Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1453 Little Demon in the City (6)

Ling Wuxi hesitated for a moment, but obediently jumped away.

I jumped up and down in Yan Yu's office, and quickly observed the structure of the office clearly.

Obviously there is a bathroom in the office, but Yan Yu asked Kong Linglong to take her to the bathroom outside.

Hmph~ I still despise her!

Turning around and coming back, Ling Wu was squatting at Yan Yu's feet.

Yan Yu glanced at Ling Wuyue, but ignored her.

Ling Wuyi doesn't need to be strict with her, as long as she has a sense of presence.

At noon, Yan Yu was going to eat.

Looking at Ling Wuwen, he leaned over and pinched her ears and lifted her up: "What do you eat? Carrots?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head quickly, and her four legs were dragging and pulling in the air.

She doesn't eat carrots! Resolutely do not eat!

"Don't eat? Then what do you eat? Rice? Meat?" Of course, Yan Yu just asked casually, knowing that rabbits don't eat meat and rice without thinking.

Whatever the rabbit eats, just ask someone to buy it.

Ling Wuxi nodded repeatedly, she wants to eat meat!

Yan Yu was stunned: "Do you want food and meat?"

Ling Wuwen nodded again, she was anxious to speak.

As a carnivore, she really really needs to eat meat!

Yan Yu didn't speak, put Ling Wuqian on the desk, took out his mobile phone and called Bai Suyun.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yan Yu got to the point without any fuss: "What did Liangyu eat this morning?"

"Huh?! She...she...I prepared carrots for her, but she didn't eat them. She ate my fried eggs and bacon and ham. That cousin, does Liangyu have diarrhea now?"

If he really had a stomachache from eating his fried eggs and bacon and ham, he was to blame!

The most important thing is... Will my cousin be angry? !

In Yan's family, what he fears the most is not his mother who is a little crazy, but his cousin Yan Yu.

"No." After saying these two words, Yan Yu hung up the phone.

He only needs to know what Ling Wuyi ate in the morning to judge whether she really doesn't eat carrots.

Unexpectedly, this rabbit is so special.

"Let's go, let's eat." Yan Yu stood up from the chair and looked down at Ling Wuwen.

He was considering whether to ask the secretary to buy a cage, he couldn't keep his ears up all the time, could he?

It was impossible to hold her, he didn't like holding her.

Coincidentally, Ling Wuwen doesn't like being hugged either.

With a light hop, it landed on Yan Yu's shoulder.

Yan Yu paused, turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen: "Can you stand firm?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, she was very small, it was quite appropriate to stand on Yan Yu's shoulders!

Yan Yu didn't say anything, thinking that he deserved it for falling, and even imagining the appearance of Ling Wuyue rolling down without standing firmly on his shoulder.

Hmm... funny.


When not socializing, Yan Yu eats in the company's cafeteria.

After ordering, he sat at his exclusive table and waited.

The red rabbit on his shoulder attracted the peeps of many employees. The rabbit is so cute, so small and delicate.

The most important thing is - that is the pet of their cold-faced Chairman Yan Wang!

I didn't expect such a cold and heartless chairman to have a soft side.

Yan Yu ignored Ling Wuwen and treated her as if she didn't exist.

Ling Wuwen squatted obediently on Yan Yu's shoulder, moving her ears from time to time to show that she was alive.

The lunch ordered by Yan Yu arrived quickly, and because of Yan Yu's special instructions, he even brought a small plate over.

Seeing the food coming, Ling Wuwen jumped directly from Yan Yu's shoulder onto the table, and stood guard in front of the small plate.

Yan Yu paused, then scooped up a spoonful of rice with a soup spoon and put it on the plate, then put another meatball in it.

Ling Wuqian moved her ears towards Yan Yu, then bowed her head to eat and eat meatballs.

It was the first time to see rabbits eating meat and eating, Yan Yu found it very novel.

Couldn't help asking: "Are you really a rabbit?"

Ling Wuwen, who had finished eating the meatballs and rice, looked up at Yan Yu, then nodded.

Although I don't want to admit it, she is indeed a rabbit.

After finishing the rice and meatballs on the plate, Ling Wu Nie opened her mouth to Yan Yu.

Yan Yu understood, and put some rice and meatballs on her plate for her.

Ling Wuwen ate very quickly, and Yan Yu felt that if he gave her little by little, he would not be able to eat.

After thinking about it, he simply pushed the dish containing the meatballs to Ling Wu's side, and put some rice in it.

Now it's all right, Ling Wu can eat to his heart's content, and Yan Yu also starts to eat.

When Yan Yu finished eating, Ling Wu also finished eating.

Looking at Ling Wu's mouth that was made a little greasy, Yan Yu took a tissue and put it on the table.

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, stepped on the corners of the paper towel with her two front legs, then leaned over and wiped the paper towel with her mouth.

Feeling that it should be wiped clean, Ling Wuwen looked up at Yan Yu.

Yan Yu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Wuwen jumped onto Yan Yu's shoulder.

Yan Yu got up and left the cafeteria.

As soon as Yan Yu left, the canteen, which was so quiet that only the sound of bowls and chopsticks clashing, suddenly became lively.

They were all discussing, the topic of discussion was Yan Yu's little red pocket rabbit.

Employee A: "Oh my god~ I've never seen a rabbit that wants to eat and eat meat!"

Employee B: "Shouldn't rabbits eat carrots or vegetables? Why do they still eat meat?"

Employee C: "And, she's so amazing! She can even wipe her mouth!"

Employee D: "I can still understand what the chairman said, and jump on the chairman's shoulders."

Employee C: "I really want a rabbit like this~ I don't know how the chairman taught me~"

Employee A: "Yeah~ I really want it too. Our rabbit, let alone understand me, it would be nice if he doesn't poop indiscriminately!"


Yan Yu was very satisfied with Ling Wuyi's performance, at least for now she didn't make him feel very troublesome.

After lunch, Yan Yu worked for another hour before going to the office lounge for a nap.

Ling Wuwen wanted to go to bed, but Yan Yu said before taking a nap that she was not allowed to go to bed.

For the sake of goodwill, she could only obediently sleep under the bed.

But sleeping on the ground is uncomfortable!

Seeing Yan Yu sleeping on the bed, she really wanted to jump on it and sleep, but she was afraid that Yan Yu's waking up would lower her favorability.

After thinking about it, Ling Wuyi simply went out to sleep on the sofa——

Yan Yu only slept for an hour in the afternoon nap, without an alarm clock, but got up on time.

Went to the bathroom to wash his face, Yan Yu suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a little rabbit now.

Where is the rabbit?

Yan Yu went back to the lounge and looked around, but did not see Ling Wuyue.

Um? Ran?

Yan Yu didn't pay much attention to a rabbit, and left the lounge to continue working.

As soon as he went out, he saw Ling Wuyi sleeping on his stomach on the sofa.

A smile flashed across his eyes, he ignored Ling Wuwen, went directly to the desk and sat down, and then began to work seriously.

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