Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1447 Kefu's Pretty Widow

It is a cat. A white cat with a snow-white body.

It has been in this house for as long as I can remember.

It's just that this house was not so good before, it was very ordinary and old.

In the past, it had an owner, an old lady, who was alone all the year round.

Maybe it was lonely, so I raised it to accompany her.

Later, for some reason, someone wanted to buy this house.

The master refused because she said she was going to wait for someone here.

It heard from the owner that the person she was waiting for was said by others to be dead, but she didn't want to believe it...

That person was her husband on the battlefield.

The owner was unwilling to sell the house no matter what he said, but those people were too bad, and if they failed to persuade them, they set fire to the house.

If the owner is too old to run, let him run.

It didn't want to run, but the fire hurt it so much.

No way, it jumped onto the wall and watched its master burn to death with its own eyes——

Later, the burnt house was overturned and rebuilt.

It recognizes that the person who repairs the house is the one who wants to buy the owner's house, and it does not allow anyone to live here! This is the owner's house!

After the house was repaired, someone lived in it.

It hides during the day and screams at night, which really frightened those people.

They got scared and moved out.

It didn't take long for someone to move in again, and it was still barking every night to scare those people.

Gradually, no one came to live in this house.

it is very happy!

But I didn't expect... Suddenly one day, someone came in again!

It was a beautiful looking sister who kept the house very clean and she liked it very much.

At night, it peeped at her from the kitchen door.

Then hide quickly when she turns her head, so that she won't see it.

Later, it also stole the pork belly she bought.

It likes to eat lean meat, so it steals the lean piece.

He ate it in the corner, gnawed off the thin part, and gave the fat part to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei is a stray dog ​​who roams around in Manle City.

Xiao Hei likes to eat fatty meat, so he ate it.

That night, it was still screaming, trying to scare away the beautiful sister and a brother.

I didn't expect them to find out!

The pretty sister picked it up and talked to it a lot.

Hmm...some of it understood, some of it didn't.

I don't know why, but it kind of likes this beautiful sister and this brother.

Maybe... because they are kind?

It doesn't know.

The next morning, it smelled the aroma coming from the kitchen and couldn't help but walk over.

After the beautiful sister saw it, she came over to talk to it again, and said she wanted to give it something to eat.

Well... Now that she's said that, it's hard to accept it!

It sat there, waiting for the pretty sister to give it food.

The older brother waved at it, hesitated for a moment, but it still passed.

My brother said a lot to it, and it basically understood everything.

I understand better... he wants to name it Eggy.

It's kind of sad, although it didn't have a name when the previous owner was there.

The name Kedandan...

The beautiful sister said that this name is good, is this name really good?

Well, whatever it is, it has a name from then on.

Its name is - Eggy!

It's a little strange that the beautiful sister and brother always call themselves its father and mother, but it can accept it.

The beautiful sister gave it a bath, but it didn't know that it was called a bath when it was the first time, and it was a little confused.

I found out later that taking a bath is a kind of enjoyment~

In a few days, the beautiful sister's mother's parents-in-law and father's parents came.

Mother said, those are grandparents.

It loves grandma and grandpa because they love it.

It doesn't like the cousin named Xiaoling, because she always scolds it when no one is around, and sometimes throws it with things.

But it didn't suffer, and grabbed her several times with its paws.

One night, when he came back from going out to play, he accidentally saw the bad girl Xiao Ling pouring medicine powder into a soup cup.

It didn't know what it was, but when it went to a rich family's house to steal food, it saw someone let it go, and the person who ate it later... died!

It doesn't know who the bad woman Xiaoling is going to give this medicine to, but no matter who it is, it will not allow it!

So it quietly followed the bad girl Xiaoling to see where she was going.

Unexpectedly... this little girl, Xiao Ling, was going to poison her father to death!

It exploded in an instant, no matter what happened, it just rushed over, using both its claws and mouth.

If it hadn't been called by mother, it wouldn't have let this bad girl Xiaoling go!

But it was relieved to see that the medicined soup cup had been smashed.

It's still my mother who is smart, and she knows that something has been added when she smells it.

The bad woman was kicked out in a short time, and grandma was angry——

For some reason, Mother said she wanted to find a 'girlfriend' for it.

It doesn't know what a girlfriend is, but when it sees that delicate female cat, it understands.

It turned out that the mother wanted it to be bred with a female cat!

But it doesn't want to, it doesn't like this female cat!

This female cat is really annoying, always following her and meowing behind her.

In order not to see this female cat, she refused to go to the college with her mother.

Fortunately, mother also saw its reluctance, so she no longer took it to the academy.

It doesn't want to mate with anyone!


Mother is pregnant! ! !

It understands the meaning of pregnancy, that is, there is a baby in the stomach!

Ah~ Will it see the little baby born by mother in the future? !

It stared at mother's belly every day, watching the belly getting bigger and bigger, and then suddenly one day it was going to give birth!

Every day after that, it could hear the baby crying.

When bored, it also learns from the baby.

But every time it learns, the baby stops crying, which is very strange.

So every time the baby cries, the mother will tell it to cry!


It is finally going to leave this place, because the parents are going to leave!

If it doesn't leave with them, it will become a stray cat again if it stays here alone.

So, it will leave with them——

Riding in a carriage is so fun, but such a big thing has to be carried on its back!

But it's so boring to stay in the carriage, and it's shaking, and the mother doesn't allow it to run out.

Hey... Fortunately, after three days of walking, it finally arrived!

This horse is also real, with such long legs, it can't run as fast as it does! 【disgusted face】

Daddy and Mother's hometown is so fun, it likes it very much!

In the countryside, it finally found the female cat that Maosheng pursued...

He also showed his parents, the female cat who fell in love at first sight, and they were very satisfied! [shy face]

Not long after... it had a few cubs.

The cubs all look like their mothers, and their fur is all colored, not white.

It feels beautiful and very satisfying!

Looking at its child, it feels that its cat life is perfect——

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