Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1452 Little Demon in the City (5)

What to do? What to do?

Ling Wuwen was jumping up and down on Yan Yu's desk a little irritably, the whole rabbit looked very manic.

Now Yan Yu was stunned, did he read it right? Why do you feel that the rabbit in front of you seems to have emotions?

Ling Wuwen danced for a long time before suddenly stopping, turned around to face Yan Yu, and then the two paws in front of her kept making bows to Yan Yu to show off her cuteness.

She is so cute, why not take her in~

It seemed that she was amused by Ling Wu's positive expression, so even though Yan Yu didn't smile, the ten points of favorability she lost just now were added back and turned into zero.

Huh... fortunately fortunately...

"Really want to follow me?" Yan Yu asked again.

This time Ling Wuxi nodded more vigorously, like a chicken pecking at rice, her ears trembled accordingly.

If it were someone else, he would have been so cute by Ling Wu's rabbit-like appearance.

But from Yan Yu's point of view, at most, she just thinks it's interesting that she understands human nature.

A smile flashed across his eyes, Yan Yu leaned on the office chair, crossed his legs and said, "I won't take care of you, I only give you room and board."

Ling Wuyi nodded again and again, as long as she was allowed to follow him, it would be fine!

It doesn't matter if you don't take care of her, it doesn't matter if your favorability is zero.

Can we take our time~

After communicating with Ling Wuwen, Yan Yu got ready to work.

He waved his hand towards Ling Wu, and Ling Wu immediately jumped aside cleverly, not hindering Yan Yu.

Looking at Ling Wuwen squatting obediently on the side, Yan Yu found it very interesting, like a red plush ornament.

Instead of paying attention to Ling Wuwen, she started to work seriously.

When Kong Linglong came in a few times, she couldn't help but glance at Ling Wuyi, seeing how harmoniously she and Yan Yu got along, she also believed that this rabbit was definitely not the one she picked up.

I was a little worried. It is also a rabbit. This rabbit can follow the chairman. I don’t know how Xiaohong is doing now...

Ling Wuyi didn't want to recognize Kong Linglong, and she had nothing to recognize.

When Liangyu left Kong Linglong's house, she cured her grandma's paralysis with her magic skills, which was considered a reward.

If she hadn't consumed her own cultivation, she wouldn't have been accepted by Yi Fan right after she left.

Of course, if it wasn't for Kong Linglong, she would have no chance to live at all.

Now that's good--

Yan Yu is very serious when working, he really treats Ling Wuwen as a decoration.

Ling Wuwen was very bored, squatting on the desk and dozing off.

A little tired from work, after taking a rest, Yan Yu's eyes fell on Ling Wuwen, who was dozing off, her head moved little by little, and her ears moved accordingly.

The corners of the tightly pursed lips were loosened, and raised a shallow arc.

Ling Wu, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly sensed that Yan Yu's favorability for her had increased by five points, and suddenly woke up, staring at Yan Yu with wide eyes.

One person and one rabbit looked at each other, very quiet.

After a while, Yan Yu finally said, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Don't drag him onto his desk!

Uh, Yan Yu didn't remind her that she didn't pay attention, this reminder, she wanted to go to the bathroom...

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she wanted to go to the bathroom.

Yan Yu frowned slightly, how did the rabbit go to the bathroom?

After thinking about it, Yan Yu called Kong Linglong in.

"Chairman." Kong Linglong stood in front of the desk.

Yan Yu pointed at Ling Wuwen, and said to Kong Linglong, "Take her to the bathroom outside."

Kong Linglong turned her head to look at Ling Wuwen, and nodded: "Okay."

She walked up to Ling Wuyue, with a smile on her face, while reaching out to hold Ling Wuyue, she said softly, "Liangyu, let's go to the bathroom~"

Ling Wuwen didn't like to be held by others, it was too hot.

After being taken out of the office by Kong Linglong and then to the bathroom, Ling Wuyi jumped to the ground by herself.

She went into the bathroom and refused to let Kong Linglong in.

Kong Linglong wanted to follow in, but she was a little stunned when she saw that Ling Wuyi was closing the door with her head after going in by herself.

Oh my god... the chairman is teaching too well, right? It even closes the door!

By the time Kong Linglong reacted, Ling Wuyi had already resolved the three emergencies and came out.

Ling Wuyi, who came out, decided that she must, must hurry up and practice, so that she can transform into a human form as soon as possible!

Kong Linglong leaned over to hug Ling Wuyue, but Ling Wuyue jumped aside to avoid it.

She didn't know where the bathroom was just now, but now that she knows, she doesn't want to hug her!

He walked in front, skipping to Yan Yu's chairman's office.

"Oh my god... Where did this rabbit come from? It's so cute!" Some employees saw Lingwu squatting on the ground, and they were so cute that they wanted to hug her.

Ling Wuyi jumped lightly and avoided it.

Kong Linglong on the side said, "This belongs to the chairman."

Kong Linglong's words made the employee afraid to move.

The chairman's rabbit, they should just take a look.

Ling Wuwen ignored the onlookers, and followed her memory back to Yan Yu's office.

The door was too heavy, she couldn't push it open, so she could only stand there and wait for Kong Linglong to open it.

After Kong Linglong pushed the door open, she jumped in again, and stopped at Yan Yu's feet, then looked up at him.

Yan Yu looked down at Ling Wuwen: "Okay?"

Ling Wuxi nodded.

Yan Yu thought for a while, leaned over and pinched Ling Wumi's ear, lifted her up and put her on the desk.

Ling Wuwen squatted there obediently again, tilting her head to stare at Yan Yu.

Kong Linglong walked to the desk: "Does the chairman have any orders?"

Yan Yu paused for a moment, then took a document and handed it to Kong Linglong: "There is a problem with this, take it down and ask someone to redo it."

"In addition, the person who made this document and the person who signed this document, let them go to the finance department to collect their salary and leave."

Sign without checking, and hand it over to him.

Although Kong Linglong came to the company not long ago, she also knows Yan Yu's character.

After taking the file, he replied, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

After speaking, Kong Linglong took the documents and left.

After Kong Linglong left, the employee who was outside who wanted to hug Ling Wuyi also took a document to Yan Yu and asked him to look at it and sign it.

It can be seen that she is very afraid of Yan Yu.

But fortunately, there was no problem with her document, and Yan Yu quickly signed it.

The office is very quiet, Ling Wuwen is still bored.

Yan Yu put her on the edge of the desk, Ling Wu just dozed off, and the whole rabbit fell to the ground with a "bang".

Fortunately, there was a layer of carpet on the ground, otherwise Ling Wuyi might have smashed her head.

Yan Yu lowered his head to look at Ling Wuyi who was stunned on the ground, and didn't worry if she was injured, but just asked her: "Is there anything wrong?"

Ling Wuxi blinked, raised her head and shook her head at him.

Yan Yu didn't put Ling Wu on the desk anymore, and pushed her with the toes of the black leather shoes: "Go and play by yourself."

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