Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1436 Kefu's Pretty Widow (23)

Ling Wuyue went to see the kitchen, and what she is most satisfied with in this house is the kitchen!

Spacious! clean! The cooktop is well done!

Without further ado, let's go to work——

Ling Wuwen cleaned up for a long time, didn't even think about eating lunch, and finally cleaned up the house before going to pick up Gu Anteng.

This house has not been lived in for a long time, and it is not in a mess, but there are a lot of dust and cobwebs.

The main house and the east and west wing rooms have all been cleaned up. In the past two days, I can send a message back to the village chief and the village chief's wife to say that they will come over after they have settled their family affairs.

Looking at the brand new house, Ling Wuyi gave a satisfied smile.

After washing up, he changed his dirty clothes and went out.

Seeing that there was still some time, Ling Wuwen simply went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Although there are no more vegetables for sale at this time, there are still some.

She bought some random vegetables, some pork belly and rice, and even pots and pans, and then she carried them home by herself.

After putting all these in the kitchen, she went to pick up Gu Andeng.

When Ling Wuyi arrived at the gate of the Imperial College, Gu Andeng hadn't finished school yet, so he came out after waiting for a while.

Gu Andeng came out with his classmates, he was full of smiles, obviously he was in a good mood today.

Apparently, he also made new friends.

Ling Wuxi looked at Gu Andeng with a smile on her face.

When Gu Andeng saw Ling Wuwen, his smile became brighter, and he clasped his fists with his classmates and said, "My wife is here, see you tomorrow!"

That classmate took a look at Ling Wuwen, and then clasped his fists in the same way: "Brother Gu is so lucky, see you tomorrow!"

Gu Andeng walked down the stairs in two or three steps, then looked at Ling Wuwen with a smile, changed his politeness just now, and called Ling Wuwen: "Daughter-in-law!"

"Sir, I have good news and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear?" Ling Wuxi said playfully.

Gu Andeng tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Then let's hear the good news first."

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and smiled, and said with a smile: "Well, the good news is that the house has been found, and I bought a big house with one or three entrances at a price that is cheaper than the rent we set last night! It's on this street superior!"

"Really?!" Gu Andeng's eyes widened, thinking that Ling Wuyi might be joking with him.

"Of course it's true! Let's go, I'll take you home!" After saying that, Ling Wuyi took Gu Andeng's hand and walked home.

Gu Andeng had a 'confused' expression all the way until he stopped at the gate of a house without a door plaque.

Ling Wuyi pulled Gu Anteng to the door, took out the key to open the door, then pushed the door open and led him in, walked around the house, and showed him the deed.

"If you have to transfer the ownership to me, I will transfer the ownership to my name first. Now do you believe that this house is ours?" Ling Wuwen asked Gu Andeng, spreading his hands.

Gu Andeng held the deed and looked carefully, it was indeed the deed with Ling Wu's name written on it, and it was also true that the deed said the three-entry house.

But... But he still couldn't believe it: "Why is it so cheap?!"

"Because the dentist at the house dealer says it's haunted."

As soon as Ling Wuyi finished speaking, the house deed in Gu Andeng's hand fell to the ground in shock.

The ancient people believed in ghosts and gods, otherwise the village chief and his wife would not have listened to Master Chunwu's Chongxi.

"Then why do you still buy it?" Gu Andeng looked around with his eyes wide open: "Is this... the bad news you said?"

I did hear bad news, it was a waste of money to buy a house with ghosts!

Ling Wuyi shook her head, raised her hand and pinched Gu Andeng's face: "You can believe that there are ghosts! Have you ever seen a house with ghosts so well lit? Besides, you will know if there are ghosts at night."

"The bad news I have to say is that there are no wild vegetables to eat here, so I can't make wild vegetables for you."

Hearing this news, Gu Andeng's attention was immediately diverted.

Some lost their heads and lowered their heads: "I knew..."

Looking at the top of Gu Andeng's head, Ling Wu couldn't help but raised his hand to rub it: "Good boy~ Although I don't have anything to sell, I found out that there is a mountain outside Lecheng, where can you accompany me to see it when you are resting?" See if there are any!"

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Gu Andeng's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Okay!"

After coaxing Gu Andeng, Ling Wuwen said, "It's time to cook. I forgot to buy firewood when I was shopping for vegetables. Can you go to the street and buy some firewood for me?"

Gu Andeng nodded, and took the money from Ling Wuyi: "Then I'll go first."

"Well, first ask where there is firewood."

"Okay, then you are at home..." Gu Andeng glanced at the house.

Seeing that the sky is getting dark, what if there are really ghosts?

Ling Wuqin smiled and gave him a slight push: "They say there is no ghost, don't think about it!"

Gu Andeng let out a groan, and went out to buy firewood for Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuwen turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

She had to wash those pots and pans before they could be used.

There is a well just outside the kitchen. When you go to the well and look down, the water is very clear.

A bucket was hoisted up, and the water was good.

Cleaned the sink in the kitchen several times before filling it with water.

Take the pots and pans to the well, squat down on the ground and wash them.

It was okay at first, but when the sky gradually darkened, Ling Wuyi always felt that there was a pair of eyes watching her from behind.

When I turned around to look, I found nothing.

When I turned my head and continued to wash things, that feeling came again!

Ling Wuyi suddenly felt a little nervous, could it be... there is really a ghost here?

When that line of sight appeared again, Ling Wuyi jumped up and rushed towards the line of sight.

Her speed is very fast, if it is a human, it will definitely not be able to run away so fast.

But when Ling Wuwen passed by, there was nothing.

Look around, even into the kitchen to look.

No, nothing!

Feeling a little panicked in my heart, I swallowed and went out to continue washing the dishes.

But with Ling Wuyi's just that look, that strange sight didn't appear again.

After washing the pots and pans, Ling Wuwen went back to the kitchen to get ready to wash and chop the vegetables first.

Wash the vegetables, cut and cut them, and then prepare to cut the meat.

I didn't pay attention to it just now, so I don't know, but now it's time to cut the meat, and Ling Wunie realized something was wrong.

She bought two pieces of pork belly, and one piece of pork belly was on the leaner side, because she didn't like fatty meat very much, and Gu Andeng also preferred lean meat.

One piece is fat because it needs to be fried.

But now... the thin piece of pork belly is gone, only the fat one is left!

Nima! There was no thief in the house, could it be that it was stolen by a ghost? !

Ling Wuyi took the kerosene lamp and looked around the corners of the kitchen, but couldn't find it.

Sighing, there is nothing I can do if I can't find it... I have no meat to eat!

Wash the meat and separate the lean from the fat before cutting.

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