Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1417 Koff's Pretty Widow (4)

Gu Andeng was obviously stunned, the marriage was decided by his parents, and he heard all the news about his future wife from his family members in his room every day.

He knew that his future wife Kefu had already killed two fiancés and one husband.

He knew that his future wife's life would not be good, and she would kill everyone from her husband's family.

He doesn't believe that Kefu's fate is bad, but he doesn't have any expectations for this future wife.

He felt that he was exhausted, even if he was happy, it was impossible.

Agreeing to marry a wife is just to appease the parents.

I just hope that after I leave, my parents can be taken care of by someone.

He obviously didn't expect anything, but when he looked at the fair-faced and delicate-looking bride in front of him, Gu Andeng felt his heart stop beating for a moment, and he almost forgot to breathe.

It wasn't until someone shouted for a cup of wine that Gu Andeng came back to his senses.

He was helped to sit up, and then held the wine glass with great difficulty, and finished the drink with Ling Wuxi.

After watching and having a cup of wine, Village Chief Gu and his wife greeted everyone to go out for dinner, while Ling Wuwen stayed in the room with Gu Andeng.

Gu Andeng lay on the kang, eyes closed as if sleeping.

Ever since he took a look at Ling Wuwen when he lifted his hijab, Gu Andeng has never looked at Ling Wuwen again.

If it wasn't for the ten-point increase in favorability, Ling Wuyi really thought that she was hated by Gu Andeng.

Having just married, Ling Wu's performance is still a bit cramped.

Standing there, neither sitting nor walking.

After a while, the wife of the village chief came to bring food.

A bowl of white rice, a bowl of lean meat porridge, a small dish of steamed eggs, a plate of fried meat, a bowl of vegetables, and a bowl of medicinal soup.

The village head's wife told Ling Wuwen softly that the porridge, eggs and medicine belonged to Gu Andeng, and reminded her to serve him before taking the medicine after eating the porridge and eggs.

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Then, I want to wake you up, Mr. Xiang?"

"You eat first, then call him after eating."

After the village head's wife finished speaking, Ling Wuyue nodded obediently, very well-behaved.

In fact, judging by the appearance, the wife of the village head is very satisfied with Ling Wu.

It's just that her name of Kefu... still makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

The wife of the village chief thought in her heart that if she could really cure her son's illness by fighting poison with poison as Master Chunwu said, she would be willing to offer Lingwu catkins as a bodhisattva in the future!

Without saying a word, the village chief's wife turned her head to look at her son sleeping on the kang, then turned and went out.

The door was closed again, and Ling Wu was under the table beside the table.

White rice! She hasn't eaten for a month!

The meat is not so rare, but the white rice is rare!

Ling Wuwen sat and ate with his back to Gu Andeng, and didn't see Gu Andeng open his eyes——

I ate all the white rice, that plate of fried meat, and the bowl of vegetables, and Ling Wu, who had been hungry for a long time, was still not full.

Sighed, let’s be six-point full, bear with it~

Put the lean meat porridge, steamed eggs and soup on the couch table, and then bring it to the side of the kang.

After hesitating for a while, he called Gu Andeng as if mustering up his courage: "Sir, why don't you get up and have porridge first?"

Hearing Ling Wuwen call him husband, Gu Andeng realized clearly...he is married, he has a very beautiful wife!

Gu Andeng didn't move, his eyes were still closed.

Ling Wuxi looked at his appearance carefully, his facial features were very delicate, and his skin was very pale because he hadn't seen the sun all year round.

His health is really poor, and his perennial illness has made him skinny.

The oval face, the chin is so sharp that it feels like it can stab people to death,

The lips were so white that they were almost as white as the face.

He is obviously a seventeen-year-old boy who should have baby fat, but he is so thin that only his bones remain.

Fortunately, he was thin, but he was not as scary as a walking skeleton.

Gu Andeng didn't answer her, Ling Wuyue called him again: "Sir?"

Gu Andeng's eyelashes trembled, and he finally opened his eyes.

He looked at Ling Wuwen with no expression on his face, and his eyes were filled with weakness.

"Xianggong, shall we have the porridge first?" Ling Wuwen repeated again.

Gu Andeng finally responded to her with a hum.

Only then did Ling Wuyi help Gu Andeng up and let him sit back.

Tucked the quilt carefully for him again, and then put the couch on the kang, ready to feed Gu Andeng.

Sitting on the edge of the Kang, holding a porridge bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other.

First scooped up a spoonful of porridge, put it near his mouth to cool it down, and then brought it to Gu Andeng's mouth.

Gu Andeng didn't open his mouth immediately, but looked at Ling Wuyi first.

Although she showed shyness, the movements she just did were very skillful, as if this was not the first time serving him.

Gu Andeng opened his mouth: "You..."

Knowing what Gu Andeng wanted to say, Ling Wuxi spoke first: "I have served my mother-in-law who is seriously ill before, so I can do these things with ease. Don't worry about me not doing well."

Gu Andeng was stunned for a moment, and then let out an oh.

Looking at the spoon brought to his mouth, he still opened his mouth to eat.

Ling Wuwen scooped up another spoonful of eggs, and fed them to Gu Andeng one spoonful after another.

Normally, Gu Andeng actually only ate half of this amount, but Lingwu catkin fed him, and he ate it before he knew it.

Gu Andeng didn't feel full until he finished eating.

When he was full, Ling Wuji wanted to wait a while before giving him medicine.

Gu Andeng also felt that he couldn't drink the medicine right now, so he asked Ling Wuyi to bring him a book, he wanted to read.

Ling Wuwen found a book for An Teng according to what he said to take care of An Teng.

Gu Andeng sat on the kang reading a book, very quiet.

Ling Wuwen was sitting on the edge of the kang, in a daze with nothing to do.

Although Gu Andeng was reading, his mind was on Ling Wuwen.

She was wearing a red wedding gown, red beaded flowers on her hair, and a little powder and daisy, she was more delicate than flowers.

Gu Andeng couldn't bear the thought that she would become a widow again soon after his death.

If she died, would those people call her Kefu again?

Gu Andeng's thoughts were still spinning, the book in his hand fell on the quilt, and he tilted to the side.

Fortunately, Ling Wuxi supported him quickly with his eyes and hands, and then asked Gu Andeng in a panic what was wrong.

Gu Andeng frowned tightly, and said two words weakly: "Headache."

Hearing that he had a headache, Ling Wuyi knew that Gu Andeng had a headache.

There is no mention in the plot that Gu Andeng will have a headache, and now the headache is only caused by brain waves.

Ling Wuwen supported Gu Andeng to lie down, and went to the table to bring the soup and medicine.

When serving the soup, she put the headache medicine in it.

The decoction is already cold and can be drunk immediately.

Gu Andeng was in so much pain that he couldn't respond, he couldn't even open his mouth.

Ling Wuwen put the medicine bowl to his mouth, but he couldn't drink it at all.

I fed him another two sips with a spoon, but it all came out.

Frowning tightly, how can you drink medicine without opening your mouth? How to cure headache without taking medicine?

Gritting his teeth, he simply took a big gulp of the medicine, then leaned over to Gu Andeng's mouth, and gave him the medicine in a mouth-to-mouth manner.

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