Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1437 Koff's Pretty Widow (24)

After she finished cutting the meat, Gu Andeng also came back.

Needless to say, Ling Wuyi, Gu Andeng started to light the fire very consciously.

"It was too late, I found a firewood seller after asking a lot of people!" Gu Andeng said to Ling Wuwen while starting a fire.

"Yeah, I still have to buy these in the morning. I didn't have any food when I went shopping in the afternoon. Let's eat something simple tonight, and I'll cook something delicious for you tomorrow!"

"It's okay, I think what you do is very good!" Gu Andeng raised his head, and looked at Ling Wuyi standing in front of the stove with a smile.

Ling Wuyi also smiled back at him——

After dinner, Gu Andeng insisted on washing the dishes, and Ling Wuyi boiled the bath water.

Ling Wuyi took a bath first, and then went to Gu Andeng to take a bath.

Lying on the bed, Gu Andeng held Ling Wu in his arms.

Needless to say, Ling Wuwen, who knew him well, also knew that Gu Andeng was afraid.

It's not that I'm afraid, it should be that I feel a little apprehensive.

So Gu Andeng hugged Ling Wuyi a little tighter, and couldn't sleep and talk to her.

But soon, Gu Andeng fell asleep.

Ling Wuwen also fell into a drowsy sleep, when suddenly she heard a baby crying.

It's really a baby cry!

Not only Ling Wuyi heard it, but even Gu Andeng heard it.

He widened his eyes, and asked Ling Wupin in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law...Daughter-in-law...Is...Is there a ghost?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I don't know either..."

Ancient times are different from modern times. If there is a baby next door, the crying will not be so clear even if it comes over!

Hearing the voice, it came from their house.

Gu Andeng hugged Ling Wuwen even tighter, it was really scary!


That eerie voice in the middle of the night was still ringing, cold and faint.

Ling Wuxi swallowed, patted Gu Andeng's hand, and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

"Don't go out and watch, in case..."

Ling Wuyi smiled at Gu Andeng and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I'll go and see if the baby next door is crying, some babies like to cry at night."

"Then I'll go out and have a look!" After all, he is a man!

With that said, Gu Andeng got up from the bed.

Ling Wuwen also stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Gu Andeng nodded, holding a kerosene lamp in one hand and holding Ling Wuxi's hand in the other.

The two of them walked out of the room, and the wow sound became clearer.

Gu Andeng's body was stiff, and the palms of Ling Wu's hands were sweating coldly.

Similarly, Ling Wu's palms were also a little sweaty.

She was thinking, what if she really met the baby spirit?

In the platform mall, there doesn't seem to be anything to exorcise ghosts, right?

Then no master can subdue him, is this house really bought for nothing?

There are so many thoughts in my mind, but I don't stop following the sound.

The voice seemed to come from the main room, and Gu Andeng went there with Ling Wuyue.

Before getting any closer, Ling Wuyue saw a pair of green eyes.

I was startled in my heart, but when I looked carefully, it wasn't the eyes of a ghost!

"Wow ~ wow ~ wow ~"

That voice was indeed coming from those eyes.

Ling Wuyi took the kerosene lamp from Gu Andeng's hand, and walked ahead quickly.

Getting closer, with the light shining on it, Ling Wuyi finally saw clearly what it was screaming for!

A white cat with blue eyes... Although the eyes are cold and seem not afraid of people at all, it is undeniably beautiful!

"Is that you barking?" Ling Wuwen asked the cat.


Ling Wuwen: "..."

So after a long time of trouble, there is no baby spirit at all, but this cat is scaring people?

"I didn't expect this cat to imitate the cry of a baby. It really does!" Seeing that it was a cat meowing, Gu Andeng finally felt relieved.

Ling Wuxi nodded, handed the kerosene lamp to Gu Andeng, and then leaned over to hug the cat who didn't seem to be afraid of her.

Ling Wuwen looked at it, and it also looked at Ling Wuwen.

Lingwu catkin tilted its head, and it also tilted its head.

"You, have you been here all this time?"


"You are the one who learns to cry and scare people every night, right?"


Looking into the cat's eyes, Ling Wuxi suddenly remembered who was looking at her when she was washing dishes by the well!

"Are you here during the day too? Is it you who peeked at me at the kitchen door?"


"Are you the one who stole my pork belly?" Except for this cat who is a thief, Ling Wuyi couldn't think of anyone else.


One person and one cat were talking there, which made Gu Andeng a little amused: "Daughter-in-law, can you understand what the cat is saying?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I don't understand, but I know it's it! It's the one pretending to be scary, it's the one peeking at me, it's the one that ate the pork belly!"

"Huh? Isn't the pork belly eaten by us?" How did it become eaten by the cat?

"I actually bought two pieces. One was thinner, but the thinner one disappeared. I was afraid you would be worried, so I didn't say anything."

Gu Andeng suddenly realized, and then he also agreed that what Ling Wuwen said was that the cats here stole the food.

Otherwise, who would steal a piece of raw pork belly!

"Wow~wow~" The cat began to cry like a baby again.

Ling Wuwen put it on the ground, tapped its nose and rubbed its head: "Naughty!"

"Okay, daughter-in-law, since we know there are no ghosts, let's go back to sleep." After finishing speaking, Gu Andeng yawned.

Thinking that Gu Andeng would have to go to class early in the morning, Ling Wuyi quickly stood up and went back to the room with him.

While sleeping, the white cat's whine could still be heard in my ears, and after knowing that it came from the white cat's mouth, Ling Wuyi and Gu Andeng no longer felt eerie.

Instead, I find it funny——

Early the next morning, before Gu Andeng got up, Ling Wu got up first.

Originally, he wanted to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables by himself, and then call Gu Andeng after making breakfast.

As a result, as soon as she got up, Gu Andeng also got up.

He knew that Ling Wuyue must be going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, so he got up and went with Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuwen predicted that she might have to buy more things today, because a lot of tableware was not fully bought yesterday, and it would be nice to have someone to help carry things.

Get up and wash, and then go out talking and laughing.

The vegetable market in Lecheng is very lively. Unlike the market in the town, the things here are more comprehensive.

What Ling Wuxi wanted to buy was finished in a short time.

Gu Andeng was holding a lot of things in his arms, and there were still many things hanging around his neck.

Ling Wuwen was relatively relaxed, and only took the dishes that were going to be eaten today.

She is stronger than Gu Andeng, so she wants to take more.

But Gu Andeng, who clearly knew her strength, didn't want Ling Wu to take too much, saying that he was a man, how could he let his wife take things!

If it weren't for Ling Wu's insistence on taking it, this dish would have to be hung on Gu Andeng's neck.

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