Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1445 Koff's Pretty Widow (32)

Knowing that there was no hope on Gu Andeng's side, Yang Ling simply went out to look for it by herself!

For her dream of becoming an official's wife, she married Gu Andeng as a concubine at the same classmate, who was also the son Yang Ling hooked up with for the first time.

It was only later that I found out that the other party didn't want to marry Yang Ling as a concubine, but because she lost her concentration first, she fell asleep... Yang Ling was pregnant.

The wife of the principal house over there happened to be unable to conceive all the time, so she married Yang Ling.

Yang Ling is married, but she is not married to someone she had previously agreed upon, nor is she a regular wife.

What's more - she married with a child!

With such a shameless niece, Mother Gu almost died of anger.

When Yang Ling was picked up in a pink sedan chair, Gu's mother only said one sentence: "From today onwards, you are no longer my niece, and I am not your aunt either! Whether you are poor or blessed, we have nothing to do with you." Home is irrelevant!"

Yang Ling curled her lips and sneered: "Okay, don't beg me in the future."

She is confident that she can live a good life, and even thinks that the Gu family will ask her for help in the future.

I decided in my heart that when the time comes, I must humiliate Ling Wuyi and Gu Andeng!

After finishing speaking, she got into the sedan chair and left without looking back——

Yang Ling got married, and Gu's mother was angry for several days.

After that, she really made up her mind that she would never talk to Yang Ling again. Within a few months, she had a miscarriage and was bullied by her wife and other concubines. She wanted to come to Mother Gu and cry.

Gu's mother had long made up her mind not to have anything to do with Yang Ling, so no matter how many times Yang Ling came, Gu's mother did not allow the servants to open the door.

Even if the door was opened, Yang Ling would not be let in.


Ling Wuyi's academy has already opened, and before the school started, those ladies all paid the tuition fees first after hearing that Ling Wuyi was going to open the academy.

Fortunately, Ling Wuxi limited the number of students, otherwise he would not be able to teach.

What Ling Wuxi taught was mainly sugar water with various effects and those desserts. She did a few subjects and let the students choose their own.

After school started, Ling Wuyi's schedule was fairly stable. Anyway, when Gu Andeng went to the Imperial College, she went to the academy, and when Gu Andeng was at home, she also stayed with him at home.

When they are free, the two of them go out of the city and go up the mountain together to dig some wild vegetables and cook them. Although they don’t eat them often, it’s not bad to eat fresh ones once in a while!

Unknowingly, the favorability has increased to ninety-six points.

Before he knew it, Gu Andeng was about to take the provincial examination——

On the eighth day of August, Ling Wuwen sent Gu Andeng into the examination room.

"You have to eat well in there, you know! Remember to heat up before eating, don't eat cold."

There are three consecutive exams in the township examination, each of which lasts three days, and they are not allowed to come out at halftime.

You have to eat and drink inside, and you have to bring it in yourself.

Ling Wuwen cooked rice for a few days, but she was worried that the food would go bad after a long time, so she also made cakes with a slightly longer shelf life.

There are also some soups, which can be eaten for several meals.

"Well, I know, don't be too nervous, I will definitely take the exam!" Gu Andeng looked down at Ling Wuwen, whose face was full of nervousness.

Ling Wuwen was really nervous, and she didn't know why.

Hearing what Gu Andeng said, she smiled again, and raised her hand to touch his face: "It doesn't matter whether you do well in the exam, as long as you put your heart into it, what I hope is that you don't put too much pressure on yourself!"

Gu Andeng nodded with a smile: "Well, I listen to my wife!"

After finishing speaking, he touched Eggy in Ling Wu's arms: "Eggy, Daddy wants to go in, obediently listen to your mother these few days, you know?"

"Meow~" Eggy rubbed his head against Gu Andeng's palm.

Gu's father and mother at the side told Gu Andeng not at ease, and told him to take good care of himself in the past few days.

Gu Andeng nodded, smiled and reassured Gu's father and mother that they don't have to worry.

When the time came, Gu Andeng entered the examination room with his things——

Ling Wuwen stayed out with Gu's father and mother for a while before taking them home.

For the next nine days, Ling Wuwen continued to teach those students normally, and when she returned home after the class, she was in a daze with her balls in her arms.

For nine days, no matter whether it was Ling Wuwen or Gu's father and mother, they were absent-minded about what they were doing, and they only thought about Gu Andeng who was taking the exam in the examination room.

In just these nine days, they felt that time passed extremely slowly.

Nine days seemed like nine months had passed...

On the ninth day, before dawn Ling Wuwen was called by Eggy.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Eggy, who was sitting next to her pillow meowing, stretched her waist and sat up.

Rubbing Dandan's head: "Dear Dandan~ I still remember that I asked you to call me last night!"

Yesterday, Ling Wutian suffered from insomnia, and before going to bed, she said to Eggy, "Eggy, wake me up when it seems almost dawn tomorrow!"

It was originally a joke, but it turned out that Eggy really called her.

Get up from bed, wash up and make breakfast.

She got up a little early, and it was not dawn until she made breakfast.

Originally, they wanted to wake up Gu's parents and mothers later, but they woke up just after breakfast was ready.

"Grandfather and mother-in-law, you are up so early!"

"Well, I can't sleep, An'er has finished her exam today!" They agreed to pick up Gu Andeng.

Looking at his father and mother, Ling Wuyi knew that they must not have slept well last night.

The three of them had breakfast together, and then went out to pick up Gu Andeng.

Still carrying Eggy, before going out Eggy has been following Lingwu, as if she was afraid that Lingwu would not take it with her.

In fact, they came early and had to take the exam until noon.

It's just that it seems to be less nervous if you have to stay outside. There are many family members of candidates like Gu Fu Gu Mu and them.

The carriages outside the Gongyuan were full, and Ling Wuwen and Gu's father and mother were all late arrivals.

Ling Wuyi saw her student there, who was also the wife of Gu Andeng's classmate, and chatted a few words. It is said that they came here before dawn.

"This cat is so beautiful! Is it a male or a female?" Student Ling Wuxi asked Eggy.

Ling Wuting patted Dandan's head: "Although I wish it was a female, it is actually a male."

"That's just right! I have a female cat at home. Although it is not white, it is also very beautiful. Why don't you breed it?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Eggy: "..."

Seeing the enthusiasm and anticipation of the other party, Ling Wuyi took a look at Eggy, smiled and said, "It depends on whether Eggy is willing or not."

"That's fine, then let them meet and cultivate their relationship." The student said with a smile, he couldn't wait.

After Ling Wuyue nodded, she explained that she would bring her cat to the college tomorrow, and asked Ling Wuyue to bring her egg as well.

He was so active, Ling Wuwen still complied.

Maybe Eggy really fell in love with his cat? It's not bad to have a few more small balls——

When it was almost noon, the gate of the Gongyuan opened.

Seeing the examinees who came out one after another, Ling Wuyi stared closely at whether there was Gu Andeng among the candidates.

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