowly.

One minute, screams came from the dance floor, and the young man who was still dancing fell into a pool of blood.

The man's inner thigh was still bleeding continuously, and it was obvious that his fatal spot was the large artery in the inner thigh.

Soon, someone called the police.

This bar is under Mo Longting's name, and the person who died was Ma Biao's younger brother.

Ling Wuwen turned around and left, going to the next destination——

In one night, Ling Wuwen killed the three men, and their deaths were more or less related to Mo Longting.

For the next few days, Ling Wuxi would kill people in the same way every night.

In just one week, all fourteen men were dealt with by Ling Wu.

In fact, Ling Wuyi didn't want them to die so quickly, but there was no other way, the only way to push it to Mo Longting's head was to do so.

But the more relieved thing is that when Ma Biao was playing with women, Ling Wuyi beat him up under the quilt, and the focus was on his lower body.

According to Xia Lun's report, it was Ma Biao who was beaten so inhumanely that he almost died.

Ling Wuqin smiled and said, "This is what I want."

She did it herself, of course she knows how to measure it.

What he wanted was not to give Ma Biao another chance to play with women.

Now Ma Biao thinks that Mo Longting is the one who found someone to kill his subordinates and beat him to be 'crippled', so he vowed to fight against him——

For the next half month, Ling Wuwen didn't move anymore.

In addition, as the new year is approaching, Xia's father and Xia's mother will take her back to the countryside to visit her grandparents, so she has no chance to stay in J City.

Although he couldn't do anything to Ma Biao anymore, Ling Wuting knew that he and Mo Longting would lose out in the fight.

In a blink of an eye, it is the New Year.

During the New Year, Ling Wuwen still lived in the country, so she called Lin Huai first when she got up early in the morning.

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" Lin Huai's smiling voice came from over there: "Did you just get up?"

"Well! I called you as soon as I got up! You are the first person to be blessed!"

The smile on Lin Huai's face over there deepened, and he was really happy to be blessed for the first time!

"You are also my first blessing!" Lin Huai said.

Ling Wuyi held her face in one hand, and narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Oh, I'm so honored and happy~"

Lin Huai smiled and said nothing. He wanted to speak very much, and said to Ling Wuyue: I miss you very much! Did you miss me?

But he didn't dare to say, and he didn't dare to ask.

Ling Wuwen originally wanted to chat with Lin Huai for a while, but Mother Xia was telling her to set off firecrackers.

"Teacher, I won't tell you~ I'm going to set off firecrackers! There will be fireworks at night~ How about I video with you then?"


In fact, many times when talking on the phone, Lin Huai wanted to video chat with Ling Wuxi.

But Ling Wuwen didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to mention it.

I haven't seen her for nearly a month, he really wants to see her——

After hanging up Lin Huai's phone, Ling Wuwen went to set off firecrackers.

There are many children in the countryside, and there are many fun and delicious things.

Ling Wuwen took a lot of photos and sent them to Lin Huai, and they chatted and texted him all day long.

Lin Huai also sent a lot of photos to Ling Wuwen. Unlike Ling Wuwen's rural fun, he took beautiful pictures.

At night, fireworks are set off on Lin Huai's side, and fireworks are set off on Ling Wu's side as well.

The two were playing the video and chatting while watching the fireworks.

Both sides were 'bang bang bang' Lin Huai asked Ling Wuyi: "When are you going back to City J?"

Ling Wu was wearing earphones, so she could hear Lin Huai's voice more clearly: "Mom said she won't be back until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year~ What about you, teacher?"

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