Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1402 The hard-working heroine substitute (24)

"I won't go back until the eighth day of the lunar new year." Lin Huai said.

Ling Wu squealed, and it happened that she was setting off a beautiful firework.

Quickly turn the camera to the back, and then show Lin Huai: "The fireworks are so beautiful!"

Lin Huai smiled, and turned the camera to the back, showing Ling Wuyi the fireworks on his side: "My side is also good!"

After the fireworks were over, Ling Wuwen and Lin Huai chatted for a few words before hanging up.

Before hanging up, Lin Huai looked at Ling Wu's face, opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't say it——

After the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Ling Wuwen went back to J City with Xia's father and mother.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Father Xia and Mother Xia started to go to work.

As for Ling Wuwen, they planned to take advantage of the few days before the opening, and then went to clean up Ma Biao and Mo Longting.

During her absence, neither Mo Longting nor Ma Biao felt comfortable.

Ling Wu's goal was on Ma Biao's son.

She plans to kidnap Mabia's son!

Like a father, like a son, Ma Biao likes to play with women, and Ma Biao's son also likes to play with women.

Ma Biao likes to play SM, and his son is no exception, and almost kills him every time.

Such a scum, living in this world is definitely not a waste of food?

That being the case, let's use him...

On this day, Ling Wuwen dressed up and swayed in front of Ma Biao's son Ma Kun, successfully attracting his attention.

Ma Kun came up to strike up a conversation with her and invited her to drink.

Seeing Ling Wuwen's "bait", Ma Kun said to take her for a ride, driving a certain luxury car.

When Ling Wuyi heard that it was a luxury car, her eyes lit up, and she agreed without even thinking about it.

He followed Ma Kun out of the bar and got into a convertible sports car.

Ma Kun drove around, and then brought Ling Wuwen to an abandoned bungalow in the wilderness, saying that he was looking for excitement.

Ling Wuyi got out of the car with her rather big bag, and smiled with her lips curled up: "Okay~ I like excitement the most!"

Looking around, the environment here is very good, there is no need for her to find a place!

Ma Kun took out a black handbag from the trunk, then walked into the abandoned bungalow with his arms around Ling Wu's waist.

There is nothing in it, it is very empty.

Ma Kun first used his mobile phone to illuminate, and then took out two lights from the black handbag.

It can be seen that Ma Kun has made sufficient preparations, and it is certainly not the first time he has done so.

Ma Kun took out another rope, trying to tie up Ling Wu.

Ling Wuwen, on the other hand, was smiling, and quickly grabbed the rope.

When Ma Kun reacted, he had already been tied back by Ling Wuyue.

"It's not like that, untie me quickly!" Ma Kun thought that Ling Wuyi had the same preferences as him and wanted to take over the sovereignty, so he was a little unhappy.

Ling Wuyi grinned at him and said, "I tied you up, it's not up to you~"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuxi started to beat Ma Kun crazily. The beating made him vomit blood, and he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Ling Wuwen rummaged through the black handbag and found some tools that she could use.

"Did you use these things to kill those girls? Did you dream of them coming to kill you when you went to bed at night?"

At this time, Ma Kun's mouth was blocked by Ling Wu, and he couldn't speak at all, so he could only shake his head vigorously.

Ling Wuxi took a gas mask and a suit of clothes from her bag and changed into it. The mask can cover the face, and the clothes can cover the figure.

After finishing all this, Ling Wuwen bought a voice-changing pill in the platform mall and ate it to change her voice into a man.

Pick up the mobile phone that fell on the ground, set it up with a stand, and recorded several videos.

After the video was recorded, it was almost dawn.

And Ma Kun has long been silent.

Ling Wuyi took Ma Kun's car keys, drove for a long distance, and then let it fall into the sea.

Take off the mask on the head, the coat and the gloves that I have been wearing since the beginning and put them in the bag, remove the makeup, remove the wig, and put on the sportswear that I have prepared long ago.

After throwing away all those things, I ran into the city pretending to be a morning jog.

At dawn, Ling Wuwen sent a message to Father Xia first, saying that she had gone for a run and there was no need to wait for her to eat breakfast.

Xia's father and Xia's mother were going to work, and it happened that she could run back slowly.

It was already 11:30 noon when Ling Wuwen ran home, had something to eat, took a shower, and then lay on the bed to catch up on sleep.

If it wasn't for being woken up by a phone call at three o'clock in the afternoon, Ling Wuyi felt that she could sleep until dark!

It was Lin Huai who called.

After picking it up in a daze, Lin Huai asked her directly why she didn't go to the follow-up consultation.

Ling Wuxi woke up instantly, and turned her head to look at the alarm clock with the date on the bedside table.

It turns out that today is the day when she will have a follow-up visit...

"Er... hehe... I forgot..." Ling Wuwen replied with a guilty conscience.

Lin Huai helped his forehead helplessly: "Didn't I remind you yesterday? Listen to your voice, don't tell me you are sleeping?"

"Well, I went for a morning jog today, and then... I promise I didn't do it on purpose!"

Lin Huai sighed, and said, "If Qiaochu hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known you didn't go for a follow-up visit. Then you go now, I'll tell her."

Ling Wuqian groaned, and got up from the bed: "Then I'll go now."

"Well...then you go." In fact, Lin Huai wanted to tell Ling Wuyue that he would be back tomorrow, but he wanted to surprise her, so he decided not to!

Ling Wuyi didn't know that Lin Huai would come back tomorrow, because Xia Lun didn't tell her——

After changing clothes and eating something outside, I went to see Wang Qiaochu's mental hospital.

After asking a few routine questions, Wang Qiaochu began to digress.

She said, "As you know, Lin Huai and I are high school classmates."

Ling Wuwen nodded, this is what Lin Huai said long ago.

"You and Lin Huai are not just a teacher-student relationship, are they?"

"No, no, no..." Ling Wuwen pretended to be flustered as if someone saw through her mind, and quickly denied it.

But Wang Qiaochu pretended not to care and smiled, and said to Ling Wuwen, "You don't need to be shy, I can tell that Lin Huai likes you, just like Xiao Xiao back then."

Hearing Wang Qiaochu mention the word Xiao Xiao, Ling Wuyi said silently in her heart: It's finally here!

"Xiao Xiao? You know Xiao Xiao too? Teacher Lin...he likes Xiao Xiao?" Ling Wuyi looked at Wang Qiaochu with a look of surprise and confusion.

Wang Qiaochu raised his eyebrows: "Do you also know Xiao Xiao?" According to her observation, Ling Wuyi should not know Xiao Xiao!

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Well, I know Xiao Xiao, but I don't know if that Xiao Xiao is the Xiao Xiao you mentioned, Dr. Wang."

Then she said that she was taken as 'Xiao Xiao' while on the road.

Wang Qiaochu chuckled and said, "That's not surprising."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because that Xiao Xiao looks... almost exactly like you!"


[There is another chapter, which was updated last month! 】

[Cover your face] Boom~ Do you still love the perverted little Wu Nai?

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