Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1416 Koff's Pretty Widow (3)

Village head Gu has heard the village head's wife talk about it several times, and he also knows who this birthday horoscope is, so after he came out of Chunjing Temple, he has been frowning.

"Master Chunwu said that it must be the date of birth, and it must be from our village. Even though Widow Chen is from another village, she is considered to be from our village once she marries."

"His mother...you say this is hi, do you want to rush or not?"

The village head's wife shook her head: "Widow Chen Kefu! If she marries into our family, just give Ann to..."

"That shouldn't be the case... Master Chun Wu said that this is called fighting poison with poison, and Widow Chen is perfect!"

Hearing what Village Chief Gu said, the village chief's wife stopped talking.

After a while, the village chief's wife said in a low voice: "For An'er's health...then marry! I believe Master Chunwu will not lie to us."

Village head Gu also nodded in agreement, his son is like that, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

After the discussion, the village chief's wife invited a matchmaker to propose marriage the next day——

This morning, Ling Wuji just baked two sweet potatoes for himself for breakfast.

Before I ate, I heard someone knocking on the door.

Putting down the sweet potato in his hand, he got up and went to open the courtyard door.

Open the door and see that it is Wang Matchmaker.

"Matchmaker Wang, what are you doing here?" Ling Wuyue pretended to be puzzled and said.

Matchmaker Wang smiled until her old face was wrinkled: "Of course it's a good thing!"

While speaking, Matchmaker Wang had already entered by herself.

Looking at Lingwu's yard with some distaste, it was shabby, but it was still very clean and tidy.

Seeing that Matchmaker Wang didn't really want to enter the house, Ling Wuyi brought her a stool.

"What's the matter?" Ling Wu asked.

Because she is a widow and her family background is not good, Ling Wu is wearing purple linen clothes that have been washed and turned white, and she only uses a wooden hairpin for her hair.

"It's a great thing! I'm here to propose a marriage for you on behalf of Village Chief Gu's family! That's the village chief's son, do you think it's a good thing?" Matchmaker Wang said with a smile.

Ling Wuwen took two steps back in surprise, then waved her hands again and again: "No, no, I..."

Matchmaker Wang stood up and grabbed Ling Wu's hand: "Oh, what's wrong! Village Chief Gu said he went to Master Chunwu to have a look, and said that the child An Teng needs to be happy to get better, and the object of the happy event is is you!"

Ling Wuyi still shook her head, frowned and said, "My fate is bad... Chongxi must be too..."

Before she finished speaking, Matchmaker Wang interrupted her directly: "I know you are Kefu! But Master Chun Wu said, you call it fighting poison with poison!"

Ling Wu opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Matchmaker Wang said again: "You are now a widow with no land and no land. How many years can you live on the sweet potatoes in this yard? Marrying into the village chief's house, at least your food and clothing It's not a problem at all!"

Matchmaker Wang patted the back of Ling Wuwen's hand and said, "And look, if you really succeed in congratulating yourself, the village head's family won't remember your great contribution? Your good days are coming!"

Wang Matchmaker's words made Ling Wuxi hesitate.

Matchmaker Wang saw that there was something going on, so she hurried on.

After talking for a long time, Ling Wuyue finally nodded slightly.

With Ling Wuyi's consent, Matchmaker Wang left happily.

As soon as Matchmaker Wang left, a smile appeared on Ling Wu's face.

The goal is achieved, can you not be happy?

Back in the kitchen, he took out the roasted sweet potatoes and ate them leisurely.

In this situation, we still have to wait, waiting to pass through the door of the Gu family.

A few days ago, Qian Duoduo, who was worried that he would marry Gu Andeng again, had already married himself to the male lead.

She thought, marrying a widower is better than marrying a sick child.

Qian Duoduo is right to think so, she doesn't know medical skills, so she will be happy... and she will definitely not make Gu Andeng happy!

So, why did she still want to marry him knowing the ending?


Since Ling Wuyi agreed to the marriage, the wife of the village head brought the matchmaker to present the dowry the next day.

Ling Wu's family was completely destitute, and the wife of the village chief said that she would just go with the ceremony, and when the betrothal gift came, she would just carry it back as a dowry.

Perhaps it was because she thought that Ling Wuwen was going to make her son happy, so the wife of the village head had a very good attitude towards Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen has no relatives anymore, and the wife of the village chief wants to finish the marriage quickly.

There is no need to prepare too many things, just set the wedding date in half a month.

This is good, and I can see Gu Andeng in half a month.

Originally, there were such procedures and procedures for getting married in ancient times, but Ling Wuyi thought that it would take at least two months as mentioned in the plot to marry Qian Duoduo.

However, she guessed that there were two reasons why the wife of the village chief wanted to set the wedding date so urgently. One was that her son's health was critical, and the other was that her identity as a catkin widow was not a big deal—

For the next half month, Ling Wuwen went hunting and eating meat quietly at night, and stayed behind closed doors during the day.

She is a widow, or Kefu's widow, and it is normal not to go out.

But in the past few days, people will always come to her house. Although she doesn't like to deal with it very much, she still has to learn from Chen Xuehua to entertain people in a gentle manner.

Speaking of which, Chen Xuehua's appearance is really very different from that of the village girls in the village.

If she hadn't been born in the countryside, she wouldn't have earned the name of Kefu's widow.

Those who come to see Ling Wuwen are mostly just gloating about the fun.

They may be thinking that Gu Andeng's illness will be like that, and being overjoyed by a Kefu widow, it will definitely turn red into nothing in a few days!

Those people are just waiting to see the excitement!

Although Ling Wuwen could see what those people were thinking, she pretended not to know.

With a sneer in my heart, I'll just wait for a slap in the face when the time comes——

After a long time, half a month has finally come!

The day before the wedding, the wife of the village head found a distant relative for Ling Wuyi to see him off.

I got up before dawn to dress up, and the number of people in the yard gradually increased, and their voices became louder and louder.

When the auspicious time came, Ling Wuwen was covered with a hijab, and then helped out.

Although there is no major event, there are still bridal sedan chairs.

After getting into the bridal sedan chair, he went all the way to the gate of Village Chief Gu's house.

She was assisted across the brazier into the village chief's house and into the main room.

Someone shouted to worship, and Ling Wu could see a pair of feet wearing red shoes from under the hijab.

It seems that Gu Anteng came out.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

"Second obeisance to the high hall!"

"Husband and wife salute!"

"Send it to the bridal chamber!"

After the ceremony was completed, Ling Wuwen was sent into the room.

She was standing, and Gu Andeng was helped to lie down on the kang.

Because she had to take off her hijab to drink a cup of wine, Ling Wu was helped to squat down beside the kang, so that it was convenient for Gu Andeng to take off her hijab.

When the hijab was lifted, everyone standing in the room was obviously amazed.

It is said that Widow Chen is a pretty widow, and she has been worried that touching her will bring bad luck, so I never looked at it carefully.

It's amazing to see it today!

In ten miles and eight villages, even in the town, you can't find such a pretty woman, right?

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