Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1446 Kefu's Pretty Widow (End)

Finally, when the candidates had left about halfway, Ling Wuyi saw Gu Andeng in the crowd.

A delighted smile appeared on Ling Wu's face, and she wanted to go up to meet Gu Andeng, but there were still too many people and it was difficult to squeeze in.

He had no choice but to wait for Gu Anteng to come out.

Ling Wu can't go in, but it doesn't mean Eggy can't go in.

As soon as it saw Gu Andeng, it jumped out of Ling Wuyi's arms, landed on the ground, scurried left and right in the crowd to Gu Andeng's side, and jumped into his arms.

Gu Andeng was startled at first, and he was relieved when he saw that it was Eggy.

If Eggy has come, it means that Ling Wu is also here.

Gu Andeng glanced outside, and saw Ling Wuyue at a glance.

He walked out quickly, walked up to Ling Wuwen, and called out first: "Father and mother."

Then he looked at Ling Wuwen, grinned at her and said, "Daughter-in-law!"

Ling Wuyi looked Gu Andeng up and down carefully, his face was a little haggard, his beard was unshaven, he was not thin, but he was full of energy.

"Are you hungry? Let's go, I'll cook something delicious for you when I get home!" Ling Wuyi didn't ask Gu Anteng how he did in the exam.

I just finished the exam, so I should give my brain a rest no matter what.

Gu Andeng nodded, holding Eggy in one hand and Ling Wu in the other, and walked home with Gu's father and mother——

Back home, Gu Andeng took a good shower and washed his hair.

After taking a shower and haircut, Gu Andeng felt his whole body relaxed!

After eating the hot food cooked by Ling Wuyi himself, I feel that the vitality that was consumed in those few days has come back!

After dinner, Ling Wu asked Gu Andeng to give him a special massage.

Gu Andeng lay on the bed, enjoying himself with his eyes closed.

"It's better to have a daughter-in-law by my side~~ It's been too hard these few days in the Gongyuan!" Gu Andeng couldn't help but sigh.

Ling Wuxi knelt down beside him, pressing her fingers on the acupuncture points on her back.

Hearing Gu Andeng's words, she smiled: "Of course ~ well, I'll give you a massage, and you can rest with your eyes closed."

The corners of Gu Andeng's mouth raised high, and he hummed.

He was already very sleepy, but when Ling Wuyi said this, he answered her one second, and fell asleep the next.

After Gu Andeng fell asleep, he slept until the next morning.

When Gu Anteng got up, Ling Wuwen had already prepared breakfast. Although there were servants at home, Ling Wuwen still preferred to do the cooking by himself.

The exam made Gu Andeng very tired, he rested at home for several days and didn't go to the Imperial College.

When it was time to publish the list, Ling Wuwen went to watch it with Gu Andeng——

This time in the township examination, Gu Andeng's grades were better than they expected - Xie Yuan!

Getting to know Yuan in one fell swoop, the threshold of their family will be broken by those who come to congratulate.

Yang Ling also took the opportunity to come over, but was stopped.

After that time, Yang Ling never came again.

Gu's father and mother were very happy about Gu Andeng being admitted to Xie Yuan, and Ling Wuyue was also very happy.

In February of the following year, I will go to the capital to participate in the general examination and palace examination. Three years have passed, and it feels like February of the next year will arrive soon.

The favorability point has not been filled up yet, so Ling Wuyi thought that she would have to wait until next year to go.

It turned out to be just an ordinary day, Ling Wuwen was bathing Eggy in the yard, and Gu Andeng came back from the Imperial College.

"young married woman!"

Ling Wuyi only heard Gu Andeng calling her, but she didn't raise her head, so she answered naturally.

The next moment, the favorability is full.

Feeling the stiff movements of Ling Wu's hands, Eggy, who was enjoying herself, opened her eyes and looked at Ling Wu's.


Ling Wuwen glanced at Eggy, then turned to look at Xi Ziqiu.

Gu's mother was at home, Ling Wuwen just smiled at him.

Xi Ziqiu also gave her a tacit smile back——

The memory came back, this time it was the world where she and Xi Ziqiu made an appointment to stay for a long time.

Xi Ziqiu didn't want to take the exam at first, but they have come here, so let's take the exam.

He is still very confident that he won the first prize in the exam.

After the memory was restored, Xi Ziqiu spent more time by Ling Wuyue's side.

There is no need to go to the Guozijian every day, he can just stop going.

On New Year's Eve, Ling Wuwen was found to be pregnant.

It can make Gu Fu Gu Mu very happy!

From then on, Ling Wu was treated like an ancestor, and she was not even allowed to cook the most basic meals, for fear that she might make a mistake.

Ling Wuwen from the college trained several teachers so that she would not have to go to class.

In February, because Ling Wuwen was pregnant, Xi Ziqiu went to the capital to rush for the exam without Ling Wuwen.

This walk is seven months.

Seven months later, Xi Ziqiu brought back the good news that he won the third prize!

As soon as Xi Ziqiu arrived home, Ling Wuwen was about to give birth.

This time, Xi Ziqiu couldn't deliver the baby himself, so he had to wait outside.

Fortunately, Ling Wu's delivery went relatively smoothly, and the baby was born within two hours.

She is a daughter, and both parents and mothers expressed their love for their granddaughter.

Xi Ziqiu personally likes his daughter more, so he is very happy——

After confinement, Ling Wu's family made full moon wine.

Xi Ziqiu is Sanyuan Jidi, and many people have come to celebrate.

There are those classmates of Xi Ziqiu, and there are also students from Lingwu College.

Knowing that Ling Wuyi was leaving, they all expressed their reluctance.

Yes, Ling Wuwen is leaving.

Xi Ziqiu was originally awarded the Hanlin Academy to edit, but he took the initiative to ask the emperor for a magistrate of Anmu County who is in charge of Mingxi Village.

Three yuan and the first! He only asked to be a county magistrate!

The emperor disagreed at first, but was finally persuaded by Xi Ziqiu.

So when Ling Wuwen said that she was leaving, she was returning home with Xi Ziqiu and the others!


On the day he returned to Anmu County, he knew that the new county magistrate was Xi Ziqiu, and all the villagers from Mingxi Village came to Anmu County to welcome him.

Xi Ziqiu was riding a horse in front, and Ling Wuxi was sitting in the carriage.

Holding her daughter in her arms, with her egg next to her.

Gu's mother has been raising the curtains of the car to greet the villagers, and Ling Wuyi also followed to look outside the car, and saw the hero Li Hengsheng and Qian Duoduo.

Li Hengsheng held a two- or three-year-old child in his arms, and Qian Duoduo held an eight- or nine-year-old child in his arms.

Both of them were smiling, and it could be seen that they were doing well.

Qian Duoduo looked at Xi Ziqiu who was riding on horseback, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

It's good that I didn't die...

It's good that she was born again...


According to Gu's father and mother's wishes, they went back to Mingxi Village first, and held a big banquet in Mingxi Village!

The banquet had been held for three full days, and Xi Ziqiu had to take office.

Gu's father and mother hadn't been home for several years, and they still wanted to live at home, so Ling Wuyi took the child and Xi Ziqiu back to Anmu County.

As a result, within a few days, Gu's father and mother, who missed their granddaughter, went back to Anmu County without calling.


Time flies, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu have been in this world for decades, and the decades have passed in an ordinary manner.

Until the children are married and the children and grandchildren are full——

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