Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1454 Little Demon in the City (7)

Ling Wuwen, who was supposed to be in a deep sleep, opened one eye to look at Yan Yu. He sat upright, his head focused on the computer, and his two hands were typing on the keyboard from time to time.

Ling Wuxi jumped off the sofa quietly, and then jumped to Yan Yu's feet.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the red lump jumping to his feet, and Yan Yu looked down at her.

Ling Wuqian moved her ears and bared her teeth, in fact, she wanted to smile at Yan Yu.

A smile flickered across Yan Yu's eyes, he pinched Ling Wu's ears and lifted her up to put her on the desk.

Suddenly seeing the medicine package on the desk, Yan Yu remembered that Bai Suyun said that he wanted to give Ling Wuxi medicine.

He reached for the medicine bag and looked at the amount that should be used.

Originally, it was said that it was to be crushed and put in the rabbit food for the rabbits to eat. Yan Yu thought that Ling Wupi was different from other rabbits, so he directly took the pill and brought it to Ling Wupi's mouth.

Ling Wuwen wasn't being pretentious, she opened her mouth and ate the pill.

Although I don't know if this medicine is good for her injury, it's not bitter anyway, just treat it as sugar.

Chew, chew, swallow the pill.

After feeding Ling Wumi the medicine, Yan Yu stopped talking to her.

Throughout the afternoon, Yan Yu was working hard, and Ling Wuyi didn't bother him, and went to the bathroom by himself when he wanted to go to the bathroom.

Go to bed when bored, or go to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the tall buildings outside——

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Yan Yu got off work on time.

He said: "Let's go." Ling Wuyi jumped onto his shoulder spontaneously.

Yan Yu left the company with his notebook and Ling Wu's medicine.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Yan Yu got into the car, and Ling Wuyi jumped into the co-pilot's seat and sat down.

Yan Yu looked down at Ling Wupi's behavior for a while, it was really weird.

He always felt that this rabbit was not a rabbit, but a person.

Maybe she can still talk.

Thinking of this, Yan Yu couldn't help asking: "Can you speak?"

Ling Wuwen looked at Yan Yu, tilted her head, and then shook her head again.

Not now, but in the future!

Seemingly amused by his own idiot question, Yan Yu couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

Yan Yu, who was originally a serious face, laughed, and his whole person softened a lot.

Ling Wuqin bared her teeth, and smiled at Yan Yu, but it didn't look like she was smiling.

Seeing Ling Wu's cute appearance, Yan Yu finally couldn't help but want to reach out and rub her fluffy and soft body.

But when his hand was about to fall on her, he stopped again.

Well... still don't want to touch it.

In the end, Yan Yu just squeezed Ling Wu's ears, then let go, started the car and left——

Yan Yu's residence is different from the fashion of Bai Suyun's residence. The main color of Yan Yu's residence is white, either white or silver.

As soon as she entered, Yan Yu held Ling Wumi by her ears and put her on the ground, then said to her coldly: "You are not allowed to go into the room."

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she understood.

Yan Yu then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner by himself.

Ling Wuyi took a look at Yan Yu, then jumped onto the sofa and squatted down.

In fact, she really wanted to hurry up and practice, but she was afraid that Yan Yu would be frightened when she practiced, so she could only wait until she went to bed at night——

For dinner, Yan Yu made chicken chops for Ling Wu, and it tasted very good!

Originally, Yan Yu thought that he had done a little too much, that Lingwu catkins might not be able to finish them, but in the end they were all eaten up.

When it was time to go to bed, Yan Yu took a blanket and put it on the sofa, where Ling Wuxi slept.

Yan Yu turned off the light and went back to the room.

While Yan Yu was sleeping, Ling Wuwen began to practice.

Maybe it's because Ling Wuyi's force value is relatively high, or for other reasons, anyway, her cultivation progress is much faster than Liangyu's.

By the middle of the night after practicing, her injury had completely healed.

As the moonlight poured in from outside, Ling Wuyi suddenly thought that she could cultivate in the way of cultivating immortals, maybe it would be faster?

Thinking of this, Ling Wuxi couldn't wait to start trying.

However, Ling Wuwen found that the spiritual energy in this world was very scarce, and it was very slow to cultivate.

Ling Wuwen slowly explored, trying to create a cultivation method by herself.

Don't say it, it's really useful!


The next morning, Yan Yu made breakfast for Ling Wuyi as well.

Originally, Yan Yu didn't intend to take Ling Wuwen to the company, but when he was about to leave, Ling Wuwen had already jumped on his shoulder.

After thinking about it, Yan Yu didn't let Ling Wuqian go home——

In the following days, Yan Yu gradually got used to Ling Wumi being by his side.

One person and one rabbit get along with each other, becoming more and more harmonious.

Because he was worried that Ling Wuyi's diet like a human would be bad for her health, Yan Yu even took her to the veterinary hospital for a physical examination.

After the doctor told Ling Wumi that she was healthy, Yan Yu felt relieved to feed her meat every day.

Ling Wuwen went to the company with Yan Yu during the day, and practiced at night when Yan Yu was sleeping.

——In the blink of an eye, Ling Wuwen came to this world for three months.

She lives a regular life every day, hoping to cultivate a human form sooner, but worried that she will scare Yan Yu after she cultivates a human form.

In three months, it is not difficult to say that Yan Yu's favorability is difficult, but it is only fifty points so far.

It may be because of the relatively few brain waves, and he really doesn't like the breed of rabbits.

To have Ling Wuxi by his side, to take her to the company every day, and to make meat for her, these are already the limit.

On the third day at Yan Yu's side, Ling Wuyi saw that he had a headache.

He also sees a doctor and takes medicine. Of course, these are useless, the pain is still painful.

When Yan Yu was not in pain the next day, Ling Wuwen put the headache medicine into his coffee while he was not paying attention.

The strange headache disappeared, and Yan Yu just didn't care about it after being puzzled for a while, as long as there is nothing wrong with his body——

This morning, Yan Yu got up on time as usual, and the first thing he saw when he left the room and went to the living room was to look at Ling Wu Mi habitually.

Ling Wuxi woke up when she heard the sound of the door opening, opened her eyes to look at Yan Yu, and moved her ears cheerfully to greet him.

A smile flickered across Yan Yu's eyes. Although she didn't like rabbits, she thought her own rabbit was pretty good.

After taking a look at Ling Wuwen, Yan Yu went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Ling Wuwen likes to eat meat, and she doesn't like meat.

Yan Yu prefers to be vegetarian, so he will prepare meat for Ling Wuyi for breakfast.

Ling Wuyi jumped off the sofa, and then jumped onto the dining table to wait for Yan Yu's breakfast.

Soon, Yan Yu came out with breakfast and put it in front of Ling Wu.

"Go take a shower after breakfast." Yan Yu said to Ling Wuxi while sitting at the dining table with his own breakfast.

Ling Wuxi paused for a while before she nodded to Yan Yu.

Every weekend, Yan Yu would take her to the pet shop to take a bath. Although she didn't want others to help her bathe, there was no other way.

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