Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1444 Koff's Pretty Widow (31)

I believe that Yang Ling is really not a person who has spring medicine in sugar water.

Before Ling Wuyi could speak, the doctor that Gu Andeng asked his servants to invite had already arrived.

Gu's mother helped Yang Ling up, and went back to her room to see the doctor's wound.

The doctor looked at it himself, sighed and shook his head: "The injury is so severe, it must leave a scar."

"What?! Doctor, you mean... I... I'm disfigured?!" Yang Ling who was lying on the bed jumped up, startling the old doctor.

The old doctor was startled for a moment, and then said: "Yes... yes..."

Yang Ling was immediately stopped, and Gu's mother felt a little distressed and wanted to comfort her.

As a result, Yang Ling seemed to be dazed, she turned around and rushed towards Ling Wu.

Ling Wuyi could kick her away with one kick, but she couldn't act so fiercely, so she could only restrain Yang Ling with two hands.

Yang Ling was really crazy, she wanted to tear Ling Wuwen apart and shouted: "It's you! You let that bastard ruin my face! You know I fucked in it but pretended not to know, you did it on purpose Yes! You are worried that I will take your man away, so you want to disfigure me! Chen Xuehua! I won't make it easy for you!"

None of the people present were deaf, and Yang Ling could understand what she said out of her mind.

As Gu Andeng's mother and Yang Ling's aunt, Gu's mother felt ashamed and panicked.

He no longer feels sorry for Yang Ling, worried that she would hurt Ling Wu, so he reached out to pull her away.

But before Gu's mother did it, Gu Andeng, who was protecting his daughter-in-law, had already done it first, and directly grabbed Yang Ling's hand and threw it on the ground without any politeness.

Gu Andeng has been exercising every day for the past two years, the kind Ling Wuyi taught him.

He is now physically strong, much healthier than ordinary men, not just a skeleton, but some muscles.

So how can the strength of a big man be surpassed by Yang Ling?

After throwing Yang Ling to the ground, Gu Andeng supported Ling Wu, and asked with concern: "Daughter-in-law, are you alright?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I'm fine."

Mother Gu's heart sank when she looked at Yang Ling who was still hating Ling Wupi on the ground.

This daughter-in-law Ling Wuyi is loved by her as her own daughter, and she also sees Yang Ling as her younger brother and daughter, sympathizes with her, and loves her like her own daughter.

Gu's mother thought that no one else in the family, including Ling Wu, had treated Yang Ling badly.

But Gu's mother really didn't expect Yang Ling to have such thoughts!

Yes, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

But as a woman, from Ling Wu's point of view, she absolutely does not want to have a concubine at home.

She always believed that without Ling Wuwen, her son would not be where he is today.

It's hard to say whether you can get up from the bed, let alone get fame!

If my son was still the sick child lying on the bed before, let alone marrying a concubine, even a daughter-in-law would be difficult to find.

Now that her son is well, she can't do such an ungrateful thing!

What Gu's mother wants is a harmonious family, not noisy.

So no matter whether she was in Mingxi Village or Lecheng for two years, Gu's mother never thought about waiting for her son to obtain fame and fortune before marrying a few concubines.

If she really thought that way, Gu Andeng would definitely marry Yang Ling.

But now... Yang Ling gave her own cousin aphrodisiac before she was married!

Such a shameless person, the past two years are really in vain!

Seeing Gu's mother restraining her emotions, Gu's father hurriedly sent the old doctor out first.

The old doctor left, and Yang Ling regained her senses.

She looked up at Mother Gu, thinking of countermeasures in her mind.

Ling Wuyue on the side didn't speak, and she didn't need to speak at all in this situation.

Mother Gu took a deep breath, and wanted to say something, but looking at Yang Ling's face...

Opening his mouth, there was only one sigh left: "Tomorrow, you can go back to your own home, our home can't keep you."

After Gu's mother finished speaking, seeing what Yang Ling wanted to say, she said directly: "I won't keep someone with such thoughts in my house!"

After finishing speaking, Mother Gu lifted her foot and left.

Gu Andeng didn't even look at Yang Ling, and helped Ling Wuwen out.

"I have to go to the kitchen to watch the fire." Ling Wuwen said.

Gu Andeng nodded: "Then I will go with you."

The two went to the kitchen together, Ling Wuwen went to look at the sugar water, while Gu Andeng took a wet towel to wipe Dandan's paws.

"Eggy is so amazing, he actually knew there was medicine in the sugar water! Fortunately, it was knocked over, otherwise..." He would definitely drink the sugar water, and the consequences would be beyond imagination!

Gu Andeng didn't blame Dandan for grabbing Yang Ling's face like that, because he knew that Dandan was the protector.

Looking up at Ling Wu, Gu Andeng whispered to Eggy, "Eggy did the right thing this time, if someone bullies your mother next time, scratch her too!"

"Meow meow~" Eggy also responded in a low voice.

Although Gu Andeng lowered his voice on purpose, Ling Wuyi still heard his communication with Dandan clearly.

He smiled helplessly. In the past two years, although Gu Andeng has matured a lot, he is still a little childish in many cases.

But as far as he is protecting her, she is very satisfied!

After the sugar water was ready, Ling Wuwen and Gu Andeng took Eggy back to the room to sleep.

Outside, Yang Ling knelt outside Gu's father and mother's main room, admitting her mistakes and begging.

Later, Mother Gu opened the door anyway, maybe because she couldn't bear it, maybe because she didn't want the servants in the family to see the joke.

But even though the door was opened, Gu's mother still told her that since she didn't want to leave, let's get married.

Originally, Yang Ling only thought that she could procrastinate for a day, so she repeatedly agreed, and said that it was all up to Gu's mother to decide.

It's just that Yang Ling didn't expect that Gu's mother would be so efficient in handling affairs, so she got engaged to her within two days.

The wedding date was set in half a year, and the other party's family was in a small business, and they were very honest and simple.

For this marriage, Ling Wuyue actually doesn't agree with it.

Because although the other party's conditions are average, his character is still good.

This Yang Ling married... It's not that she didn't want others to be good, but that she didn't want the person who married Yang Ling to be unlucky!

But looking at Yang Ling's appearance, Ling Wuyi knew that she would try her best to get rid of this marriage.

Yang Ling is very busy recently, she is busy trying to find ways to get rid of her scars.

Ling Wuwen could help her, but she didn't seem to repent at all, so she didn't bother to help——

After three months, Yang Ling used some method to lighten the scars on her face and hands, but they still haven't completely disappeared.

Put some rouge and gouache on the face, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

It's just that the powder was applied a bit thickly, and the tenderness that she should have at this age was gone.

The girl who is obviously only eighteen years old looks like she is twenty-six or seventeen years old.

Yang Ling is now guarded very tightly by Gu's mother. Gu's mother is deeply afraid that she will provoke her son and make things difficult for her daughter-in-law.

With Gu's mother around, there is no need for Ling Wu to be on guard.

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